- Sitemap
- About
- About INHN
- Towards education
- Part One: Photos, Profiles, Books and Archives
- Part Two: The Rio de Janeiro Unit: Controversies.
- Part Three: Chronological list of essential publications
- Part Four: Discoveries in neuropsychopharmacology that have not been followed up and experiments that could not be replicated
- Part Five: Fundamentals of the Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard tradition
- Part Six: Interviews with Pioneers
- Part Seven: To bridge the gaps in communication
- Part Eight: Educational Series
- Part Nine: Research Activities
- Part Ten: Programmed operation
- Part Eleven: Educational Program. 1. Psychopathology
- Part Twelve: Collated Documents
- Central Office (Cordoba Unit)
- Membership
- Happy New Year
- Carlos Morra: Central Office
- Administrative Unit by Leon S. Morra
- Carlos Morra: Chronological list of essential publications
- Carlos Morra: Guide for Authors
- Thomas A. Ban: Recommended additions
- León S. Morra: Posting of your Curriculum Vitae
- León S. Morra: Specifications for preparing submissions for postings: General
- León S. Morra: How to cite postings
- León S. Morra: Copyright
- León S. Morra: Tables and figures
- León S. Morra: Where to submit for posting
- León S. Morra: List of publications update
- León S. Morra: Comments, Replies & Responses
- León S. Morra: Collated Documents
- León S. Morra: Photos
- León S. Morra: Books Authored
- León S. Morra: Specifications for Curriculum Vitae and Biographic Sketch
- León S. Morra: List of members with Curriculum Vitae and/or Biographic Sketch in Archives
- León S. Morra: Specifications for List of Publications
- León S. Morra: List of members with List of Publications in Archives
- León S. Morra: Books authored/coauthored
- León S. Morra: Books edited/coedited
- León S. Morra: Archives
- León S. Morra: Photos Update
- León S. Morra: Psychotropic Drugs
- León S. Morra: Psychotropic Drug Inventory
- León S. Morra: Professional Profile
- León S. Morra: Dictionary
- León S. Morra: Discoveries and Experiments
- León S. Morra: Controversies
- León S. Morra: Historical Perspective
- León S. Morra: Textbook
- León S. Morra: Autobiographies
- Léon S. Morra: Comments on currently published articles
- León S. Morra: Book reviews
- León S. Morra: Essential Publications
- León S. Morra: Review your books authored or edited
- León S. Morra: List of Essential Publications
- León S. Morra: Obituaries
- León S. Morra: Guide for Contributors (Guide 1)
- León S. Morra: Guide for Contributors (Guide 2)
- León S. Morra: Guide for Contributors (Guide 3)
- Thomas A. Ban Neuropsychopharmacology in Historical Perspective - Education in the Field in the Post-Neuropsychopharmacology Era
- Bulletin 1: Educational Series 2. Jacques-Joseph Moreau de Tours.
- Bulletin 2 : Educational Series 2.Prologue
- Bulletin 3 : Educational Series 2. Vignette 1 Overview of the series: An Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Bulletin 4 : Educational Series 2. Chapter 1: John Dalton’s atomic theory and drugs in psychiatry in the 19th century
- Educational Series 2. Bulletin 5. Vignette 2: Sedatives in the second part of the 19th century
- Educational Series 2. Bulletin 6, Chapter 2: From William Cullen’s “neuroses” to Johann Christian Reil’s “psychiaterie”
- Educational Series 2. Bulletin 7, Vignette 3: Classifications of insanity in the late 18th and early 19th century
- Educational Series 2. Bulletin 8, Chapter 3: Substances with an effect on consciousness
- Educational Series 2. Bulletin 9 Vignette 4 :The isolation of morphine
- Bulletin 10 : Reflexes of the brain
- Bulletin 11 : Sechenov’s re-evaluation of mental faculties and the brain
- Bulletin 12 : Bayle’s discovery and the re-evaluation of the concept of dementia
- Bulletin 13 : Louis Sokoloff Autobiography – Regional mapping and imaging of the nervous system
- Bulletin 14 : Joseph J. Schildkraut: Autobiography – The catecholamine hypothesis before and thereafter
- Bulletin 15 : Alfred Pletscher Autobiography – On the Eve of the Birth of the Neurotransmitter Era in Biological Psychiatry
- Bulletin 16 : Leo E. Hollister’s Interview of Julius Axelrod – The Uptake of Neurotransmitters and Psychoactive Drugs
- Bulletin 17 : Thomas A. Ban’s Interview of Irwin J. Kopin – Metabolic disposition of catecholamines
- Bulletin 18 : Thomas A. Ban’s Interview of Philip B. Bradley – Recording Electrical Activity from Cerebral Cortex and Subcortical Structures in Conscious Cats
- Bulletin 19 : From Conditioning and Psychiatry to Psychopharmacology*
- Bulletin 20 : Conditioning and Psychiatry
- Bulletin 21 : Psychopharmacology
- Bulletin 22 : Physiological patterns: A diagnostic test procedure based on the conditional reflex method
- Bulletin 23 : Clinical pharmacology of psychotropic drugs
- Bulletin 24 : Methodology and pitfalls in clinical testing of psychopharmacological drugs
- Bulletin 25 : Toxicity and Adverse Reaction Studies with Neuroleptics and Antidepressants
- Bulletin 26 : The effect of phenothiazines on the electrocardiogram
- Bulletin 27 : Skin pigmentation, a rare side effect of chlorpromazine
- Bulletin 28 : Ernst Feuchtersleben’s separation of psychosis from neurosis
- Bulletin 29 : Wilhelm Griesinger and Unitary Psychosis (Einheitpsychose)
- Bulletin 30 : Towards Neuropsychopharmacology in 1957
- Bulletin 31 : Fifty years CINP
- Bulletin 32 : Fifty years ACNP
- Bulletin 33 : Starting Up (Volume One): 1. The Interviews
- Bulletin 34 : Starting Up (Volume One): 2. Psychiatry
- Bulletin 35 : Starting Up (Volume One): 3. Drugs
- Bulletin 36 : Starting Up (Volume One): 4. Pharmacology
- Bulletin 37 : Starting Up (Volume One): 5. Interviewees
- Bulletin 38 : Neurophysiology (Volume Two): 1. Early Development
- Bulletin 39 : Neurophysiology (Volume Two): 2. Interviewees Contributions
- Bulletin 40 : Neuropharmacology (Volume Three): 1. Neurotransmitters
- Bulletin 41 : Neuropharmacology (Volume Three): 2. Psychotropic drugs
- Bulletin 42 : Neuropharmacology (Volume Three): 3a. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 43 : Neuropharmacology (Volume Three): 3b. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 44 : Psychopharmacology (Volume Four): 1. Clinical methodology
- Bulletin 45 : Psychopharmacology (Volume Four): 2a. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 46 : Psychopharmacology (Volume Four): 2b. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 47 : Psychopharmacology (Volume Four): 2c. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 48 : Neuropsychopharmacology (Volume Five): 1.Model Psychosis
- Bulletin 49 : Neuropsychopharmacology (Volume Five): 2. Psychotoxic metabolites
- Bulletin 50 : Neuropsychopharmacology (Volume Five): 3. Psychopharmacology of Schizophrenia; Psychopharmacology of Depression; Endocrine Measures
- Bulletin 51 : Neuropsychopharmacology (Volume Five): 4a. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 52 : Neuropsychopharmacology (Volume Five): 4b. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 53 : Neuropsychopharmacology (Volume Five): 4c. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 54 : Addiction (Volume Six): 1. Addiction Psychiatry
- Bulletin 55 : Addiction (Volume Six): 2. Substances of abuse
- Bulletin 56 : Addiction (Volume Six): 3. Conditioning and addiction
- Bulletin 57 : Addiction (Volume Six): 4a. Contributions of interviewees
- Bulletin 58 : Addiction (Volume Six): 4b. Contributions of interviewees.
- Bulletin 59 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 1. Child Psychiatry
- Bulletin 60 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 2. Geriatric Psychiatry
- Bulletin 61 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 3. Psychiatric diagnosis
- Bulletin 62 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 4. Pharmacokinetics
- Bulletin 63 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 5a. Contributions of Interviewees.
- Bulletin 64 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 5b. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 65 : Special Areas (Volume Seven): 5c. Contributions of Interviewees
- Bulletin 66 : Diverse Topics (Volume Eight): 1. Regulation, Ethics, Marketing and Education, Conflict of Interest
- Bulletin 67 : Diverse Topics (Volume Eight): 2a. Interviewees Contributions
- Bulletin 68 : Diverse Topics (Volume Eight): 2b. Interviewees Contributions
- Bulletin 69 : Update (Volume Nine): 1. Pharmacogenetics and Genetics and Neuropsychopharmacology
- Bulletin 70 : Update (Volume Nine): 2. Psychopathology and Nosology
- Bulletin 71 : Update (Volume Nine): 3a. Interviewee’s Contributions
- Bulletin 72 : Update (Volume 9) 3b. Interviewees contributions
- Bulletin 73 : Volume 10. Postscript
- Bulletin 74 : An Overview of Developments in Psychopharmacology and Neuropsychopharmacology
- Bulletin 75 : The confounding of education with marketing
- Bulletin 76 : Towards a genetic era in neuropsychopharmacology
- Bulletin 77 : The CODE System
- Bulletin 78 : Nosologic Homotyping
- Collated Bulletin 1: RDoC in Historical Perspective.
- Collated Bulletin 2 : Neuropsychopharmacology and the Forgotten Language of Psychiatry
- Collated Bulletin 3 : In Historical Perspective: Peralta, Cuesta and their associate’s findings on the highest familiality of Leonhard’s Classification in Polynosologic Study
- Collated Bulletin 4: Thomas A. Ban: The Birth of a Medical Discipline: Psychiatry
- Collated Bulletin 5: Thomas A. Ban: Conflict of Interest in Neuropsychopharmacology. Marketing vs. Education.
- Collated Bulletin 6: Edward Shorter: The QT interval and the Mellaril story
- Collated Bulletin 7 : Thomas A. Ban: The Wernicke – Kleist – Leonhard Tradition with Special Reference to Mania, Melancholia and Manic – Depressive Psychosis
- Collated Bulletin 8 : Thomas A. Ban: The Birth of Drug Industry and Drugs with An Effect On Behavior
- Collated Bulletin 9 : Thomas A. Ban: From Melancholia to Depression
- Collated Bulletin 10 : Thomas A. Ban: The Year 1845
- Collated Bulletin 11 : Joseph Knoll: The discovery of monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes
- Collated Bulletin 12 : Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories
- Collated Bulletin 13 : Paul Devenyi: Addictions are not treatable diseases and Pharmacotherapy of addiction not a success story.
- Collated Bulletin 14 : Janos Radó: The use of modern antidiuretic agents in the treatment of permanent lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- Collated Bulletin 15 : Per Bech: Clinical Psychometrics
- Collated Bulletin 16 : Martin M. Katz: Onset of clinical effects of antidepressants
- Collated Bulletin 17 : Martin M. Katz: Depression and Drugs, a monograph and Multivantaged vs Conventional Assessment, an essay
- Collated Bulletin 18 : Per Bech: Measurement-based care in mental disorders (New York: Springer; 2016) Foreword and Review
- Collated Bulletin 19 : Donald F. Klein and John Davis: Diagnosis and Drug Treatment of Mental Disorders and Thomas A. Ban: Psychopharmacology in 1969
- Collated Bulletin 20 : Thomas A. Ban: Schizophrenia in the Early 1970s
- Collated Bulletin 21 : Thomas A. Ban, Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas, Ernst Franzek and Hector Warnes: Carl Wernicke’s “elementary symptoms” and “sejunction hypothesis”
- Collated Bulletin 22 : Martin M. Katz: Clinical Trials of Antidepressants: How Changing the Model Can Uncover New, More Effective Molecules
- Collated Bulletin 23 : Joseph Knoll: From the Theory of Active Reflexes to a Neurochemical Concept of Innate and Acquired Drive
- Collated Bulletin 24 : Ildiko Miklya: The History of Selegiline (-) Deprenyl the First Selective Inhibitor of B-Type Monoamine Oxidase and the First Synthetic Catecholaminergic Enhancer Substance
- Collated Bulletin 25 : Joseph Knoll: The Discovery of the Enhancer Regulation in the Mammalian Brain and the Development of the Synthetic Enhancer Substances
- Collated Bulletin 26 : Profiles of clinicians and researchers who were instrumental for the birth and/or contributed to the development of neuropsychopharmacology: Julius Axelrod, Frank Ayd, Frank Berger, Hans Berger and Hermann Blaschko
- Collated Bulletin 27 : Profiles of clinicians and researchers who were instrumental for the birth and/or contributed to the development of neuropsychopharmacology. Charles Bradley, Philip B. Bradley, Bernard B. Brodie, John Cade and John Delay
- Collated Bulletin 28 : Profiles of clinicians and researchers who were instrumental for the birth and/or contributed to the development of neuropsychopharmacology. Edmundo Fischer, W. Horsley Gantt, Turan M. Itil, Hitoshi Itoh and Paul Kielholz
- Collated Bulletin 29 : Profiles of clinicians and researchers who were instrumental for the birth and/or contributed to the development of neuropsychopharmacology. Nathan S. Kline, Roland Kuhn, Heinz E. Lehmann, Laszlo Meduna and Dionisio Nieto Gomez
- Collated Bulletin 30 : Profiles of clinicians and researchers who were instrumental for the birth and/or contributed to the development of neuropsychopharmacology. Alfred Pletscher, Juri Saarma, Sydney Spector, Leo Sternbach, Edward Trautner and Joseph Wo
- Collated Bulletin 31 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium. 1. Discovery of its therapeutic effect in psychiatry. Johan Schioldann, William T. Hammond and Carl Lange
- Collated Bulletin 32 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective. 2. Introduction into treatment in psychiatry. Samuel Gershon: Profiles of John Cade and Edward Trautner
- Collated Bulletin 33 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective. 3. Early Years. Samuel Gershon: First-Hand Accounts
- Collated Bulletin 34 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective
- Collated Bulletin 35 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium. 4. Controversy. Barry Blackwell vs Paul Grof and Jules Angst
- Collated Bulletin 36 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective 5. Turning point. Paul Grof and Johan Schioldann
- Collated Bulletin 37 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective 6. Action. Janusz Rybakowski
- Collated Bulletin 38 : Thomas A. Ban: 7. Diagnosis
- Collated Bulletin 39 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective Dedication and Preface
- Collated Bulletin 40 : Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective.
- Collated Bulletin 41 : Peter R. Martin. Volume 1. Recollections of the History of Neuropsychopharmacology Through Interviews Conducted by Thomas A. Ban
- Collated Bulletin 42 : Peter R. Martin. Volume 2. Recollections of the History of Neuropsychopharmacology Through Interviews Conducted by Leo E. Hollister
- Collated Bulletin 43 : Peter R. Martin. Volume 2. Recollections of the History of Neuropsychopharmacology Through Interviews Conducted by William E. Bunney, Jr.
- Lehmann Collection 1 : Charles E. Cahn’s interview of Heinz E. Lehmann
- Lehmann Collection 2 : William E. Bunney’s interview of Heinz E. Lehmann
- Lehmann Collection 3 : Heinz Edgar Lehmann by Barry Blackwell
- Lehmann Collection 4 : Heinz Lehmann and Douglas Hospital by Charles C. Cahn
- Lehmann Collection 5 : Heinz Edgar Lehmann’s research profile by Antonio E. Nardi.
- Lehmann Collection 6 : Heinz E. Lehmann by Edward Shorter.
- Lehmann Collection 7 : Per Bech’s comment on Heinz E. Lehmann*
- Lehmann Collection 8 : Paul Grof’s comment on Heinz E. Lehmann. A few personal recollections
- Lehmann Collection 9 : Irwin J. Kopin’s comment on Heinz E. Lehmann.
- Lehmann Collection 10 : Mary and Philip Seeman's comment
- Lehmann Collection 11 : A Tribute to Heinz Edgar Lehmann by Hector Warnes.
- Lehmann Collection 12 : Heinz Edgar Lehmann: Publication
- Lehmann Collection 13 : Thomas A. Ban: My Personal Notes on Heinz Lehmann
- Lehmann Collection 14 : Thomas A. Ban: Heinz E. Lehmann and Psychopharmacology
- Lehmann Collection 15 : Thomas A. Ban: Towards a clinical methodology for neuropsychological research
- Lehmann Collection 16 : Heinz Edgar Lehmann
- Lehmann Collection 17 : Heinz E. Lehmann: What is wrong with getting old?
- Lehmann Collection 18 : Heinz E. Lehmann: Dreaming about Mental Health
- Lehmann Collection 19: Heinz E. Lehmann: Alcoholism, aggression and androgen function. Discussion of paper by Jack Mendelson
- Lehmann Collection 20: Heinz E. Lehmann: Perspectives in Psychosurgery
- Lehmann Collection 21 : Heinz E. Lehmann: Discussion of the paper by Prof. P. Pichot: The Treatment of Depression
- Lehmann Collection 22 : Heinz E. Lehmann: Harlem Valley Revisited
- Lehmann Collection 23 : Heinz E. Lehmann: Chlorpromazine: The Story of Phenothiazine Derivatives, Their Clinical Indications, the Incidence and Management of Untoward Effects and a Proposed Rational for Its Action
- Lehmann Collection 24 : Heinz E. Lehmann: The Anatomy of Research Funding
- Lehmann Collection 25 : Program of Academic morning in honor of Dr. Heinz Lehmann
- Lehmann Collection 26 : Heinz E. Lehmann: Types and Characteristics of Objective Measures of Psychopathology
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 1 : Preface and Recommended Reading
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 2 : Introduction
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 3 : ICD-9 and DSM-III
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 4: Classification of Mental Disorders and Psychopharmacology – Diagnostic Criteria for Research
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 5: The KDK Budapest
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 6: One- and Two-Dimensional Diagnoses
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 7: Delusional Development and Delusional Psychoses
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 8: Bayle’s Unitary Concept of Psychosis and Endogenous Psychoses
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 9: Affective Psychosis
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 10: Empirical and Pragmatic Classifications of Depression
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 11: Schizophrenic Psychoses
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 12: Cycloid Psychoses
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 13: Conclusions
- Classification of Functional Psychoses 14: References
- Delcir da Costa’s comment on collating document
- Dementia Differential Diagnosis 1991 : Contents
- Dementia Differential Diagnosis 1991 : Conceptual Development
- Dementia Differential Diagnosis 1991 : Dementing Illnesses
- Dementia Differential Diagnosis 1991 : Modified Concept
- Dementia Differential Diagnosis 1991 : References
- Methodology pitfalls of clinical testing of psychopharmaceutical
- Mental health (Psychiatry) and pharmaceuticals in a historical perspective
- Nosology in the teaching of psychiatry. Introduction
- Towards a clinical methodology for neuropsychopharmacological research
- Selective Drugs Versus Heterogeneous Diagnoses. Towards a New Methodology in Psychopharmacologic Research
- Per Bech: Members of the International Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression in the mid-1980s
- Per Bech and Wolfgang Rutz: The Story of the International Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression
- Amara McLaughlin-Harris: The Legal History of Psychoactive Drugs
- Carlos Morra: An Educational Model in Psychiatry
- Carlos Morra and Ernst Franzek: Psychopathological Symptoms
- Introduction
- Accelerated thinking
- Achromatopsia
- Active tactile hallucinations
- Adversion
- Agrammatism
- Agraphia
- Akinesia
- Akoasmas
- Ambitendency
- Amimia
- Antagonistic delusions
- Apocalyptic delusions
- Associated hallucinations
- Asyndetic thinking
- Athanassio's Sign
- Auditory Perseveration
- Automatic Obedience
- Automatisms
- Autoscopy
- Aversion
- Avoidance of visual contact
- Bilateral Antagonistic Hallucinations
- Blank look
- Blocking
- Body malodor delusions
- Circumlocutory speech
- Circumstantial speech
- Clang Association
- Coenesthetic hallucinations
- Color Agnosia
- Command Automatism
- Command Hallucinations
- Concomitant perception
- Concrete thinking
- Coprolalia
- Coprographi
- Copropraxia
- Crossed perception
- Cyanopsia
- Desultory thinking
- Delusion
- Delusion of alliance
- Delusion of annihilation
- Delusion of clonal pluralization
- Delusion of decadence
- Delusion of deserved persecution
- Delusion of dispossession
- Delusion of filiation
- Delusion of fragmentation
- Delusion of inanimate doubles
- Delusion of intermetamorphosis
- Delusion of internal zoopathy
- Delusion of jealousy
- Delusion of maternity
- Delusion of obesity
- Delusion of paralysis
- Delusion of poverty
- Delusion of pregnancy
- Delusion of pregnancy denial
- Delusion of putrefaction
- Delusion of starvation
- Delusion of subjective doubles
- Delusion of the doppelganger
- Delusion of the phantom lover
- Delusion of transformation
- Delusion of wendigo
- Delusion of vindication
- Delusional false memories
- Delusional halitosis
- Delusional hallucinations
- Delusional hermaphroditism
- Delusional occurrences
- Delusional parasitosis
- Delusional perceptions
- Delusions of conspiracy
- Delusions of being possessed
- Delusions of grandeur
- Delusions of guilt
- Delusions of inadequacy
- Delusions of innocence
- Delusions of inspiration
- Delusions of invention
- Delusions of reference
- Delusions of ruin
- Delusions of protection
- Delusions of special powers
- Delusions of worthlessness
- Dendropsia
- Derailment
- Deuteroscopy
- Disorganized thinking
- Driveling thinking
- Dystonia
- Divided perception
- Dyschromatopsia
- Dysgraphia
- Dyskinesia
- Dysmegalopsia
- Dysmetropsia
- Dysmorphic delusions
- Dysmorphopsia
- Echomimia
- Echoing approval
- Echo of questions
- Echopraxia
- Erotic delusions
- Erotomanic delusions
- Erythropsia
- Excessive social contact
- Extracampine hallucinations
- Flexibilitas Cerea
- Flight of ideas
- Formication
- Fregoli´s delusion
- Freeze face
- Fusions
- Gegenhalten
- Genital hallucinations
- Glabellar reflex
- Grimacing
- Gustatory hallucinations
- Hallucinations of presence
- Hallucination of Running Commentary
- Hallucination of Voices Conversing with One Another
- Hallucinations
- Haltungsverharren
- Handling of objects
- Heautometamorphopsia
- Heautoscopy
- Hoarding
- Hygric hallucinations
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperchromatopsia
- Hypergraphia
- Hyperkinesia
- Hypnagogic hallucinations
- Hypnopompic hallucinations
- Hypoactivity
- Hypochondriacal delusions
- Hypokinesia
- Hypomimia
- Illusion
- Immobility
- Incoherence
- Incoherent Speech
- Increase of social distance
- Inflexibility of thought
- Inhibited Thinking
- Interpenetration of themes
- Lack of cooperation
- Lack of visual contact
- Lilliputian Hallucinations
- Loss of goal
- Magical thinking
- Magnet Reaction
- Manipulation of Objects
- Mannerisms
- Messianic delusions
- Metamorphopsia
- Metonymic substitution
- Micrographia
- Micropsia
- Mitgehen
- Mixed hallucinations
- Motor Graphic hallucinations
- Motor Perseveration
- Motor Restlessness
- Motor verbal hallucinations
- Musical Hallucinations
- Mutism
- Myerson sign
- Negative Autoscopy
- Negative hallucinations
- Negativism
- Nihilistic delusion
- Object Agnosia
- Olfactory hallucinations
- Omega Sign
- Omissions
- Oppositional negativism
- Out of body experience
- Overinclusion
- Overinclusive thinking
- Palinacousia
- Palinaesthesia
- Palingenetic delusions
- Palingeusia
- Palinopsia
- Palinosmia
- Palinparousia
- Palipraxia
- Palisomesthesia
- Palmomental reflex
- Paragrammatism
- Parakinesis
- Paranoid delusions
- Paraphasia
- Passive Negativism
- Passive tactile hallucinations
- Pelopsia
- Perseveration of thoughts
- Phonemic Delusional Hallucinations
- Phonemic Hallucinations
- Plaintiff delusions
- Polyopic heautoscopy
- Porropsia
- Postural Hallucinations
- Posturing
- Poverty of speech
- Pressured thinking
- Prompt responses
- Prosopagnosia
- Prosopometamorphopsia
- Pseudoexpressive gestures
- Pseudowaxy flexibiliy
- Psychic hallucinations
- Psychological Pillow
- Psychomotor Agitation
- Reduction of social distance
- Religious delusions
- Restricted thinking
- Retarded thinking
- Rumination
- Scenic hallucinations
- Schizophasia
- Slow responses
- Snout Crampt
- Snout Reflex
- Snout Spasm
- Social Withdrawal
- Sosias´ delusion
- Split Perception
- Staring
- Stereotypies of thinking
- Stereotypy
- Stilted speech
- Substitutions
- Tactile hallucinations
- Tangential thinking
- Teleological Hallucinations
- Teleopsia
- Tendency to cry
- Tessellopsia
- Thought blocking
- Thought broadcasting
- Thought control
- Thought directing
- Thought Echo
- Thought influences
- Thought insertion
- Thought rigidity
- Thought withdrawal
- Transitory thinking
- Transported hallucinations
- Unmotivated crying
- Unmotivated laughter
- Unmotivated shouting
- Unilateral Hallucinations
- Unilateral Verbal Hallucinations
- Utilization behavior
- Veraguth's fold
- Vestibular hallucinations
- Visual Command Hallucinations
- Visual Perseveration
- Visual pursuit
- Vorbeireden
- Wandering
- Waxy Flexibility
- Wooly thinking
- Xantopsia
- Zoanthropic delusion
- Carlos Morra and Mateo Kreiker: Psychopathology
- Prologue and 1. Thomas A. Ban: Psychopharmacology
- 2. Thomas A. Ban: Development of psychopharmacology
- 3. Thomas A. Ban: The biological point of view
- 4. Thomas A. Ban: The Birth of a Medical Discipline: Psychiatry
- 5. Thomas A. Ban: Development of the structural foundation of psychiatry
- 6. Thomas A. Ban: Development of the language of psychiatry
- 7. Thomas A. Ban: Karl Jaspers’ General Psychopathology
- 8. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology
- 9. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology. Seminar 2. Basic concepts
- 10. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology. Seminar 3. Disorders of the Psychosensory Path
- 11. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology
- 12. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology. Seminar 5. Disorders of Intrapsychic Path
- 13. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology. Seminar 6. Disorders of Psychomotor Path
- 14. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology. Seminar 7. Consciousness: Disorders of Screening and Attention
- 15. Thomas A. Ban: General Psychopathology. Seminar 8. Consciousness: Disorders of Integration and Memory
- 16. Thomas A. Ban: Cognitive Organization
- 17. Thomas A. Ban: Development of the Language of Psychiatry
- 18. Thomas A. Ban: Towards structural psychopathology
- 19. Thomas A. Ban: Psychotropic Drug Development and the Language of Psychiatry
- 20. Thomas A. Ban: The AMDP System
- 21. Thomas A. Ban: Towards a clinical methodology for neuropsychological research
- 22. Thomas A. Ban: Nosology in the teaching of psychiatry
- Thomas A. Ban Neuropsychopharmacology in Historical Perspective - Education in the Field in the Post-Neuropsychopharmacology Era
- INHN Publisher
- Programs
- Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas: Information relevant to WKL tradition currently on INHN’s website
- Thomas A. Ban: The CORE for Fundamentals of the WKL Tradition
- Thomas A. Ban: Carl Wernicke’s classification of psychoses with special reference to mania and depression
- Thomas A. Ban: Karl Kleist and the deconstruction of Kraepelin's Diagnostic concept of MDP
- Thomas A. Ban: Karl Leonhard's re-evaluation of Kraepelin's diagnostic concept of manic-depressive psychosis
- Thomas A. Ban: Psychopathology, Leonhard's classification and the deconstruction of Kraepelin's diagnostic concept of manic-depressive psychosis
- Thomas A. Ban: Diagostic end points for research covered up by Kraepelin’s manic-depressive psychosis
- Hector Warnes: Reflections on Wernike's Sejunction Theory
- Courses
- Jose de Leon: Training psychiatrists to think like pharmacologists
- List of Psychopharmacology Presentations (2015-2016)
- 0. Training Psychiatrists to Think Like Pharmacologists: Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology
- 2. Introduction to statistical concepts needed for clinical pharmacology
- 3. Pharmacokinetics of antidepressants
- 4. Pharmacodynamics of antidepressants
- 5. Induction by antiepileptic drugs. An update for clinicians
- 6. Pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry
- 7. Pharmacokinetics of oral 2nd generation antipsychotics
- 8. Clozapine. Case 1.The relevance of CYP (Courses)
- 9. Clozapine. Case 2. Infection
- 10. Clozapine. Case 3. Sertraline
- 11. Clozapine. Case 4. Perphenazine
- 12. Clozapine. Case 5. High Clozapine doses
- 13. Risperidone Case 1. Drug-Drug Interactions
- 14. Risperidone Case 2, Genetics
- 15. Clozapine Case 6 Half Life
- 17. Quetiapine. Case 1. Warfarin
- 18. Quetiapine. Case 2. Therpeutic drug monitoring
- 19. Quetiapine Case 3. Akathisia
- 20. Lamotrigine Case 1: Stevens - Johnson syndrome
- 21. Lamotrigine Case 2: Drug-Drug Interactions
- 22. Valproate Case 1: Pharmacokinetics
- 23. Valproate Case 2: Safety
- Michael R. Goldberg’s Commentary
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Michael R. Goldberg’s commentary
- Michael Goldberg’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment on his comment
- Jose de Leon: Reply to Hector Warnes’ and Michael R Goldberg’s Commentaries
- Michael Goldberg’s response to Jose de Leon’s reply
- Hector Warnes’ comments on Michael Goldberg’s response to Jose de Leon’s reply to his comments
- 24. Valproate Case 3: Formulations
- 25. Death by Antipsychotics. Case 1
- 26. Acute dystonic reaction. Case 2. Drug-drug interaction.
- 27. Evidence based and personalized medicine.
- 28. Personalized medicine in psychiatry
- 29. Pharmacokinetics of lithium
- 30. Pharmacodynamics of lithium
- Thomas A. Ban: Psychiatry for neuropsychopharmacologists
- 1. Introduction
- 2. From Kraepelin’s manic-depressive psychosis to Leonhard’s phasic and cycloid psychoses
- Carlos Morra’s comment
- Ban's Reply to Carlos Morra's Comment
- Peter R. Martin’s comment
- Thomas A. Ban reply to Peter R. Martin's comment
- Carlos Morra’s comment on Thomas Ban’s reply to Peter Martin’s comment on Ban’s essay
- Peter R. Martin’s comment on Carlos Morra’s comment on Thomas Ban’s reply to Peter Martin’s comment on Ban’s essay
- Jose de Leon: Training psychiatrists to think like pharmacologists
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- Dictionary
- Active Reflex by Joseph Knoll
- Agnosia by Hector Warnes
- Amine oxidase by Joseph Knoll
- Anhedonia by Thomas A. Ban
- Anna Monika Prize by Samuel Gershon
- Anosognosia by Hector Warnes
- Apperceptive agnosia by Hector Warnes
- Associative agnosia by Hector Warnes
- Ataraxic drugs by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Atypical exogenous psychoses by Thomas A. Ban
- Catecholaminergic activity enhancer effect by Jospeh Knoll
- Chain reflex by Joseph Knoll
- CINP by Thomas A. Ban
- CODE by Thomas A. Ban
- Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum by Thomas Ban
- Component-specific clinical trial by Martin M. Katz
- Composite Diagnostic Evaluation by Thomas A. Ban
- Cycloid psychoses by Thomas A. Ban
- Dahlem Conference by Jules Angst
- Delay’s classification by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Depressors of Affect by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Depressors of Vigilance by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Electroencephalogram by Antonio E. Nardi
- Elementary symptom by Thomas A. Ban
- Endogenous enhancer regulation by Joseph Knoll
- Endogenous enhancer substance by Joseph Knoll
- Enhancer substance by Joseph Knoll
- Exogenous psychoses by Thomas A. Ban
- Feeling of loss of feeling by Thomas A. Ban
- Glass-cylinder seeking drive by Joseph Knoll
- IGSAD by Jules Angst
- International Group for the Study of Affective Disorders
- Leonhard’s phasic psychoses by Thomas A. Ban
- Möbius' endogeny theory by Thomas A. Ban
- Monoamine Oxidase by Joseph Knoll
- Monoamine Oxidase A by Joseph Knoll
- Monoamine Oxidase B by Joseph Knoll
- Morel’s degeneration theory by Thomas A. Ban
- Multivantaged Assessment Method by Martin M. Katz
- National Advisory Council for Psychopharmacology
- National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative Studies in Psychopharmacology
- Natural enhancer substance (see also endogenous enhancer Substance) by Joseph Knoll
- Neuroleptics by Thomas A. Ban
- Nihilistic delusions by Thomas A. Ban
- NIMH Colllaborative Studies in Psychopharmacology
- Nosologic homotypes by Thomas A. Ban
- Nosologic homotyping by Thomas A. Ban
- Nosological postulate by Thomas A. Ban
- Nosology by Thomas A. Ban
- Papez circuit by Thomas A. Ban
- Pharmacogenetics by Thomas A. Ban
- Pharmacopsychology by Thomas A. Ban
- Phasic psychoses by Thomas A. Ban
- PSC by Martin M. Katz
- Psychoanaleptics by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Psychodysleptics by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Psycholeptics by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Psychopharmacology by Thomas A. Ban
- Psychopharmacology Service Center by Martin M. Katz
- Psychotropic drugs by Thomas A. Ban
- QPRA by Thomas A. Ban
- Quebec Psychopharmacological Research Association by Thomas A. Ban
- Samuel Gershon Award for Young Investigators
- Samuel Gershon Medal
- Sejunction hypothesis by Marcelo Cetkovich
- Sejunction theory by Marcelo Cetkovich
- Stereotypy by Carlos Morra
- Stimulants of Affect by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Stimulants of Vigilance by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Symposia Medica Hoechst by Jules Angst
- Synapse by Thomas A. Ban
- Synthetic enhancer substance by Joseph Knoll
- Tyramine Oxidase by Joseph Knoll
- Wimmer’s psychogenic psychoses by Thomas A. Ban
- Drugs
- Photos
- Individual photos
- Carlos A. Albino, Juan Benin Casa, Eduardo A. Correa, Romulo Cúneo Versini, Juan B. Gil Milburg, Alejandro Gillardo, Juan S. Giordano, Miguel Liebetchulz, Ignacio Martinez, Luis Molina Segura, León S. Morra, Felix A.Olmedo, Di Pangrazio, Rafael Pinna and
- Sebastián Alvano, Andrea López Mato, Alan F. Schatzberg, Julio Moizeszowicz, Mariana Moncaut and Guillermo Dorado (2013).
- Jay D. Amsterdam, (2013) Received from Jay Amsterdam.
- Jay D. Amsterdam (2016)
- Jay D. Amsterdam (2008) Received from Jay Amsterdam.
- Jay Amsterdam and Irwin Lucky. (1986)
- Jay Amsterdam and Janusz Rybakowski (1996)
- Jay Amsterdam and Andrew Winokur. Photo taken in 1981
- Andreasen, Ayuso-Gutierez, Ballus, Ciprian-Ollivier, Crow, DeCosta, DeLise, Esteves, Farde, Fukuda, Gross, Hojaij, Huber, Jablensky, Larach, Lecrubier, Murray, Waddington and Weinberger (1996)
- Julius Axelrod, Roscoe Brady, Irwin J. Kopin and Frederick K.Goodwin (1970) Received from Irwin J. Kopin
- Joan Ban, Tom Ban and Ken-You Ferrero in 1983. Photo received from François Ferrero
- Joan Ban, R. Batista, Aitor Castillo, Luis Galvan, Antonio Torres-Ruiz and Luis Vergara
- Joan Ban, Barry Blackwell, Thomas A. Ban and Carlos Morra (2015) received from Thomas A. Ban
- Thomas A. Ban and Barry Blackwell (2015) received from Thomas A. Ban
- Thomas A. Ban, Joan Ban and Rudra Prakash (2015), received from Rudra Prakash
- Thomas A. Ban (left) and François Ferrero in Nashville in 1983. Photo received from François Ferrero.
- Thomas A. Ban & Joseph Knoll
- Thomas A. Ban & Peter R. Martin (2013)
- Thomas A. Ban & Alfred Pletscher (2002) received from Thomas A. Ban
- Helmut Beckmann and Carlos Hojaij (1996) Received from Carlos Hojaij.
- Ilana Belmaker, Haim Belmaker, Nelleke Van Praag, Herman Van Praag, Uriel Heresco-Levy, Bernard Lerer and Ziona Lerer, 2019. Photo received from Bernard Lerer.
- Ilana Belmaker, Haim Belmaker, Nelleke Van Praag and Herman Van Praag, 2019. Photo received from Haim Belmaker
- Jacques Bernheim, Nadia Kuprina, Giorgina B.Piccoli, Janos Rado and Stanley Shaldon (2012). Received from Janos Rado
- Dodie Bienenstock, Nate Epstein, Reid Finlayson and Duane Bishop (2017)
- Barry Blackwell (2016)
- Barry Blackwell-2 (2016)
- Birthe Bolwig, Tom Bolwig, Bernard Lerer and Per Kragh-Sorensen in 1989. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Tom Bolwig, Gordon Parker, Edward Shorter and Max Fink (2006) Received from Edward Shorter
- Sylviane Borenstein and Ben Sperer in 2019. Received from Rachel Philipson Levy
- Philip B. Bradley & Thomas A. Ban (2002) photo received from Thomas A. Ban
- Lindor Brown, Laurie Geffin, John Gillespie and Alan Kopin (1968) Received from Irwin J.Kopin
- Arvid Carlsson and Larry Stein in 1987. Received from Marsha Stein
- Barney Carroll and Michael Feinberg in Chicago in 1979. Received from Michael Feinberg
- Bernard J. Carroll in Copenhagen (2006) Received from Edward Shorter.
- Bernard J. Carroll and David Healy in Copenhagenin 2006. Photo received from Edward Shorter.
- Bernard J. Carroll (2015) Received from Edward Shorter
- Cristian Carreras, Leon Molina and Carlos Morra at the Morra Foundation in Córdoba, Argentina, in 2016.
- Aitor Castillo (2017) Received from Aitor Castillo
- Aitor Castillos (2018) Received from Aitor Castillo.
- Ricardo Castro, Leandro Tondo, Horacio Lopez and Carlos Morra (2017)
- Aitor Castillo & Pedro Ruiz (2012) photo received from Aitor Castillo
- Aitor Castillo, 2019. Photo received from Aitor Castillo.
- Marcelo Cetkovich, Helmut Beckmann, Enrique Galli, Carlos Hojaij, Gonzalo Matovelle, Nils Noya Tapia ( 1996)
- James Coyne in Philadelphia in 2018. Photo received from James Coyne.
- Leonard Cook (1992) photo received from Leonard Cook
- Rodrigo Cordoba and Carlos Morra in 2022. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Agustina Cornela and Carlos Morra, February 2025. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Ricardo Marcelo Corral and Jen Paul Lindden in 2019
- Bill Cramond, Issy Pilowsky, Johann Schioldann and Bob Goldney in 2007. Received from Johann Schioldann
- Dean Dezza & Hector Warnes photo received from Hector Warnes
- Ana Drach and Carlos R. Hojaij (2003)
- Ana Drach and Carlos R. Hojaij (2005)
- Ana Drach, Carlos Hojaij, Julia da Costa, Delcir da Costa and Hélio da Costa (1995).
- Ana Drach, Veronica Matovelle, Camille Drach Hojaij, Gonzallo Matovelle, Helmut Beckman and Marcelo Cetkovic- Bakmas in 1996. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- William (‘Dutch’) Dyson (1985)
- Robert Elde, Sten Grillner, Peter Holzter, Tomas Hokfelt, Steve Hunt, Mark Kramer, Carlo Maggi, Patrick Mantyh, Bengt Pernow, Nadia Rupniak, Steve Claes Wahlestedt, John Wahren, Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin received from Mark Kramer (1999)
- Julius Axelrod's 80th Birthday received from Irwin Kopin
- Michael Feinberg (2018)
- Edmundo Fischer
- Max Fink and Jules Angst (2006) Received from Edward Shorter
- Alan Frazer, Pete Katz and Raquel Gur (2016).
- Sigmund Freud, AA Brill, Ernest Jones, Stanley Hall, Sandor Ferenczi and Carl Jung (1909) Received from John Court.
- Maria Garcia Castellanos, Stella Maris Puente, Leon Morra, Andres Mega, Carlos Morra and Maria Ines Diaz in 2019. Received from Carlos Morra
- Nassir Ghaemi (2012) Received from Nassir Ghaemi.
- Nassir Ghaemi (2016) in Boston. Received from Nassir Ghaemi
- Ira D. Glick in 2018. Received from Ira Glick
- Gerardo Gracia Bonetto, Dragana Bugarski Kirola and Dr. Carlos Morra in 2023. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Emilia Gyemek and Szilveszter Vizi (2015). Photo received from Laszlo Gyermek
- Laszlo Gyermmek and Joseph Knoll (2015) received from Laszlo Gyermek
- Max Hamilton in Philadelphia in 1987
- Max Hamilton in Philadelphia 1987
- David Healy in 2018. Received from David Healy
- Hanfried Helmchen in Berlin, c. 2015. Received from Max Fink
- Hans Hippius, c. 1985. Received from Max Fink
- Hanns Hippius, Norman Sartorius, Costas Stefanis, Per Bech, Eugene Paykel, Carlos Ballus and Costas del Sylvas (1995).
- Camille Hojaij, Ana Drach Hojaij and Carlos Hojaij (2009).
- Carlos R. Hojaij and Gisela Gross in 1990. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Carlos R. Hojaij (1950)
- Carlos R. Hojaij (1955)
- Carlos R. Hojaij (1968)
- Carlos R. Hojaij (2003)
- Carlos R. Hojaij (2016)
- Carlos Hojaij and Helmut Beckmann (1996) Received from Carlos Hojaij.
- Carlos R. Hojaij and Ana Drach (1995)
- Carlos Hojaij and Camille Drach Hojaij (2003)
- Peter Riederer in 2014.
- Carlos Roberto Hojaij and Carlos Flavio Hojaij (1951)
- Carlos Roberto Hojaij, Fumia Tajra Hojaij, Carlos Hojaij and Carlos Flavio Hojaij (1995)
- Carlos R. Hojaij, Paul Cosyns and Mrs Cosyns (2005)
- Carlos Hojaij, Michael Trimble, Bernd Saletu and Ana Drach (2005)
- Steven Dennis Hollon, Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology, in his office on September 30th, 2015. Photo received from Steve Hollon.
- Gerd Huber and Carlos Hojaij (1990)
- IGSAD Members
- David Janowsky with his wife, children and spouses and grandchildren on his 80th birthday at Sunriver, OR, in 2019. Photo received from David Janowsky.
- David Janowsky and Bernard Lerer in 1988. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
- Marek Jarema, Bertalan Pethö and François Ferrero. Photo taken in Nashville in 1986. Photo received from François Ferrero
- Marek Jarema, Gian Luca Zurria, Thomas A. Ban, Bertalan Pethö and François Ferrero in 1986, received from François Ferrero
- Miro Jakovljevic, Umberto Cornelli, Yul Iskandar, Thomas A. Ban, Peter Gaszner and Jose Gonzalz de Rivera (1996). Received from Thomas A. Ban
- Jonathan Norman Jureidini (2010)
- Peter Kadar, Tom Ban and Steven Kovacs in 2003. Received from Jenny Kovacs
- Martin Kassell (1983) Received from Jay Amsterdam
- Martin Kassell (2018) Received from Jay Amsterdam
- Donald Klein and Bernard Carroll in Copenhagen in 1996. Received from Edward Shorter.
- Berta Knoll & Joseph Knoll (2015) received from Joseph Knoll
- Joseph Knoll (2015) (1) received from Joseph Knoll
- Joseph Knoll (2015) (2) received from Joseph Knoll
- Joseph Knoll &Thomas A.Ban (2014) received from Joseph Knoll
- Joseph Knoll & Daniel Bovet
- Joseph Knoll, Berta Knoll and Julia Knoll (2015) received from Joseph Knoll
- Irwin J. Kopin, Burroughs Mider and Louis Sokoloff (1980) received from Irwin J. Kopin
- Athanasios Koukopoulos and Gaetano De Chiara in 1998
- Mark Kramer (2014)
- Mark Kramer and Jay Amsterdam (2017)
- Mark Kramer and Jay Amsterdam (2017)
- Heinz E. Lehmann, received from John Court
- Bernard Lerer and Joel Elkes in 2014. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Bernard Lerer and Sam Gershon in 2021. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Bernard Lerer, Ziona Lerer and Shigeto Yamawaki in 1995. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Bernard Lerer (left) and Walter Brown at Brown University, Providence, RI, in June 1988. Photo received from Bernard Lerer.
- Bernard Lerer, Harold Sackeim and Sidney Malitz in 1988. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Shira Lerer, Bernard Lerer, Katalin Erzsebet Ungvari and Gabor Ungvari in Hong Kong, November 1999. Photo received from Bernard Lerer.
- Jean-Paul Macher, Thomas A. Ban, Luis Galvan and Christopher Ban (1987-1988) received from Aitor Castillo
- Jean-Paul Macher, Thomas A. Ban, Luis Galvan and Aitor Castillo (1987-88) received from Aitor Castillo
- Facundo Manes and Marcelo Cetkovich (2014) received from Marcelo Cetkovich
- Peter R Martin (2016)
- Peter R. Martin and Thomas A. Ban. (2018). Received from Peter R. Martin
- Leemon B. McHenry (2008)
- Louisa Monti, Jaime Monti and Hector Warnes
- Ricardo Morgado, Carlos Hojaij, Yves Pelicier, Mrs. Pelicier, Delcir da Costa and Regina da Costa (1989)
- Carlos Morra and Roger Montenegro in 2015. Received from Carlos Morra
- Carlos Morra, Leonardo Pacheco and Leon Morra, in 2023. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Carlos Morra in 2023. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Carlos Alberto Morra (1922-2003) in 1947. Received from Lucio Morra
- Carlos Alberto Morra (1922-2003) in 1970. Received from Lucio Morra
- Carlos Alberto Morra (1922-2003). Photo taken in Cordoba, Argentina in 1970. Received from Lucio Morra
- Carlos Morra (2016)
- Carlos Morra 2023
- Carlos Morra and Ernst Franzek (2016)
- Carlos Morra, Ernst Franzek and Horacio Lopez (2016)
- Carlos Morra, Ernst Franzek and Leon Morra (2016)
- Carlos Morra and Julio Moizeszowicz (2014). Photo received from Julio Moizeszowicz
- Carlos Morra and Leon S. Morra (2016)
- Carlos Morra and León S. Morra 2º (2016)
- Carlos Morra and Amilcar Obregon (2018), photo received from Carlos Morra
- Leon Morra Jr., Carlos Morra and Cristian Carreras in 2023. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Leon Morra Jr., Ronaldo Ucha Udabe, Nora Ucha, Carlos Morra Sr., Thomas, A. Ban and Carlos Mora Jr. in Cordoba, Argentina, in 2001
- Leon S. Morra, Sr., circa 1940. Photo received from Carlos Morra.
- Leon Morra Sr., Carlos Morra Sr. and Carlos Morra Jr. (1999). Received from Carlos Morra
- Leon S. Morra in 1942. Received from Carlos Morra
- León S. Morra and María Gabriela Arrigoni (2017)
- León S. Morra, Ernst Franzek, Carlos Morra, Horacio Lopez and Federico Silvestrini (2016)
- Lucio Morra, Leon Morra Jr., Viviana Gennari, Leandro Dionisio, Giovanni D´Avossa, Maria Garcia Castellanos, Leon Morra, Maria Ines Diaz and Carlos Morra in 2022. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Leon Morra, Noemi Medina, Janus Kremer and Carlos Morra in 2019. Received from Carlos Morra
- Daniel Mosca, Carlos Morra and Leon Morra in 2019.
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen, Mogens Schou, Ross Baldessarini and Gaetano De Chiara in 1998.
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen, Caterina Burrai, Daniela Reginaldi and Maria Del Zompo in 1998
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen, Mogens Schou, Ross Baldessarini and Gaetano De Chiara in 1998.
- Agneta Nilsson, Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen, Mogens Schou, Daniela Reginaldi and Leonardo Tondo in 1998.
- Agneta Niolsson, Mogens Schou and Ross J. Baldessarini in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy in 1998.
- Agneta Niolsson, Mogens Schou and Leonardo Tondo in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy in 1998. Photo received from Leonardo Tondo.
- Agneta Niolsson and Mogens Schou in 1998. Received from Leonardo Tondo
- Antonio Pacheco Palha, Carlos Hojaij, Gill Moore and Claudio Garcia Barriga (1993). Photo received from Carlos Hojaij
- Kinga and Andreas Perenyi in 2011. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Andras Perenyi, circa 2005. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Rachel Philipson Levy and Ben Sperer in 2017. Received from Rachel Philipson Levy
- Pierre Pichot in 1981
- János Radó in 2022. Received from János Radó
- Janos Radó in 2021. Received from Janos Radó
- Janos Rado and Thomas A. Ban (2014). Photo received from Janos Rado
- Maria and Janos Radó in 2021. Received from Janos Radó
- Matt Rudorfer, Bernard Lerer, Tom Bolwig, Max Fink, Harold Sackeim, John Mann, Charles Kellner, George Alexopoulos, Ed Coffey, Richard Weiner and Robert Greenberg (1994)
- Janusz Rybakowski (1988)
- Janusz Rybakowski (1996)
- Janusz Rybakowski (2013)
- Janusz Rybakowski and Jay Amsterdam (1996)
- Janusz Rybakowski and Filip Rybakowski (2016)
- Janusz Rybakowski and Anna Sluzewska (1996)
- Bernd Saletu and Carlos Hojaij (2005)
- Gerald J. Sarwer-Foner and Hector Warnes (1987) received from Hector Warnes
- Carl Salzman in 2003. Received from Carl Salzman
- Lorna Sandler, Barbara Pare, Michael Pare, Jane Pare, Rita Kopin and Merton Sandler (1964) recived from Irwin J. Kopin
- Mogens Schou, Bruno Muller-Oerlinghausen and Paul Grof in July 2000. Received from Martin Alda
- Ursula and Martin Schumacher in 2014. Received from Martin Schumacher
- Mary Seeman in 2003. Received from Mary Seeman
- Shridhar Sharma in 2023. Received from Shridhar Sharma.
- Edward (Ned) Shorter at home in Toronto in 2009. Photo received from Edward Shorter.
- Edward Shorter in 2006. Photo received from Edward Shorter
- Stephen M. Stahl, in 2023. Received from Stephen M. Stahl.
- Larry Stein in 1943. Received from Marsha Stein
- Larry Stein in 1949. Received from Marsha Stein
- Larry Stein, 1966. Received from Marsha Stein
- Johan Schioldann in June 2021. Received from Johan Schioldann
- Federico Silvestrini and Ernst Franzek
- Costas Stefanis (2005)
- Larry Stein, 1952. Received from Marsha Stein
- Larry Stein, 1966. Received from Marsha Stein
- Larry Stein and Barry Berger in 1987. Received from Marsha Stein
- Trisha Suppes, Janusz Rybakowski and Manuel Sanchez de Carmona (2018) received from Janusz Rybakowski
- Lil Träskman-Bendz in Philadelphia in 1989. Received from Michael Feinberg.
- Lil Traskman-Benz and Bernard Lerer, 1989. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Leonardo Tondo and Mogens Schou in 1998
- Leonardo Tondo, Francesco Maselli, Adele De Pascale, Luca Pani, Gino Serra, Athanasios Koukopoulos, Paolo Girardi, Rosanna Izzo, Gian Paolo Minnai and Daniela Reginaldi. (1998) Received from Leonardo Tondo
- Leonardo Tondo, Francesco Maselli, Adele De Pascale, Luca Pani, Gino Serra, Athanasios Koukopoulos, Paolo Girardi, Rosanna Izzo, Gian Paolo Minnai and Daniela Reginaldi (2013) Received from Leonardo Tondo
- Leonardo Tondo, Bruno Muller Oerlinghausen, Agneta Niolsson, Mogens Schou and Daniela Reginaldi in April 1998. Received from Leonardo Tondo
- Leonardo Tondo, Mogens Schou, Agneta Nilsson and Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen (1998). Received from Leonardo Tondo
- Ronaldo Ucha Udabe, Carlos Morra Sr. and Thomas A. Ban. (1999) Received from Carlos Morra Jr
- Pier Vaccotto, Leonardo Tondo and Carlos Morra in 2017. Photo received from Carlos Morra.
- Daniel Van Kammen and Bernard Lerer 1988. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
- Ervin Varga (2014) received from Ervin Varga
- Alexandre Valença
- Jerzy A.J. Vetulani, Chaim R. Belmaker, Per Bech, Paul Kielolz, Monika Rief-Rheme & Irwin J. Kopin
- Héctor Warnes in 1958. Received from Héctor Warnes
- Richard Weiner, Bernard Lerer and Edward Coffey at Duke University, Durham, NC, in June 1988. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
- Daniel Winstead. Photo received from Daniel Winstead.
- Daniel Winstead and Barry Blackwell in New Orleans, 2020. Photo received from Barry Blackwell.
- Photo collections
- CINP Collection 1st International Congress (1958)
- 2nd International Catecholamine Symposium (1965)
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Neural Properties of Biogenic Amines (1966)
- Symposium on Pharmacology, Toxicology and Abuse of Psychoromimetics Collection (1968)
- Workshop Second Neuroscience Research Program (1968)
- CIBA Foundation Symposium Monoamine Oxidse and Its Inhibition (1975)
- XI National Congress of Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health (1973)
- The Croc Foundation Conference on GABA (1975)
- Dahlem Workshop (1982)
- Hans Agren, Arvid Carlsson, Rex Cowdry, Alexandra Delini-Stula, Hinderk Emrich, Albert Herz,Wolfgang Kehr, Jerzey Maj, Donald Klein, Bill Potter, Torgny Svensson received from Bernard Carroll, Donald F. Klein and Eugene Paykel
- Tom Anders, Waldemar Greil, Dirk Hellhammer, Fritz Henn, Gary Kraemer, Dick Katz, Charlie Kaufman, Michael Linden, Mike McGuire, Bill McKinney, Gerhard Nissen, Roger Porsolt and Marty Reite, received from Bernard Carroll and Eugene Paykel
- Jules Angst, Paula Clayton, Elliot Gershon, Martin Hautzinger, Hanfried Helmchen, Scott Henderson, Heinz Katschnig, Gerald Klerman, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Gene Paykel, Martin Roth, and Myrna Weissman, received from Bernard Carroll and Eugene Paykel
- Helmut Beckmann, Montie Buchsbaum, Bernie Carroll, Stu Checkley, John Greden, Hans Heimann, Florian Holsboer, David Kupfer, Norbert Matussek, Jarl Reisberg, Bob Rubin, John Rush, Tom Wehr and Detley von Zerssen received from Bernard Carroll and Eugen
- British Association for Psychopharmacology Meeting, July 1985
- 1st International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders, in Jerusalem in 1987
- Bernard Lerer in 1987
- Thomas A. Ban and Samuel Gershon
- Francesca Brambilla and Florian Holsboer in 1987. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
- Lady (Constance) and Sir Martin Roth with Bernd Saletu in 1987
- Sam Gershon, Lisl Gershon and Elliot Gershon, 1987
- Heinz E. Lehmann and Thomas A. Ban at the 1st International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders, in Jerusalem in 1987
- Brian Leonard and Moussa Youdim
- Stuart Montgomery in 1987. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
- Hinderk Emrich in 1987. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
- Site of the International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders held in Jerusalem in 1987. Received from Bernard Lerer
- American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting
- International Congress of Psychopathology of Expression and Brazilian Congress of Psychopathology of Expression (1988)
- ACNP Collection (1992)
- Fifth International Amine Oxidase Workshop (1992)
- World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry Regional Meeting (1992)
- 1st International Symposium of Biological Psychiatry (1994)
- 2nd International Conference on New Directions in Affective
- World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (1995)
- ACNP Meeting held in San Juan, December 1996
- 5th International Congress of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists (1996)
- CINP Congress held in Washington
- Annual Meeting of Argentine Psychiatrists (1996)
- XXth CINP Congress (1996)
- Enrique Galli and Carlos Hojaij
- Lou Judd, Bernard Lerer and Ziona Lerer, 1996. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Sol Langer, Trevor Norman, Manfred Ackenheil, Bernard Lerer, Ziona Lerer, Merton Sandler and Ann Pisarevsky in 1996. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Antonio E. Nardi and Marcio Versiani received from Antonio Nardi
- Oakley Ray, Bernard Lerer and Ziona Lerer, 1996. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Janusz Rybakowski and Anna Sluzewska.
- Monique De Montigny, Ziona Lerer, Bernard Lerer, Claude De Montigny and Lou Judd in June 1996. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Symposium “100 Years of Dementia Praecox" (1996)
- Charles E Smith Memorial Lecture held in Jerusalem April 1996
- American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (1997)
- 6th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (1997)
- Regional Symposium of the World Psychiatric Association (1997)
- Word Congress on Depressive Disorders in Mendoza, Argentina 1997
- CINP Collection (1998)
- BAP Collection 25th Aniversary Meeting (1999)
- 8th International Congress of Psychiatry, organized by the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists (2000)
- CINP Collection XXIInd International Congress (2000)
- Huda Akil received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Thomas A. Ban and Julien Mendlewicz received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Thomas A. Ban and Eugene S. Paykel received from Eugene S. Paykel
- Helmut Beckmann received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Helmut Beckmann, President
- Helmut Beckmann at the opening ceremony received from Juien Mendlewicz
- Helmut Beckmann and Julien Mendlewicz received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Helmut Becmann and Julien Mendlewicz received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Blynn Bunney, Jennifer Bunney, William Bunney, Juta Beckmann and Helmut Beckmann received from Julen Mendlewicz
- William E. Bunney Jr, Bynn Bunney and Queen Fabiola received from Julien Mendlewics
- Alec Coppen & Julien Mendlewicz
- Claude de Montigny received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Claude de Montigny
- Queen Fabiola, Paul Janssen, WilliamBunney and Herman van Praag received from Julien Mendlewics
- Peter Gaszner received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Paul Janssen, Hanns Hippius and Dora Janssen
- Paul Janssen and Dora Janssen received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Paul Janssen and Queen Fabiola of Belgium from Julien Mendlewicz
- Solomon Langer & Julien Mendlewicz
- Brian Leonard received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Julien Mendlewicz received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Julien Mendlewicz, Chair, Local Organizing Committee
- Julien Mendlewicz at the Opening Ceremony
- Julien Mendlewicz at the President’s Dinner
- Julien Mendlewicz, Helmut Beckmann and Hans-Jörgen Möller
- Graciela Mendlewicz and Julien Mendlewicz received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Julien Mendlewicz and Hans-Jörgen Möller
- Posters received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Eugene Paykel
- Eugene S. Paykel received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Eugene S. Paykel received from Julien Mendlewicz 2
- Eugene S. Paykel receiving symbolic check from Julien Mendlewicz, received from Eugene S. Paykel
- Eugene S. Paykel, Margaret Paykel and Herbert Meltzer received from Eugene S. Paykel
- Herman van Praag received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Herman van Praag, Julien Mendlewicz & Lewis Judd
- Oakley Ray received from Julien Mendlewicz
- Oakley Ray and Kathy Ray
- Peter Riderere, Moussa Youdim, Merton Sandler & Eric Wolten Received from Moussa Youdim
- Torgny Svensson and Eugene S. Paykel received from Eugene S. Paykel
- 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2001)
- Carline D Cruz and Saroja Krisnaswamy in 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij.
- Ana Drach, Carlos Hojaij and Edith Holsboer-Traschler in 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Ana Drach, Camille Drach Hojaij, Carlos Hojaij and Helmut Beckman in 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Carlos Hojaij, Peter Riederer, Moussa Youdim, Ana Drach, Arvid Carlson, Waltraut Weber-Hippius and Hans Hippius in 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij.
- Graciela Mendlewicz, Claude de Montigny and Julien Mendlewicz in 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Daniel Weinberger and Carlos Hojaij in 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Bernd Saletu, Gerda Saletu, Ana Drach and Carlos Hojaij in June 2001. Received from Carlos Hojaij
- Florence Thibaut, Carlos Hojaij and Barbara Lipska. Photo received from Carlos Hojaij.
- WPA Thematic Conference in Hormones, Drugs and Neuropsychopharmacology (2000)
- U.S. Israel Conference on Academic Psychiatry, Jerusalem, 2001.
- CINP Collection Regional Meeting Budapest (2001)
- CINP Collection XXIIIrd International Congress (2002)
- C. Altamura, L. Bardenstein, F. Bayle, H., Beckmann, W.E. Bunney, H. Calil, A. Carlsson, E. Ceskova, P. Gaszner, G. Heinze, J. Homguchi, Z. Janka, C. Kim, B. Leonard, H. Meltzer, J. Monti, S. Mosolov, D. Moussaoui, H. Nicolini, T. Norman, A. Okasha, E.
- Jose Luis Ayuso-Gutierrez, Edith Holsboer-Trachsler, Carlos Hojaij and Joseph Zohar
- Eugene S. Paykel and Arvid Carlsson
- Eugene S. Paykel, Monique se Montigny and Claude de Montigny
- Eugene Paykel, Kathy Ray, Elad Lerer, Claude De Montigny, Bernard Lerer, Monique De Montigny, Sharon Meltzer, Francesc Artigas in 2002. Received from Bernard Lerer
- Executive Committee & Councillors 2002-2004
- 10th International Meeting of Psychiatrists of the Argentine Psychiatric Association (2002)
- Association for Convulsive Therapy (ACT) annual meeting held June 2003 in San Francisco
- CINP XXIVth International Congress (2004)
- Joan Ban, Thomas A. Ban, Carlos Morra and Andrea Tone
- Joan Ban, Thomas A. Ban, Hanns Hippius,Waltraud Hippius and Jaimie Smolovich
- Thomas A. Ban, Leonard Cook and Arvid Carlsson
- Thomas A. Ban, Joan Ban and Helmut Beckmann
- Thomas A. Ban, Hans Hippius, Carlos Morra and Herman van Praag
- Carlos Morra, Pedro Tellez-Carrasco, Thomas A. Ban and Joan Ban.
- Carlos Morra and Herbert Meltzer
- Andrea Tone, Helmut Beckmann and Carlos Morra, received from Carlos Morra
- 1st International Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2004)
- VIIth Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2005)
- 5th Latin American Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology (2005)
- 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2005)
- Olya Atanasova Mikova-Demireva and Carlos Hojaij
- Camille Hojaij, Nancy Andreasen and Bernd Saletu
- Lynn DeLisi, Juan Mezzich, Carlos Hojaij
- Camille Drach Hojaij, Gabrielle Gattaz and Ana Drach
- Shiguenobu Kanba and Carlos Hojaij
- Carlos R. Hojaij and Peter Riederer
- Juan Mezich and Carlos R. Hojaij
- Hans-Jorgen Moller and Carlos R. Hojaij
- Terry Owinn, Nancy Andreasen, Carlos Hojaij, Ana Drach and Camille Drach Hojaij
- Juan Mezzich, Carlos Hojaij, Michael Trimble and Bernd Saletu
- 4th Annual Meeting of the Danish University Antidepressant Group (2009). Per Bech, Lars Gram, Gene Paykel and Per Vestergaard
- VII Congress of the Latin American Federation of Biological Psychiatry (2011)
- 30th World Federation of Societies in Biological Psychiatry (2012)
- ACNP Annual Meeting (2012)
- 1st Symposium on Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology - Association of Psychiatrists of the Province of Córdoba. 2013
- World Congress for Psychiatric Genetics held in Toronto in 2015
- 30th CINP World Congress of Neuropsyhopharmacology (2016)
- XVII World Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, held jointly with the German Association of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology Congress in 2017.
- 27th International Congress of Psychiatry held at the Belgrano University in Buenos Aires in 2019
- Silvia Pujol, Nestor Marchant, Carlos Morra and Jorge Gilardi in 2019. Received from Carlos Morra.
- Héctor Garin, Silvia Pujol, Néstor Marchant, Carlos Morra and Jorge Gilardi
- Carlos Morra and Marcelo Cetkovich Bakmas
- Hector Garin, Silvia Pujol, Nestor Marchant, Carlos Morra and Jorge Gilardi
- Daniel Mosca and Carlos Morra
- 6th Symposium of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology of Córdoba. 2019
- Understanding depression, Cordoba, Morra Foundation, 2019
- 30th Argentinian Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health, October 2022.
- Carlos A. Morra in 2022. Received from Carlos Morra
- Marcelo Cetkovich Bahkmas, Carlo A. Morra and Paul Vohringer in 2022. Received from Carlos Morra
- Enzo Guzzo, Carlos A. Morra, Ernst Franzek and Marcelo Cetkovich in 2022. Received from Carlos Morra
- Carlos A. Morra, Ernst Franzek and Marcelo Cetkovich Bahkmas in 2022. Received from Carlos Morra
- Marcelo Cetkovich Bahkmas, Carlos A. Morra, Alejo Corrales, Daniel Sotelo, Federico Rebok, Gerardo Garcia Boneto, Gustavo Vazquez and Leonardo Tondo. October 2022.
- 30th International Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Buenos Aires in 2022.
- XXIV Argentine Congress of Neuropsychiatry and Cognitive Neuroscience, Buenos Aires, 2022.
- 5st congress organized by the Córdoba Addiction Assistance Network in Córdoba, Argentina. 2023
- 31st International Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. 2023
- 10th Symposium of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology of Córdoba 2023
- Translational Psychiatry and Computational Neuroscience, Argentine Psychiatry Association in April 2024.
- Carlos Morra’s presentation of the “Polydiagnostic Systems in Neuropsychopharmacology”
- Carlos Morra’s presentation of the “Polydiagnostic Systems in Neuropsychopharmacology”
- Carlos Morra’s presentation of the “Polydiagnostic Systems in Neuropsychopharmacology”
- Carlos Morra in April 2024. Received from Carlos Morra
- Carlos Morra in April 2024. Received from Carlos Morra
- 11th Symposium on Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology
- Carlos Morra in 2024
- Federico Silvestrini and Gustavo Berrone in 2024
- Mariela Roldan, Dario Gigena Parker, Mario Vignolo, Carlos Morra, Graciela Lucatelli, Federico Silvestrini, Leandro Dionisio, Gustavo Berrone, Guillermo Ochoa and Mario Ortiz in 2024.
- Pedro Gargoloff and Carlos Morra in 2024.
- Carlos Zárate Jr and Carlos Morra in 2024
- Ricardo Corral, Carlos Zárate Jr and Carlos Morra in 2024
- Top Ten in Mood Disorders, Cordoba Argentina 2014
- 37th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, Milán 2024
- 32nd International Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists in Buenos Aires, 2024
- Individual photos
- Profiles
- Martin Alda (List of Publications)
- Jay D. Amsterdam (List of Publications)
- Burton Angrist (List of Publications)
- Jules Angst (List of Publications)
- George (Girgis) Awad (List of Publications)
- Julius Axelrod by Irwin J. Kopin (mini-profile)
- Frank Ayd
- Hassan Azima by Antonio E. Nardi
- Ross Baldessarini (List of Publications)
- Thomas A. Ban (List of Publications)
- Charles M. Beasley Jr (List of Publications)
- Per Bech (List of Publications)
- Robert H. Belmaker (List of Publications)
- Frank M. Berger (List of Publications)
- Frank Berger by Thomas A. Ban
- Hans Berger
- Barry Blackwell (Publications)
- Hermann Blaschko
- Charles Bradley
- Philip Bradley
- Bernard B. Brodie
- Walter Brown (List of Publications)
- William E. Bunney (List of Publications)
- John Cade
- Bernard Carroll (List of publications)
- Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas
- Kanellos Charalampous (List of Publications)
- Louis C. Charland (List of Publications)
- Guy Chouinard (List of Publications)
- C. Robert Cloninger (List of Publications)
- Taki Athanassios Cordas (List of Publications)
- Jean Delay
- Gregory Mark de Moore (List of Publications)
- David Dunner (List of Publications)
- Jose de Leon (List of Publications)
- Joel Elkes (List of Publications)
- Otniel E. Dror (List of Publications)
- Lawrence Edelstein (List of Publications)
- Francois Ferrero (List of Publications)
- Christian Fibiger (List of Publications)
- Reid Finlayson (List of Publications)
- Edmundo Fischer
- Olaf Fjetland (List of Publications)
- Alfred M. Freedman
- Toshi Furukawa (List of Publications)
- Kjell Fuxe (List of Publications)
- Kjell Fuxe (List of Publications (2012- 2015)
- Horsley Gantt
- Elliot Gershon: (List of Publications)
- Samuel Gershon (List of Publications)
- J. Christian Gillin By Bruno Nazar
- Ira Glick (List of Publications)
- Michael R. Goldberg (List of Publications)
- Burton J. Goldstein (List of Publications)
- Laszlo Gyermek (List ofPublications)
- Jaanus Harro (List of Publications)
- David Healy (List of Publications)
- Hanfried Helmchen (List of Publications)
- Carlos Roberto Hojaij - Some Publications
- Turan M . Itil by Antonio E. Nardi
- Hitoshi Itoh by Hajime Kazamatsuri
- David S. Janowsky (List of Publications)
- Gordon Johnson (List of Publications)
- Jonathan Norman Juredini (List of Publications)
- Martin M. Katz (List of Publications)
- Donald F. Klein (List of Publications)
- Nathan S. Kline
- Paul Kielholz by Antonio E. Nardi
- Joseph Knoll (List of Publications)
- Fabiana L. Lopes (List of Publications)
- Irwin J. Kopin (List of Publications)
- John Krystal (List of Publications)
- Roland Kuhn
- Malcolm Lader (List of Publications)
- Harbans Lal (List of Publications)
- Yvon D. Lapierre (List of Publications)
- Heinz E. Lehmann (List of Publications)
- Heinz Edgar Lehmann
- Trudo Lemmens (List of Publications)
- Francisco Lopez-Munoz (List of Publications)
- Peter R. Martin (List of Publications)
- Laszlo J.Meduna by Antonio E. Nardi
- Ildiko Miklya (List of Publications)
- Julio Moizeszowicz (List of Publications)
- Leslie Morey (List of Publications)
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen (List of Publiations)
- Antonio E.Nardi (List of Publications)
- Dionisio Nieto Gómez
- Gianpaolo Perna (List of Publication)
- Eugene S. Paykel (List of Publicatins)
- Rudra Prakash (List of Publications)
- Janos Rado (List of Publications)
- Gary Remington (List of Publications)
- Peter Riederer (List of Publications)
- Zoltan Rihmer (List of Publications)
- Juri Saarma by Jaanus Harro
- Norman Sartorius (List of Publications)
- J. David Schaffer (List of Publications)
- Alan Schatzberg (List of Publications)
- Nina Schooler (List of Publications)
- Mary V. Seeman (List of Publications)
- Philip Seeman (List of Publications)
- Shridhar Sharma (List of Publications)
- Edward Shorter (List of Publications)
- Robert C. Smith (List of Publications)
- John Smythies (List of Publications)
- Sydney Spector
- Costas Stefanis (List of Publications)
- Larry Stein (List of Publications)
- Leo Sternbach
- Leonardo Tondo (List of Publicatins)
- Edward Trautner
- Andre Barciela Veras (List of Publications)
- Arcio Versiani (List of Publications)
- Myrna Weissman (List of Publications)
- Andrew Winokur (List of Publications)
- Daniel Keith Winstead (List of Publications)
- Joseph Wortis
- Interviews with pioneers
- Leonardo Tondo: Interviews with pioneers
- Leonardo Tondo: Introduction
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview of Lothar Kalinowsky
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview of Roland Kuhn
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview with Sir Martin Roth
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview with Mogens Schou On Lithium
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview with Michael Shepherd
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview with Carlo Perris
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview with Hagop Akiskal.
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview with Frederick King Goodwin.
- Leonardo Tondo: Interview wirh John Bowlby.
- Controversies
- Jay D. Amsterdam and Leemon B. McHenry: The Paroxetine 352 Bipolar Study Revisited: Deconstruction of Corporate and Academic Misconduct.
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Daniel Kanofsky’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s comment. Some Reflections on Aspirin and the Spanish Flu Epidemic
- Samuel Gershon’s comments
- Samuel Gershon’s additional comment
- Daniel Kanofsky’s comment
- Karen Starko’s comment on Daniel Kanofsky’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Karen Starko’s comment on Daniel Kanofsky’s comment
- Daniel Kanofsky’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment on Karen Starko’s comment on Daniel Kanofsky’s comment
- Edward Tobe’s comments. The Iceberg of Improbity
- Jay Amsterdam and Leemon McHenry’s reply to Edward Tobe’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on Jay Amsterdam and Leemon McHenry’s reply to Edward Tobe’s comment
- Edward Tobe’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s comment on Jay Amsterdam and Leemon McHenry’s reply to his comment
- Daniel Kanofsky’s comment on Edward Tobe’s comment
- Thomas A. Ban: Conflict of interest in neuropsychopharmacology
- Comments by Barry Blackwell
- Reply to Barry Blackwell by Thomas A. Ban
- Response to Thomas Ban's reply by Barry Blackwell
- Response to Bary Blackwell by Thomas A. Ban
- Comment on Thomas Ban’s response to Barry Blackwell by Samuel Gershon
- Reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment on Thomas A. Ban’s
- Response to Thomas Ban’s response by Barry Blackwell
- Comments - 2
- Comments - 3
- Reply by Barry Blackwell
- Reply by Thomas A. Ban
- Response to Barry Blackwell’s response by Thomas A. Ban
- Response to Thomas Ban’ and Barry Blackwell’s reply by Donald F. Klein
- Further response to Barry Blackwell’s reply by Donald F. Klein
- Response to Donald Klein’s response by Thomas A. Ban
- Thomas A. Ban’s response (2) to Donald F. Klein’s response (2) to Barry Blackwell’s and Ban’s reply to Klein’s comment
- Comments by Barry Blackwell
- Thomas A. Ban: Development of our Vocabulary
- Thomas A. Ban: Education in Biological Psychiatry – Homage to Dr. Heinz E. Lehmann
- Barry Blackwell: Adumbration; A history lesson
- Comment by Edward Shorter
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Edwrd Shorter’s comment
- Andre Barciela Vera's comment
- Barry Blackwells reply to Andre Barciela Vera’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Donald F. Klein's comment on Barry Blackwell’s reply to Andre Vera’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s response to BarryBlackwell’s reply
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Donald F. Klein's response to Donald F. Klein's comment on his reply to Andre Veras' comment
- Barry Blackwell: A Tale of Two Pioneers.
- Barry Blackwell: Corporate Corruption in the Psychopharmaceutical Industry
- Jay D. Amsterdam, Leemon B. McHenry and Jon N. Jureidini’s commentary: Industry-Corrupted Psychiatric Trials
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Donald F. Klein’s comment
- Mark Kramer’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s question
- John M. Nardo’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Donald F. Klein’s comment on collated (November 17, 2016) document
- Samuel Gershon’s comment -2
- Charles M. Beasley’s commentary
- Christian Fibiger’s comment on Charles M. Beasley's Comment
- Charles M. Beasley Jr’s reply to Christian Fibiger’s comment
- Malcolm Lader’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Charles Beasley’s commentary
- Charles M. Beasley, Jr.'s Reply to Malcolm Lader’s Comment
- Barry Blackwell’s response to Charles Beasley’s response
- Charles M. Beasley’s response 2 to Barry Blackwell’s response
- Charles M. Beasley’s response 3 to Barry Blackwell’s response 2
- Barry Blackwell: Corporate corruption follow up
- Charles J. Beasley, Jr’s response to Barry Blackwell’s reply
- Barry Blackwell’s response 2 to Charles M. Beasley’s response 2
- Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Charles Beasley’s response to Barry Blackwell’s reply to his comment
- Charles Beasley’s reply to Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Beasley’s response to Barry Blackwell’s reply to his comment
- Barry Blackwell: Corporate Corruption in the Psychopharmaceutical Industry. Revised
- Michael Godberg’s Commentary
- J. David Schaffer’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to David Shaffer’s commentary
- Jay Amsterdam, Edward Shorter, Donald Klein, Allen Frances and Bernard Carroll – Comment Exchange
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to J. David Schaffer and the comment exchange between Jay Amsterdam, Edward Shorter, Donald Klein, Allen Frances and Bernard Carroll
- Edward Tobe’s comment
- Barry Blackwell: The anxiety enigma
- Barry Blackwell: The Baby and The Bath Water
- Edward Shorter's Comment
- Leonardo Tondo’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s essay and Edward Shorter’s comment
- Jay D. Amsterdam’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Glen Spielmans’comment on Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Leemon McHenry’s further elaboration on Glen Spielman’s comment on Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Leemon B. McHenry and Jay D. Amsterdams’s reply to Glen Spielman’s comment on Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Max Fink’s comment on Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Bruno Mueller –Oerlinghausen’s comment on Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Barry Blackwell: The lithium controversy: A historical autopsy
- Comment by Paul Grof and Jules Angst
- Reply to Grof and Angst comment by Blackwell
- Ken Gillman’s comment on Barry Blackwell vs. Paul Grof and Jules Angst interaction
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Ken Gillman’s comment on the interaction between Barry Blackwell vs Paul Grof and Jules Angst
- Paul Grof’s reply to Ken Gillman’s comment on the interaction between Barry Blackwell vs Paul Grof and Jules Angst
- Comment by Samuel Gershon
- Reply to Gershon by Blackwell
- Response to Blackwell’s reply to Gershon by Paul Grof
- Gordon Johnson's comment on Barry Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon's comment
- Reply to Grof’s and Johnson’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s Reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Reply to Gordon Johnson’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon's comment by Gershon
- Gordon Johnson’s response to Samuel Gershon’s reply to Johnson’s comment on Balackwell’s reply to Gershon
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Gordon Johnson’s comment on Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon
- Thomas A. Ban’s question re Trautner from Samuel Gershon
- Samuel Gershon’s reply to Thomas A.Ban’s question re Trautner
- Thomas A. Ban’s question (re: flame photometer) to Samuel Gershon
- Samuel Gershon’s answer to Thomas A Ban’s question (re: flame photometer)
- Thomas A. Ban’s question to Samuel Gershon (re: Charles Noack)
- Samuel Gershon’s reply to Thomas A. Ban (re:Charles Noack)
- Comment (Blackwell, Grof, Angst, Gershon, Blckwell) by Martin M. Katz
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on the interaction between Samuel Gershon and Gordon Johnsson
- Comment by Malcolm Lader
- Janusz Rybakowski’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Janusz Rybakowski’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s reply to Janusz Rybakowki’s comment
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment on John Cade
- Gordon Johnson’s reply ro Barry Blackwell re Cade
- Barry Blackwell’s response to Gordon Johnson’s reply re Cade
- Comment by Hector Warnes
- Reply to Hector Warnes’ comment by Barry Blackwell
- Hector Warnes' response to Barry Blackwell's reply
- Barry Blackwell’s response to Hector Warnes' response
- Hector Warnes respons to Barry Blackwell’s response
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Hector Warnes' response
- Hector Warnes' response to Barry Blackwell's reply - 3
- Barry Blackwell’s response to Hector Warnes response 4
- Hector Warnes’ response to Barry Blackwell’s response - 4
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Hector Warnes’ response - 5
- Samuel Gershon’s question to Hector Warnes
- Hector Warnes' reply to Samuel Gershon's question
- Samuel Gershon's response to Hector Warnes' reply
- Comment by Paul Grof and Jules Angst
- Barry Blackwell review, Bessel Van Der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. New York, New York: Viking, 2014; 464 pages.
- Pierre Baumann and Francois Ferrero: An official inqury of the clinical research activities (1946-1972) of Roland Kuhn (1912-2005)
- Pierre Baumann and François Ferrero: The Report of the Official Inquiry
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment. An Overview of the History of Drug Regulation and Ethical Conduct in Clinical Research
- Barry Blackwell’s comments
- Walter Brown’s comment
- Comment exchange: Bernard Carroll, Edward Shorter, Donald F. Klein and Thomas A. Ban (Prepared by Olaf Fjetland)
- Max Fink’s comment
- Roland Kuhn: The Discovery of the Tricyclic Antidepresants and the History of Their Use in the Early Years.
- Roland Kuhn: The First Patient Treated with Imipramine
- Marietta Meier: English translation of the German Press Release on findings in the official report
- Edward Shorter’s commentary
- Max Fink and Donald Klein: E-mail exchange
- Pierre Baumann and François Ferrero: Corrected Report of the Official Commission
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on Pierre Baumann and François Ferrero’s corrected report of the official commission
- Leonardo Tondo’s comment
- John Court: A note on the history of Anorexia Nervosa
- James Coyne: Is Moncrieff’s Chemical Imbalance Paper a Decent Systematic Umbrella Review?
- Loss, Grief, and Betrayal: Psychiatric Survivors Reflect on the Impact of New Serotonin Study, James Coyne
- Paul Devenyi: Addictions are not treatable diseases
- Paul Devenyi: Pharmacotherapy of addictions
- Camille Drach Hojaij: Stein and Empathic Fulfilment.
- François Ferrero: Inquiry of the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis
- Hanfried Helmchen: Some background
- Eugenio Aguglia’s comment
- Thomas A. Ban’s Comment
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Luc Ciompi´s comment
- Tom Craig’s comment
- François Ferrero’s reply to Thomas Jamieson Craig
- Jean Garrabé’s comments
- Francois Ferrero´s reply to Jean Garrabé comment
- André Haynal’s letter to François Ferrero
- Hanfried Helmchen’s comment
- David S. Janowsky’s Comment
- Carlos Morra: The re-emergence of anti-psychiatry in Latin America
- Edward Shorter’s comment
- Ambros Uchtenhagen’s comments
- Hector Warnes’ comment with special reference to Ferrero´s summary of Alsain´s autopsy
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Max Fink: Reconceptualization of Catatonia.
- Ernst J. Franzek: From the dichotomy to a three-part grouping of endogenous psychoses
- Samuel Gershon: Brintellix - votioxetine
- Samuel Gershon: Device for naltrexone delivery
- Samuel Gershon: Ketamine, the “new” breakthrough in the treatment of depression
- Samuel Gershon: Some additional information
- David Janowsky’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s reply to David Janowsky’s and Edward Shorter’s comments
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s reply to Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen’s comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s comment
- Edward Shorter’s comments
- Ken Gillman’s comment on Samuel Gershon’s reply to David Janowsky’s and Edward Shorter’s comments
- Samuel Gershon’s reply to Ken Gillman’s comment on his reply to David
- Samuel Gershon: The emergence of “new” drugs in recent years.
- Samuel Gershon: The Tacrine paradigm.
- Samuel Gershon: The trazodone cntrovery and its potential fatal consequences
- Ken Gillman: Medical science publishing: A slow-motion train wreck
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- John Court’s comments
- Samuel Gershon’s comment 1
- Samuel Gershon’s comment 2
- Edward Shorter’s comments
- Samuel Gerson’s further comment on Ken Gillman’s essay and Edward Shorter’s comment on it
- Ken Gillman’s reply to Edward Shorter
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Hector Warnes’ additional comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Hector Warnes’ additional comment
- Ken Gillman’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment
- Hector Warnes’s response to Ken Gillman’s reply
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Ken Gillman’s essay and Hector Warnes’ comment
- Ken Gillman’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s response to Ken Gillman’s reply
- David Healy: Do Randomized Controlled Trials Add to or Subtract from Clinical Knowledge?
- Jean-François Dreyfus’ comments
- David Healy’s reply to Jean-François Dreyfus’ comment
- Jean François Dreyfus’ response to David Healy’s reply
- David Healy’s response to Jean-François Dreyfus’ response
- Nassir Ghaemi’s comment. Blame p-values and an uneducated profession, not randomization
- Ken Gillman’s Comment
- Charles M. Beasley, Jr’s comment – Part 1
- Charles M. Beasley Jr’s Comment. Part 2
- David Healy’s reply to Charles Beasley’s comments (Parts 1 & 2). The Artifice of Medicine
- Ken Gillman: A follow-up to the exchange between David Healy and Charles Beasley
- Jay D. Amsterdam’s comment on the Healy-Beasley exchange
- Carlos Morra: Alternative methodology to the RCT for evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic interventions for major depressive disorder: The CODE system
- David Healy: The shipwreck of the singular
- Hanfried Helmchen: The role of psychopharmacotherapy in the early development of social psychiatry in Germany
- Shridhar Sharma’s comment
- Hanfried Helmchen’s reply (comment) on Shridhar Sharma’s comment
- Shridhar Sharma’s response to Hanfried Helmchen’s reply
- Edward Shorter’s comments
- Hanfried Helmchen‘s reply to Edward Shorter’s comments
- Hector Warnes' comment on Hanfried Helmchen's reply to Edward Shorter's comment
- Carlos R. Hojaij: A Psychopathological Marker For Biological Psychiatry: The Point of No Return and the “Something New" *
- Carlos R. Hojaij: “DSM-5: The Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis” or Continuing the Psychiatry DiSMantlement
- Carlos R. Hojaij: Psychiatry and Medicine
- Carlos R. Hojaij: Towards a Psychiatric Biology
- David Janowsky: Cholinergic muscarinic mechanisms in depression and mania
- David Janowsky: Bibliography
- Barry Blackwell’s comments
- David Janowsky’s reply to Barry Blackwell’s comments
- Max Fink’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Max Fink’s comment
- An interaction between Max Fink and David Janowsky via Edward Shorter
- Samuel Gershon’s opening comments
- David Janowsky’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s response to David Janowsky’s reply
- Edward Shorter’s comments
- David Janowsky’s reply to Edward Shorter’s comments
- Hector Warnes’ comments
- David Janowsky’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment
- Hector Warnes’ response to David Janowsky’s reply
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Hector Warnes’ response to David Janowsky’s reply to his comment
- Hector Warnes’ reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment on his response to David Janowsky’s reply to his (Warnes) comment
- David Janowsky’s comment on Hector Warnes’ reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment on his response to Janowsky’s reply to his Comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comments on collating document until Edward Shorter’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on collating document
- Samuel Gershon’s further comment
- Hector Warnes’ further comment
- Daniel Kanofsky and Mary E. Woesner: A Fresh Air Approach to COVID-19.
- Coyne project, by Mark Kramer.
- Martin M. Katz: Component-Specific vs. Diagnosis-Specific Clinical Trial in Depression
- Martin M. Katz: Multivantaged vs. conventional assessment method
- Martin M. Katz: Onset of clinical action of antidepressants
- Comments by Donald Klein
- Reply by Martin Katz to Donald Klein’s comment
- Response to Martin Katz’s reply by Donald Klein
- Response to Donald Klein’s reponse by Martin Katz
- Comment on Donald Klein’s comment by Carlos Morra
- Response to Martin M. Katz’s response by Donald F. Klein
- Response to Donald F. Klein’s response by Martin M. Katz
- Reply to Carlos Morra’s comment by Donald F.Klein
- Carlos Morra’s response to Donald F. Klein’s reply to his comment
- Martin M. Katz’s response to Carlos Morra’s response to Donald F. Klein’s reply to Morra’s comment
- Donald F. Klein’s response to Carlos Morra’s response to Klein’s reply to Morra’s comment
- Martin M. Katz’s comment on Donald F. Klein’s response to Carlos Morra’s response to Klein’s reply to Morra’s comment
- Carlos Morra’s response to Donald F. Klein’s response to Carlos Morra’s response to Klein’s reply to Morra’s comment
- Donald F. Klein’s response (2) to Carlos Morra’s (2) response (to Klein’s response to Carlos Morra’s response) to Klein’s reply to Morra’s comment
- Response to Donald Klein’s reply to Carlos Morra’s comment by Martin M. Katz
- Reply by Martin Katz to Carlos Morra's comment
- Response to Martin M. Katz’s’s reply to Carlos Morra’s comment by Donald F. Klein
- Response to Donald F. Klein’s response to his reply to Carlos Morra’s comment by Martin M. Katz
- Donald Klein’s correction of his response to Martin M. Katz’s reply to Carlos Morra’s comment
- Carlos Morra’s response to Martin M. Katz’s reply to Carlos Morra’s comment
- Donald F. Klein’s reply to Martin M. Katz’s comment on Klein’s response to Carlos Morra’s response to Klein’s reply to Morra’s comment
- Comment by Elemer Szabadi
- Lesley Morey’s comment
- Comments by Donald Klein
- Martin M. Katz: The need and rationale for shortenng the clinical trial for antidepressants
- Donald F. Klein, Max Fink, Edward Shorter and Thomas A. Ban: Comment exchange on Flagrant Catatonic Behavior.
- Joseph Knoll: Controversies on selegiline/(-)-deprenyl’s pharmacological spectrum after more than 50 years of its development
- Magda Malewska-Kasprzak, Agnieszka Permoda-Osip, Janusz Rybakowski:Disturbances of the purinergic system in affective disorders and schizophrenia
- Janusz K. Rybakowski’s additional information A commentary on Walter Felber’s paper on Lithium prevention of depression 100 years ago -- an ingenious misconception, published in 1987
- Paul Grof’s comments
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Paul Grof
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Edward Shorter's comments
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Edward Shorter’s comment and Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to it
- Hector Warnes’ comments
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comments
- Hector Warnes’ response to Janusz Rybakowski’s reply
- Janusz Rybakowski’s response to Hector Warnes’ response.
- Hector Warnes’ further comment
- Jay Amsterdam and Paul Grof: E-mail interaction
- Trudo Lemmens. “Medical Assistance in Dying” (Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide) in Canada: A Case Raises Questions About Its Use in Patients with Disability and Mental Illness.
- Amy S. F. Lutz: The Rise and Fall of the Dexamethasone Suppression Test: Stability, Consensus, Closure.
- Jay Amsterdam’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- David Healy’s comment
- Jay Amsterdam’s comment on David Healy’s comment
- Amy Lutz’ reply to David Healy’s comment
- David Healy’s response to Amy Lutz’s reply to his comment and reply to Jay Amsterdam’s comment on his comment
- Martin M. Schumacher’s Comment
- Cortisol and the Dexamethasone Suppression Test as a Biomarker for Melancholic Depression: A Narrative Review, by Martin M. Schumacher and Jacopo Santambrogio
- Gin S. Malhi: A critical analysis of concepts in psychiatry
- Introduction
- Sam Gershon’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s further comments
- Samuel Gershon’s final comments
- Gin S. Malhi and Erica Bell: Fake Views: Schizoaffective Disorder is not “SAD,” just bad
- Aitor Castillo’s comment
- Nassir Ghaemi’s comment
- Janusz K. Rybakowski comment
- Edward Shorter’s comment
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Hector Warnes’ further comment
- Gin S. Malhi and Erica Bell’s reply to the comments of Janusz Rybakowski, Edward Shorter and Hector Warnes
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on collating document
- Gin S. Malhi and Erica Bell: Make News - Suicidal Behavior Disorder: A “Diagnosis” with Good Intentions
- Gin S. Malhi and Erica Bell: Fake Views: Cyclothymia - Dithering Disorder? (
- Gin S. Malhi and Erica Bell: Make News: Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome: A premature speculation?
- Gin S. Malhi, Erica Bell and Richard J. Porter: Serial Quelling: the typical use of atypical antipsychotics?
- Gin S. Malhi and Erica Bell: Fake Views: DMDD, Indeed!
- Antonio E. Nardi, Richard Balon, Guy Chouinard, Fiammetta Cosci, Steven Dubovsky, Giovanni A. Fava, Rafael C. Freire, David J. Greenblatt, John H. Krystal, Karl Rickels, Thomas Roth, Carl Salzman, Richard I. Shader, Edward K. Silberman, Nicoletta Sonino,
- Ernst Franzek’s comment
- Malcolm Lader’s Preliminary Commentary
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghauses’s comments
- Edward Shorter’s comments
- Hector Warnes’ comments
- Hector Warnes’ additional comments
- Ernst Franzek’s comment on Hector Warnes’ additional comments
- Hector Warnes’ reply to Ernst Franzek’s comment on his additional comment
- János Radó: Renal Toxicity of Lithium in Historical Perspective with Special Reference To Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus and its Treatment
- Janos Radó: Desmopressin may counteract polyuria in lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Review of the literature
- Shridhar Sharma: Insulin coma treatment: Facts and controversies
- Comment by Thomas A. Ban
- Shridhar Sharma’s reply to Thomas A. Ban’s comment
- Comment by Samuel Gershon
- Shridhar Sharma’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Vimal K. Razdan's Comment
- Shridhar Sharma’s reply to Vimal K. Razdan’s comment
- Vimal K. Razdan’s response to Shridhar Sharma’s reply
- Shridhar Sharma's response to Vimal Razdan's response
- Donald F. Klein’s comment on Shridhar Sharma’s reply to Vimal K. Razdan’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Vimal Razdan’s comment
- Vimal Razdan’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s response to Vimal K. Razdan’s reply
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Shridhar Sharma’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comments
- Hector Warnes’ response to Shridhar Sharma’s reply
- Edward Shorter: The Q-T interval and the Mellaril story - a cautionary tale
- Leonardo Tondo: Brief History of Suicide in Western Cultures
- Barry Blackwell’s commentary
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Edward Shorter’s comment
- Hector Warnes’ comments
- Leonardo Tondo’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comments
- Robert D. Goldney and Johan Schioldann’s comments on Leonardo Tondo’s and Hector Warnes’ comments
- Janusz K. Rybakowski comment on Robert Goldney and Johan Schioldann’s comment
- Leonardo Tondo’s reply to Robert Goldney and Johan Schioldann comments
- Hector Warnes: The gut-brain axis
- Hector Warnes: Pyridoxine in the treatment of lithium-induced tremor.
- Jay D. Amsterdam and Leemon B. McHenry: The Paroxetine 352 Bipolar Study Revisited: Deconstruction of Corporate and Academic Misconduct.
- Discoveries
- Books
- First hand accounts
- Books
- Introduction – Samuel Gershon
- Introduction - Carlos Morra
- Jules Angst, editor: Classification and Prediction of Outcome of Depression (1974)
- George Awad: The Search for a New Psychiatry - On Becoming a Psychiatrist, a Clinical Neuroscientist and Other Fragments of Memory.
- Barry Blackwell’s review of Katherine Eban’s Bottle of Lies. The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom. New York: Harper Collins; 2019.
- Herbert Benson and William Proctor: Relaxation Revolution: The Science and Genetics of Mind Body Healing. A Review by Barry Blackwell.
- Evolution of Diagnostic Criteria in Psychoses by Thomas A. Ban.
- Prolegomenon to the Clinical Prerequisite; Psychopharmacology and the Classification of Mental Disorders (Volume 1). Conceptual Development of current Psychiatric Nosology by Thomas A. Ban and Antonio Torrez Ruiz.
- Preface
- Introduction
- Prerequisites of Psychiatric Nosology
- Prerequisite of Psychiatric Diagnosis
- Psychopathology and Psychiatric Diagnosis
- Exploration of Psychopathology
- Theoretical Issues
- Methodology of Psychiatric Classification
- Nosology: Review of Historical Development -- First Epoch
- Nosology: Review of Historical Development -- Second Epoch.
- Nosology: Review of Historical Development -- Third Epoch
- Conceptual Development
- Nosology in Development, A Re-evaluation of Diagnostic Concepts
- Ban’s Conditioning and Psychiatry (1964)
- Ban's Psychopharmacology (1969)
- Leon S. Morra’s Extracts
- 1 - Epigraph, Foreword and Preface
- 2 - Part One, Chapter One: General Principles
- 3 - Part One, Chapter One: General Principles. A- Structure and Activity
- 4 - Part One, Chapter One: General Principles. B- From chemical synthesis to clinical application
- 5 - Part One, Chapter One: General Principles. C- Legal and Ethical Considerations
- 6 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology
- 7 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology. A. Pharmacodynamics. 1. Rating Scales
- 8 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology. A. Pharmacodynamics. 2. Pharmacological Tests
- 9 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology. A. Pharmacodynamics. 3. Conditioning Procedures
- 10 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology. A. Pharmacodynamics. 4. Site of Action. Part A: Neurophysiological Correlates
- 11 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology. A. Pharmacodynamics. 4. Site of Action. Part B: Neurochemical Correlates
- 12 - Part One, Chapter Two: Animal Pharmacology. B. Toxicity
- Leon S. Morra’s Extracts
- Ban’s Depression and the Tricyclic Antidepressants
- Thomas A. Ban and Heinz E. Lehmann: Experimental Approaches to Psychiatric Diagnosis
- Ban's Recent Advances in the Biology of Schizophrenia
- Ban & Silvestrini’s Trazodone
- Thomas A. Ban: Nicotinic Acid in the Treatment of Scizophrenias. Canadian Mental Health Association Collaborative Study. Introduction. (1971). Reviewed by Thomas A. Ban
- Ban's Schizophrenia. A Psychopharmacological Approach
- Neuropsychopharmacology: The Interface Between Genes and Psychiatric Nosology by Thomas A. Ban
- Thomas A. Ban, Barry Blackwell, Samuel Gershon, Peter R. Martin, Gregers Wegener International Network for the History of Neuropsychopharmacology INHN 2013. Reviewed by Peter R. Martin.
- Psychopharmacology and the Classification of Functional Psychoses By Thomas A. Ban and Bertalan Petho
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Preface
- Introduction
- Classification and Clinical Psychopharmacology
- Four-Dimensional Classification
- Psychogenic Psychoses
- Delusional Psychoses
- Endogenous Psychoses
- Affective Psychoses
- Review article, Neuropsychopharmacology and the genetics of schizophrenia. A history of the diagnosis of schizophrenia by Thomas A. Ban
- Anxiety Disorders. Composite Diagnostic Evaluation by Thomas A. Ban
- Per Bech: Clinical Psychometrics
- Per Bech: Measurement-based care in mental disorders. Reviewed by Per Bech
- The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, reviewed by Barry Blackwell.
- A Triad of Treatments; A Changing Zeitgeist? By Barry Blackwell M.D.
- The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture by Gabor Mate and Daniel Mate. Review by Barry Blackwell
- Barry Blackwell’s Introduction to Patrick Radden Keefe’s Empire of Pain.
- Christopher M. Palmer’s Brain Energy review by Barry Blackwell.
- Walter A. Brown - Lithium: A Doctor, a Drug, and a Breakthrough. Reviewed by Walter A. Brown
- Daniel J. Carlat. Unhinged. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney Free Press; 2010 Barry Blackwell’s Review
- Lawrence Edelstein, John Smythies and Denis Noble, editors:Epigenetic Information – Processing Mechanism in the Brain (2014) Reviewed by John Smythies
- Allen Frances: Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump. Reviewed by Barry Blackwell.
- Edmundo Fischer, Gustavo E. Poch and Ronaldo Ucha Udabe: Psychopharmacology (1964). Reviewed by Carlos Morra
- Friedman RJ, Katz MM, editors. Psychology of Depression. Contemporary Theory and Research. Reviewed by Martin M. Katz
- Samuel Gershon and Baron Shopsin, editors: Lithium Its Role in Psychiatric Research and Treatment
- David Healy, Joanna Le Noury and Julie Wood: Children of the Cure: Missing Data, Lost Lives and Antidepressants. Toronto: Samizdat-Health; 2020. Reviewed by David Healy.
- Hanfried Helmchen’s review (Hanfried Helmchen: The Janusz Face of Psychiatry. Benefits and Risks of Psychiatric Actions. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2017)
- John R. Hubbard and Peter R. Martin, editors. SUBSTANCE Abuse in The Mentally Ill and Physically Disabled
- Jon Jureidini and Leemon B. McHenry: The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine: Exposing the Crisis of Credibility in Clinical Research. Adelaide: Wakefield Press; 2020. Reviewed by Leemon McHenry.
- Lothar Kalinowsky and Paul Hoch: Shock Treatments and Other Somatic Procedures in Psychiatry (1946) Reviewed by Carlos Morra
- Katz's Depression and Drugs
- Comments - 1
- Comments - 2
- Introductory Comment by Donald F. Klein
- Comment 1 - Sample size (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 2 - Concept of depressive disorder (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 3 - Variations in neurotransmitter systems and supervening syndrome (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 4 - Mental syndromes and neurotransmitters (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 5 - Atypical Depression (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 6 - Antidepressants are not stimulants (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 7 - Effect of antidepressants on normal subjects - (Donald F. Klein)
- Comment 8 - by Donald F. Klein
- Martin M. Katz: Clinical Trials of Antidepressants: How Changing the Model Can Uncover New, More Effective Molecules. Reviewed By Martin M. Katz
- Martin M. Katz, Jonathan O. Cole and Walter C.Barton: The Role of Methodology of Classification in Psychiatry and Psychopathology
- Martin B. Keller’s Clinical Guide to Depression and Bipolar Disorder
- Donald F. Klein and John M. Davis: Diagnosis and Drug Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Donald F. Klein: Psychiatric Case Studies: Treatment, Drugs and Outcome
- Donald F. Klein, Rachel Gittelman, Frederic Quitkin and Arthur Rifkin, editors. Diagnosis and Drug Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: Adults and Children
- Joseph Knoll: The Theory of Active Reflex
- Joseph Knoll: The Brain and Its Self. A Neurochemical Concept of the Innate and Acquired Drives
- Joseph Knoll: The Future of Mankind. Considerations on the basis of cortical mechanisms responsible for the human society’s birth and development
- Knoll’s How Selegiline Slows Brain Aging
- Heinz E. Lehmann, editor: Non-Tricyclic and Non- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (1982)
- Lehmann and Ban's: The Butyrophenones in Psychiatry
- Lehmann and Ban's: Toxicity and Adverse Reaction Studies with Neuroleptics and Antidepressants (1965)
- Lehmann and Ban’s Pharmacotherapy of Tension and Anxiety
- Peter R. Martin’s information/review on Peter R. Martin, Bennett Alan Weinberg & Bonnie K. Bealer’s Healing Addiction
- Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction,Cordoba: INHN Publisher; 2022 (320 pages). Reviewed by Peter R. Martin
- Julio Moizeszowicz: Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology. Neurochemical, Neuropsychiatric and Psychological. (1982). Reviewed by Julio Moizeszowicz
- Julio Moizeszowicz: Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology. Neurochemical, Neuropsychiatric and Psychological. 2nd edition (1988). Reviewed by Carlos Morra
- Julio Moizeszowicz: Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology. Neurochemical, Neuropsychiatric and Psychological. 3rd edition (1994). Reviewed by Carlos Morra
- Julio Moizeszowicz: Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology. Neurochemical, Neuropsychiatric and Psychological. 4th edition (1998). Reviewed by Carlos Morra
- Comment by Hector Warnes on the four editions
- Julio Moizeszowicz and Mirta Moizeszowicz: Psychopharmacology and Freudian Territory Reviewed by Hector Warnes
- Pethö & Ban: DCR Budapest-Nashville
- Rosenberg, Holttum and Gershon’s Pharmacotherapy of Childand Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
- Rosenberg, Davanzo and Gershon’s Pharmacotherapy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders 2nd Edition
- Rosenberg and Gershon, editors: Pharmacotherapy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders. 3rd Edition
- Janusz Rybakowski: Lithium – The Amazing Drug in Psychiatry. Poznan: Termedia; 2020. (Books).
- Robert H. Belmaker’s comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Robert Haim Belmaker’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s comments
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Barry Blackwell’s comments
- Barry Blackwell’s response to Janusz Rybakowski’s reply
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Barry Blackwell’s
- Janusz K. Rybakowski’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment on Rybakowski’s reply to Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Hector Warnes’ comment on exchange after Barry Blackwell’s response to Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to his comment on his monograph
- Samuel Gershon’s comments
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comments
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment
- Janusz Rybakowski: Lithium therapy- a personal tale of the recent decade
- Janusz Rybakowski: The Faces of Manic-Depressive Illness
- Donald F.Klein’s comments
- Janusz K. Rybakowski’s reply to Donald Klein’s comments
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Donald Klein’s comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment on Donald Klein’s comment
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment on Donald Klein’s comment
- Johan Schioldann: History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry: Birth of Modern Psychopharmacology 1949 - Reviewed by Barry Blackwell
- Walter Brown’s Comment
- Barney Carroll’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s general comment on Johan Schioldann’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s specific comments on Johan Schioldann’s comment
- Gordon Johnson’s comments
- Johan Schioldann’s comment
- Edward Shorter’s comment on Schioldann
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Johan Schioldann’s clarification of his comment in relationship to Samuel Gershon’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Edward Shorter’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s reply to Edward Shorter’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s further comment on Samuel Gershon’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Johan Schioldann’s question to Samuel Gershon on his comment on Edward Shorter’s comment and Gershon’s answer
- Johan Schioldann’s comment on William T. Hammond
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Johan Schioldann’s comment on William Hammond
- Gordon Johnson’s comment on Johan Schioldann’s comment on William Hammond
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment
- Charles Shagass,editor. The Role of Drugs in Community Psychiatry (1971) Reviewed by Carlos Morra
- Edward Shorter, The Rise and Fall of the Age of Psychopharmacology
- Edward Shorter: What Psychiatry Left Out of the DSM-5: Historical Mental Disorders Today. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015 (188 pages). Reviewed by Edward Shorter.
- Edward Shorter and Max Fink: The Madness of Fear: A History of Catatonia.(2018) Reviewed by Edward Shorter and Max Fink.
- John Smythies, Lawrence Edelstein and Vilayenur Ramachadran Reviewed by John Smythies
- Robert Whitaker: Anatomyof an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America. Reviewed by Robert H. Belmaker
- Report on brain pathology in its relevance to neurology and psychiatry by Professor Karl Kleist, translated and annotated by Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas and Thomas Dorfmeister
- Textbook
- Biographies
- Introduction by Barry Blackwell
- In Gratitude to Tom Ban by Barry Blackwell
- Tom Ban’s Eulogy by Jose de Leon
- Tom Ban’s Eulogy by Carlos Morra
- Eulogy for Thomas Arthur Ban by Peter R. Martin
- Thomas Arthur Ban, 1929-2022, by Edward Shorter
- Tom Ban… the lighthouse fades away… by Carlos Hojaij
- Trudo Lemmens’ Eulogy of Tom Ban
- In Memory of Bernard J. Carroll (1940 – 2018)
- In Celebration of Conan Kornetsky
- Keith Conners (1933-2017) In his own words By Barry Blackwell
- In Memoriam: Thomas Detre (1924-2010) By Thomas A. Ban
- BARBARA FISH (1920-2016)
- In Memoriam: Peter Gaszner (1939-2017) by Thomas A. Ban
- Memories of Peter Gaszner by Elemer Szabadi
- Laszlo Gyermek (1926-2017) By Joseph Knoll
- Barry Blackwell on Sir David Goldberg
- Recollections of Hanns Hippius (1925-2021) by Hans-Jürgen Möller
- Remembering Karl Jaspers (1883-1969)
- Background to the Celebration of Herbert D. Kleber
- In Memoriam: Irwin J. Kopin
- In Memoriam: Juan José López-Ibor
- In Memory of Andras Perenyi
- ALFRED PLETSCHER (1917-2006)
- In Memory of Andras Perenyi by Carlos R. Hojaij
- In Memoriam Merton Sandler by Thomas A. Ban
- In Memoriam Baron Shopsin by Thomas A. Ban
- Fridolin Sulser
- Sydney Spector
- In Memory of Costas Stefanis
- In Celebration of Larry Stein (1931 – 2019) by Thomas A. Ban
- In Memoriam Ervin Varga (1925-2018) by Joseph Knoll
- In Memory of Ervin Varga (1925 - 2018) by Samuel Gershon
- In Memoriam Professor Marcio Versiani 1947 –2017 by Antonio E. Nardi, João Romildo Bueno and José Carlos Appolinario
- In Memoriam Jerzy Vetulani by Robert H. Belmaker, Irena Nalepa and Franciszek Vetulani
- In Memoriam: E. Leong Way by Thomas A. Ban
- PAUL WENDER (1934-2016)
- In Praise of Tom Ban by Barry Blackwell.
- In Memoriam of Hagop Souren Akiskal (1944 -2021) by Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas
- Hassan Azima by Hector Warnes
- Frank M. Berger: A Man of Understanding - reviewed by Barry Blackwell
- In Celebration of Per Bech (1942 – 2018 ) by Thomas A. Ban
- Barry Blackwell: Bits and Pieces of a Psychiatrist's Life
- ASYLUM: A Mid-Century Madhouse and It’s Lessons about Our Mentally Ill Today by Enoch Callaway and reviewed by Barry Blackwell
- Memorial Minute: Louis C. Charland by Trudo Lemmens.
- Kanellos Charalampous confronting the Zeitgeist by Barry Blackwell and Kanellos Charalampous
- In Memory of Alec Coppen by Thomas A. Ban
- Delcir da Costa: Informal autobiographic sketch.
- Dwight L. Evans (11/18/2022)
- Jean-François Dreyfus: My early years in psychiatry 1968-1973.
- My mentors. (Reid Finlayson: A Life on Lithium and Lessons Learned).
- Eulogy for Donald Gallant (1929 -2020) By Barry Blackwell & Dan Winstead.
- In Celebration of George Gardos (1938 – 2019) by Thomas A. Ban.
- In Celebration of Leslie Lars Iversen (1937– 2020) by Thomas A. Ban.
- Gregory de Moore and Ann Westmore: Finding Sanity: John Cade, Lithium and the Taming of Bipolar Disorder - Reviewed by Barry Blackwell
- Gregory de Moore: Curriculum Vitae
- Joel Elkes (November 12, 1913 – October 30, 2015) : In Memoriam. Lest we forget. A personal recollection by Barry Blackwell
- Max Fink: Donald F. Klein: Clinician Researcher in Experimental Psychiatry at Hillside Hospital 1959 – 1976.
- Reid Finlayson : A Life on Lithium and Lessons Learned
- In Celebration of Donald M. Gallant (1929–2020) by Thomas A. Ban.
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 1. Lithium
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 2. Succinic acid
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 3. Bemegride
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 4. Morphine
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 6. Indole alkaloids. Yohimbine, harmine and ibogaine
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 7. The etiology of bipolar disorder: A biochemical puzzle
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 8. Neuropathology
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories. 9. Model psychoses. Amphetamine
- A distinguished but controversial career - Jose Delgado by Barry Blackwell
- Carlos Roberto Hojaij: Curriculum Vitae (Summary).
- In Memoriam: Martin Kassell (1918-2020) by Barry Blackwell.
- Turan M. Itil by Martin M. Katz
- In Celebration of Ruth Kajander (1924 -2019) by Sam Sussman.
- Martin Kassell: One of a kind of psychiatrist by Barry Blackwell
- Paul Kielholz by Raymond Battegay
- Eulogy for Donald F. Klein (1928-2019) by Barry Blackwell.
- Eulogy for Donald F. Klein by Ira D. Glick
- In Memoriam: Joseph Knoll (1925 - 2018) by Ildiko Milklya
- Eric Konofal: Biographic Sketch
- Carl Lange 1834 – 1900 A Founding Father of Neurology, Psychophysiology and Lithium Therapy A Biographical Portrait* by Johan Schioldann
- Peter R. Martin: Biographic Sketch
- Manuel Paes de Sousa by Antonio Palha (minibio)
- Andras Perenyi by George Gardos (eulogy)
- Thomas A. Ban: In Honor of Pierre Pichot
- Janos Radó: My missed talk for my 90th birthday Celebration.
- Janusz K. Rybakowski – Biographic sketch
- Janusz K. Rybakowski - Curriculum Vitae
- Karl Rickels: A Serendipitous Life: From German POW to American Psychiatrist
- In Memory of Philip Seeman (19334-2021) by Gary Remington.
- In Memory of Ben Sperer (1921 -2021) by Rachel Phillipson Levy.
- Barry Blackwell: In Memory of David C. Taylor (1933-2021).
- Johan Schioldann: Curriculum Vitae and Publications.
- Mogens Schou: My journey with lithium
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s additional comments
- Paul Grof’s comments on Barry Blackwell’s additional comments
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Paul Grof’s comment on his (Blackwell’s) additional comment
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Barry Blackwell’s additional comment
- Walter Brown’s comments
- Paul Grof’s comment
- Janusz K. Rybakowski’s comment
- Leonardo Tondo’s comment
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- In Celebration of Stephen (Istvan) Szara (1923-2021) by Thomas A. Ban.
- John and Vanna Smythies: Two Coins in A Fountain. A Love Story (2005) Reviewed by Barry Blackwel
- In Memory of Hagop Souren Akiskal (1944 – 2021) By Thomas A. Ban.
- Thudichum: Father of Neurochemistry by Barry Blackwell
- Ervin Varga: Family, Culture, Persona and Carreer by Barry Blackwell
- Ervin Varga (1925-2018): Letters from the past
- Barry Blackwell: Epilogue to Ervin Varga’s biography and autobiography
- A Eulogy for Dan Winstead (1944 – 2021) by Barry Blackwell.
- Perspectives
- Thomas A. Ban: A brief historical exchange between Larry Stein and Joseph Knoll
- Thomas A. Ban: In historical perspective. Peralta, Cuesta and their Associates findings on the highest familiality of Leonhard’s classification in polynosologic study
- Carlos Morra's Comment
- Larry Stein's Comment
- Marcelo Cetkovich's Comment
- Per Bech's Comment
- Ernst Franzek's Comment
- Thomas A. Ban’s question to Victor Peralta
- Victor Peralta’s response to Thomas A. Ban’s essay and Marcelo Cetkovich, Ernst Franzek, Carlos Morra and Larry Stein’s comments
- Thomas A. Ban’s response to Victor Peralta’s answer to his questions
- Ernst Franzek´s response to Victor Peralta´s reply to his comment
- Larry Stein’s response to Victor Peralta’s reply
- Victor Peralta’s response to Ernst Franzek’ response
- Victor Peralta's response to Larry Stein’s comment
- Victor Peralta’s answer to Thomas A. Ban’s question
- Thomas A. Ban’s response to Victor Peralta’s answer
- Thomas A. Ban: The Ewen Cameron Story.
- Thomas A. Ban: Additional Information
- Rose-Aimée Automne T. Morin and Thomas A. Ban – e-mail exchange
- 2. Rose-Aimée Automne T. Morin and Thomas A. Ban – e-mail exchange
- Thomas A. Ban and Hector Warnes - E-mail exchange. Re: Sleep Room, Anaclitic Therapy and Depatterning
- Barry Blackwelll’s comments
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Barry Blackwell, comment Science and the Machiavelli syndrome
- Barry Blackwell´s: Steven Kinzer: Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control. New York: Henry Holt & Co; 2019
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Barry Blackwell´s additional comment: Science and the Machiavelli Syndrome
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Barry Blackwell’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment on his comment “Science and the Machiavelli Syndrome”
- Hector Warnes’ response to Barry Blackwell’s reply
- Barry Blackwell’s response to Hector Warnes’ response to Blackwell’s reply to Warnes’ comment on Blackwell’s comment
- Edward Shorter’s comments - Ewen Cameron: Scientist or Monster?
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Hector Warnes’ additional comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Hector Warnes' Preliminary comments
- Thomas A. Ban: The RDoC in historical perspective
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on de Leon J, Wise TN, Balon R, Fava G: Dealing with Difficult Medical Colleagues published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
- Barry Blackwell: Risk and relevance to lithium usage
- Barry Blackwell’s comment (Harvey V. Fineberg: Conflict of Interest: Why Does It Matter? Viewpoint. JAMA 2017; 317: 8)
- W. Edwin Fann A History of The Tennessee Neuropsychiatric Institute
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment Central theme of clinical research at the TNI from the mid-1970s to the 1980s
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on Thomas A. Ban‘s comment titled “Central theme of clinical research at the TNI from the mid-1970s to the 1980s”
- Thomas A. Ban’s reply to Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Aitor Castillo’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s comment on Thomas Ban’s comment
- Samuel Gershon's comment on Barry Blackwell's comment on Thomas A. Bans comment.
- Barry Blackwell’s comment to Aitor Castillo’s and Sam Gershon’s comments on comment on Thomas A. Ban’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s response to Barry Blackwell’s reply to his comment on Blackwell’s comment on Thomas Ban’s comment, The Central Theme of the Clinical Division
- David Janowsky’s comment on Thomas A. Ban's comment
- William Petrie’s comment on Thomas A. Ban’s comment
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment. CODE System – Historical Development
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment. My years at the TNI and Vanderbilt. Leo E. Hollister’s interview of Thomas A. Ban
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment. The TNI story: How I saw it
- Aitor Castillo’s comment. My TNI experience
- David S. Janowsky’s comment My time at the Tennessee Neuropsychiatric Institute (1970 – 1973)
- W. Edwin Fann’s reply to David Janowsky’s comments
- Rudra Prakash’s comment. Reflections of and tribute from a trainee
- Fridolin Sulser (1926 –2016) on the Tennessee Neuropsychiatric Institute
- Fridolin Sulser’s comment. My years at the TNI and Vanderbilt. David Healy’s interview of Fridolin Sulser
- Edwin Fann’s comment on Fridolin Sulser (1926 – 2016) on the Tennessee Neuropsychiatric Institute
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on collating document
- Samuel Gershon’s comments on Ronald Pies’ “Do antipsychotics thin the brain?” Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2018; 38 (3): 167- 9.
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Plinio C. Casarotto et al.’s Antidepressant drugs act by directly binding to TRKB neurotrophin receptors.
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Herwig Czech, Gabor S. Ungvari, Kamila Uzarczyk, Paul Wydlow and Gabor Gazdag’s paper on ECT in the shadow of the gas chamber and Gabor Gazdag, Gabor S. Ungvari and Herwig Czech’s paper on Mass killing under the guise of ECT.
- Laszlo Gyermek: The role of the tropane skeleton in drug research
- Carlos Hojaij’s Comment on Carlos Morra’s “The Mental Status Examination and General Psychopathology, Volume 1, Sensory-perception.”
- Carlos R. Hojaij: Ethics for psychiatrists
- Gerd Huber and Gisela Gross: The Development of the Psychopathology in Germany in the Last Decades [20th century] with an Introduction by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Martin M. Katz’s comment on Jose de Leon’s article “Focusing on drug versus disease mechanisms and on clinical subtyping to advance personalized medicine”
- Carl Lange: On periodical depressions and their pathogenesis Speech delivered to the ‘Medical Society of Copenhagen', 19 January 1886
- Alex Last: BBC Witness History. The First Antipsychotic Drug. An interview of Thomas Ban.
- Carlos Morra: Argentina’s controversial National Law of Mental Health No. 26, 657.
- Carlos Morra: The use of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) in schizophrenia. Will this technology generate a leap forward in the disease´s modeling?
- Carlos Morra: Biomarkers to replace clinical endpoints for the generation of diagnostic hypotheses with the potential to guide the development of novel psychotherapeutic drugs
- Carlos Morra: The use of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) in schizophrenia. Will this technology generate a leap forward in the disease´s modeling?
- Carlos Morra: Review of the modern gene editing techniques: CRISPR-Cas applications in iPSC-derived cultures
- Review of the modern gene editing techniques: CRISPR-Cas applications in iPSC-derived cultures (Carlos Morra: Biomarkers to replace clinical endpoints for the generation of diagnostic hypotheses with the potential to guide the development of novel psychot
- János Radó’s comment on Lin, Zhang, Feng, et al., “Aliskiren increases aquaporin-2 expression and attenuates lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.”
- Janos Radó: Mechanism of Lithium Induced Polyuria in Historical Perspective
- Janusz Rybakowski: Emil Kraepelin's dichotomy of “endogenous psychoses” in historical perspective
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Samuel Gershon’s comments
- Janos Rybakowski’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Nassir Ghaemi’s comments
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Nassir Ghaemi’s comments
- Carlos Morra ́s Comment
- Nassir Ghaemi’s comment on Carlos Morra’s comment
- Carlos Morra’ reply to Nassiir Ghaemi’s comment on his comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Carlos Morra's comment
- Edward Shorter’s comment
- Nassir Ghaemi’s comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Edward Shorter’s comments
- Edward Shorter’s response to Janusz Rybakowski’s reply
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Nassir Ghaemi’s comment on Hector Warnes’s Comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment.
- Hector Warnes’ reply to Nassir Ghaemi’s comment on his (Warnes) comment and Janusz Rybakowski’s reply to his (Warnes) comment
- Hector Warnes’ response to Janusz Rybakowski’s reply
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Hans-Juergen Möller’s “Kraepelin’s dichotomy and beyond”
- Hans-Juergen Möller’s reply to Hector Warnes
- Janusz Rybakowski’s comment on Hector Warnes’ comment on Hans-Juergen Möller's "Kraepelinian dichotomy and beyond"
- Hector Warnes’ additional comment on Hans-Juergen Möller’s comment (article)
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on collating document
- Hans-Juergen Möller’s comment on collating document
- Mary Seeman’s comment on Jack R. Foucher et al.’s paper on Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard phenotypes of endogenous psychoses: A review of their validity.
- Philip Seeman and Mary V. Seeman: The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia in Historical Perspective.
- Edward Shorter’s comment on Herwig Czech, Gabor Ungvari, Kamila Uzarzzyk and Gabor Gazdag’s 2020 paper, “Electroconvulsive therapy in the shadow of the gas chamber. Medical innovations and human experimentation in Auschwitz.”
- Edward Shorter’s comment on Jack R. Foucher et al.’s paper on Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard phenotypes of endogenous psychoses: A review of their validity
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Foucher JR, Gawlik M, Roth JN, de Billy CdeC, Jeanjean LC, Obrecht A, Mainberger O, Clauss JME, Elowe J, Weibel S, Schorr B, Cetkovich M, Morra C, Rebok F, Ban TA, Bollmann B, Roser MM, Hanke MS, Jabs BE, Franzek EJ, Berna F, Pfuhlmann B. reply to Edward
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Foucher et al’s reply
- Barry Blackwell’s additional comment
- Carlos R. Hojaij’s comment on Jack R. Foucher et al.’s paper on Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard phenotypes of endogenous psychoses: A review of their validity.
- Pfuhlman B, Gawlik M, Roth JN, de Billy CdeC, Jeanjean LC, Obrecht A, Mainberger O, Clauss JME, Elowe J, Weibel S, Schorr B, Cetkovich M, Morra C, Rebok F, Ban TA, Bollmann B, Roser MM, Hanke MS, Jabs BE, Franzek EJ, Berna F and Foucher J’s reply
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Hector Warnes’ additional comment on Edward Shorter’s comment
- Jack K. Foucher et al.’s reply to Hector Warnes’ question. Differentiated psychopathology: a splitter methodological metatheory
- Hector Warnes’ response to Jack R. Foucher’s reply
- Jack R. Foucher et al.’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment. WKL symptom-complexes vs positive and negative symptoms
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Despoina Asanaglou et al.’s 2021 paper, “Dopamine regulates pancreatic glucagon and insulin secretion via adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors.”
- Hector Warnes’ comment on Silberman, Balon, Starcevic et al “Benzodiazepines: it ́s time to return to the evidence.”
- Archives
- Ban Collection
- 1957: The year of neuropsychopharmacology
- ACNP's Archives
- An Introduction to Psychiatric Nosology (1997-2000)
- Books Authored/Coauthored
- Books: Authored and Edited
- Books: Edited/Co-edited
- Capsules History of Psyhopharmacology
- Chlorpromazine after 50 Years
- CINP and its past
- CINP: Founders and elected members from 1958 to 1962
- CODE System: Historical development
- Cognitive Organization
- Curriculum Vitae
- Development of the diagnostic concept of manic-depressive psychosis in Emil Kraepelin's classification
- ECDEU Manual on Documentation and Assessment Procedures for Clinical Trials in Neuropsychopharmacology. Second Edition (1983)
- Diagnosis and treatment of melancholia with special reference to deprenyl and BPAP
- Education in psychiatry: The Biological point of view
- Fifty years in progress
- From Tryptophan in Insomnia to Polymorphism of Tryptophan Hydroxylase in Bipolar Disorder
- Glossary: Formal disorders of thoughts
- Heinz Lehmann and psychopharmacology
- History of the CINP
- Letter to Jean Thruiller
- List of significant events in the history of the CINP from 1957 to 2004
- Lithium from 1957 to 1962
- IN MEMORY of three pioneers
- MADNESS from Psychiatry to Neuronology via Neuropsychopharmacology
- Manic-depressive psychosis for the Kraepelinians in the early 1960s
- Melancholia: A History of Diagnosis and Treatment
- Mental Health (Psychiatry) and Pharmaceuticals (In a Historical Perspective) February 1, 2018 (Power Point)
- My personal notes on Heinz
- Neuropsychopharmacology and Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry
- Neuropsychopharmacology and the history of the CINP
- Neuropsychopharmacology in Latin America
- Nootropics in the classification of psychotropics: Therapeutic implications (1987)
- Pharmacotherapy of depression: a historical analysis by Thomas A. Ban
- Paranoia
- Pharmageddon
- Presidents of CINP
- Program for Academic morning in honor of Dr. Heinz Lehmann
- PROLOGUE: 50 years chlorpromazine, a celebration XXIVth CINP Congress
- Proposal to publish The Neurotransmitter Era in Neuropsychopharmacology
- Psychopathology - unedited notes from the 1990s
- Psychopharmacology and the Classification of Functional Psychoses
- PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY and the first 50 years in the history of the CINP
- Seminar on clinical methodology
- Thomas A. Ban, David Healy and Edward Shorter: The History Committee of the CINP: Past, Present and Future
- TOWARDS a clinical methodology for neuropsychopharmacology research
- Vignette on the history of lithium in psychiatry.
- Amsterdam Collection
- Jay Amsterdam
- Thomas A. Ban
- Email exchange between Jay D. Amsterdam and Thomas A. Ban
- Lawyer’s letter
- Attachments A, B, C and D
- Attachments E and F
- Attachment G
- Attachments H and I
- Attachment J
- Attachment K
- Attachment L
- Attachment M
- Attachment N
- Attachment O
- Attachment P
- Attachment Q
- Attachment R
- Attachment S
- Attachment T
- Attachment U
- Attachment V
- Attachment W
- Attachment X
- Jay D. Amsterdam: The paroxetine 352 bipolar study Ethical conduct. Collated
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on collating document
- Jay Amsterdam’s reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Mark Kramer’s comment on Samuel Gershon’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on Mark Kramer’s comment
- Jay D. Amsterdam: The paroxetine 352 bipolar study Ethical conduct. Collated with exchanges included
- Kenneth Jaffe’s comment
- Kenneth Gillman’s comment
- Daniel Kanofsky’s comment
- Leemon McHenry’s comment
- Edward Tobe’s comment
- Janusz Rybakowski’s comment
- Jay Amsterdam’s comment on Barry Blackwell's comment on Mark Kramer's comment on Sam Gershon's comment
- Email from Jay Amsterdam to Tom Ban, November 7, 2021 Second Office of Research Integrity Complaint
- Exhibit 1 from Second Office of Research Integrity Complaint
- Letter from J. Larry Jameson, Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Health Care, to Jay Ámsterdam
- Letter from Lazlo Gyulai, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, to Jay Amsterdam
- “Whose Article Is It?” The Lancet 1999;354:136
- Case Study Publications for Peer Review (CASPER), “Once-daily Paxil, Paroxetine HCl”
- “Paxil Study Under Fire” Nature 2011;475:153
- “Penn Psychiatrist Accuses Five Colleagues of Plagiarism” Science Insider 2011
- “Psychiatrist files ghostwriting complaint against Harvard doctor and four others” Boston Globe July 12, 2011
- “Medical Ghostwriting: A University–Sanctioned Sleight of Hand?” Springer May 31, 2012
- “Critics respond to dismissal of ghostwriting accusations.” The Daily Pennsylvanian March 11, 2012
- “The George Costanza Excuse for Medical Ghostwriting.” madinamerica.com June 20, 2012
- “UPenn Looks The Other Way At Ghostwriting.” Pharmalot.com June 20, 2012
- “Chair of Obama's Bioethics Commission Ignores Ghostwriting on Her Own Campus.” pogoblog.typepad.com June 20, 2012
- “Ghosts In The Pharma Attic: Jon & Jeff Explain.” Pharmalot.com June 12, 2012
- Preface INHN 352 Source Document Project Timeline 2010 to 2020
- The paroxetine 352 bipolar study Ethical conduct. Collated file Part 1
- The paroxetine 352 bipolar study Ethical conduct. Collated file Part 2
- Letter from Michael L. Baum to Elisabeth Handley, December 20, 2019
- Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Comparison of Imipramine and Paroxetine in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression
- The paroxetine 352 bipolar trial: A study in medical ghostwriting
- The Paroxetine 352 Bipolar Study Revisited: Deconstruction of Corporate and Academic Misconduct
- Letter from Michael L. Baum to Elisabeth Handley, March 30, 2020
- Bernard Carroll
- Jonathan Cole
- Jonathan Cole´s letter to Jay Amsterdam on Insun Coma Trearment
- Letter from Jonathan Cole to Jay Amsterdam in 2004 and e-mail exchange related to it between Max Fink and Jay Amsterdam in 2018
- E-mail exchange between Jay Amsterdam and Janusz Rybakowski
- Jay Amsterdam, Tom Ban, Max Fink and Sam Gershon - email exchange.
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Jay Amsterdam, Tom Ban, Max Fink and Sam Gershon’s E-mail exchange
- Samuel Gershon’s final comment
- William Dyson
- Samuel Gershon
- Mark Kramer
- Janusz Rybakowski
- Andrew Winokur
- Earlier Postings
- Angrist Collection
- Baldessarini Collection
- Beasley Collection
- Belmaker Collection
- Berger Collection
- Berna Collection
- Berrios Collection
- Blackwell Collection
- Bunney Collection
- Cahn Collection
- Carroll Collection
- Castillo Collection
- Cetkovich-Bakmas Collection
- Charland Collection
- CINP’s Hanns Hippius Psychopharmacology Archives
- Hanns Hippius: The founding of the CINP and the discovery of clozapine. David Healy’s interview.
- In Celebration of Hanns Hippius. A tribute by William E. Bunney.
- Thomas A. Ban: They used to call it psychiatry. David Healy’s Interview
- Hanfried Helmchen: The Leopoldina - letter in Honor of Hanns Hippius on his 80th Birthday, April 18, 2005
- Jules Angst: The myth of psychopharmacology. David Healy’s Interview
- Silvio Garattini: The role of independent science in psychopharmacology. David Healy’s Interview
- Arvid Carlsson: The rise of neuropsychopharmacology: Impact on basic and clinical neuroscience. David Healy’s Interview
- Jonathan Cole: The Evaluation of Psychotropic Drugs. David Healy’s Interview
- Len Cook: Pharmacology, Behavior & Chlorpromazine. David Healy’s Interview
- Alec Coppen: Biological Psychiatry in Britain. David Healy’s Interview
- Joel Elkes. Towards footings in a new science: psychopharmacology receptors and in the pharmacology within. David Healy’s Interview
- Leo Hollister: From Hypertension to Psychopharmacology - A Serendipitous Career. David Healy’s Interview
- Paul Janssen: From Haloperidol to Risperidone. David Healy’s Interview
- Heinz Lehmann: Psychopharmacotherapy. David Healy’s Interview
- Brian Leonard: The Role of Behavioural Pharmacology in Psychopharmacology. David Healy’s Interview
- Herbert Meltzer: A Career in Biological Psychiatry. David Healy’s Interview
- Roger Pinder: Approaching Rationality? David Healy’s Interview
- Pierre Simon: Twenty-First Century Drug Development. David Healy’s Interview
- Karl Jaspers - A Self-portrait
- Fridolin Sulser: From the Presynaptic Neurone to the Receptor to the Nucleus. David Healy’s Interview
- Jean Thuillier: Ten Years that Changed Psychiatry. David Healy’s Interview
- Oldrich Vinar: A Psychopharmacology that Nearly Was. David Healy’s Interview
- Cloninger Collection
- Cook collection
- Court Collection
- John P.M. Court. Mental Health at Earlier Toronto Margins – An Historical Perspective (Power Point Presentation)
- John Court: Some background
- Heinz E. Lehmann Videotapes
- John Court’s vignette of Sigmund Freud, AA Brill, Ernest Jones, Stanley Hall, Sándor Ferenczi and Carl Jung’s photo (1909):
- Visual Archives as Historical Tools for Web Presentation
- John PM Court, List of publications
- Coyne Collection
- De Leon Collection
- Jose de Leon Curriculum Vitae
- Jose de Leon’s Narrative Report
- Practical Guidelines for the Use of Medications with Anticholinergic Activity and Benztropine in Adult Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- Updated Practice Guidelines for the Use of Clozapine in Adult Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- De Moore Collection
- Dunner Collection
- Dreyfus Collection
- Durant Collection
- Dworkin Collection
- Elkes Collection
- Fann Collection
- Feinberg Collection
- Ferrero Collection
- Fibiger Collection
- Fink Collection
- An Experimentalist’s Journey in Neurology and Psychiatry: 60 Years in Clinical Neuroscience
- Books Published by Max Fink, M.D.
- Catatonia: A Recognizable and Treatable Systemic Syndrome
- Max Fink Collection (April 18, 2017)
- Max Fink Collection Revised April 12, 2018
- Max Fink Curriculum Vitae
- Max Fink. Updated CV
- Max Fink Publications
- Remembering: The Forgotten Neuroscience of Pharmaco-EEG
- Finlayson Collection
- Fjetland Collection
- Franzek Collection
- Ghaemi Collection
- Gershon Collection
- Curriculum Vitae
- Addendum to CV
- Discoveries & Their Trajectory Psychopharmacological Specificity of the Lithium Ion
- Lithium: Discovered, Forgotten and Rediscovered
- Psychopharmacological specificity of the lithium ion
- Samuel Gershon Medal for Lifetime Acievement in Translational Neuroscience
- A word from Professor Samuel Gershon, M.D
- Gershon E. Collection
- Glick Collection
- ACNP Annual Meeting Basketball Playoff A pictorial history of educated and gentlemanly futility 1980 – 2013
- ACNP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Teachers of Psychiatric Residents (1984)
- Introduction
- Cover & Table of Contents
- Apendix A
- Apendix B - Lecture Outlines
- Psychopharmacology Overview
- Tricyclic Antidepressants: A Clinical Update
- Lithium: A clinical update
- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
- Anxiolytics: Current Status
- Antipsychotics: A Clinical Update
- Stimulants and Depressants
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill
- Alcoholism
- Sleep Disorders
- Pediatric Psychopharmacology
- Depression in the Elderly - Diagnosis and Psychopharmacological Considerations
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Appendix C: Literature References
- Preface
- James Ellison, Terry Ketter, Thomas R. Kosten and R. Bruce Lydiard. Psychopharmacology in the Emergency Room
- Terence A. Ketter: Pharmacokinetics of Psychotropic Drugs
- James Jefferson: Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Opportunities
- R. Bruce Lydiard and Alan C. Swann: Treatment of Bipolar Depression
- Shitij Kapur, James Halper and Steve Marder Efficacy and Side Effects of Antipsychotics
- Stephen R. Marder and James Halper: Maintenance Treatment of Schizophrenia
- Donald C. Goff and Shitij Kapur : Pharmacodynamics of Antipsychotic Drugs
- Nicholas G. Ward, James Ellisonand R. Bruce Lydiard: Antidepressants: Basics
- Mark H. Pollack and Nicholas Ward: Management of Antidepressant- and Lithium-Induced Side Effects
- Herbert Kleber: Substance Abuse
- Max Fink: Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Daniel F. Kripke, Nicholas G Ward and Andrea Fagiolini :Sleep Disorders
- Philip J. Candilis: The Pharmacotherapy of Violence
- Robert Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky and Jonathan Silver Traumatic Brain Injury
- R. Bruce Lydiardand M. Katherine Shear Recognition and Treatment of Panic Disorder
- M. Katherine Shear,R. Bruce Lydiard and Nicholas G. Ward Recognition and Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Kathleen T. Brady and R. Bruce Lydiard Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder Comorbidity and Treatment
- Donald F. Kleinand David W. Preven Atypical Depression
- R. Bruce Lydiard, James Jefferson, J.R.T. Davidson, Murray B. Stein, John Greistand David Katzelnick Social Anxiety Disorder (aka Social Phobia)
- Nicholas G. Ward, James Ellisonand R. Bruce Lydiard Treatment-Resistant Depression
- W. Stewart Agras Bulimia Nervosa
- Ira D. Glick Combining Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapeutic Management for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Larry J. Siever Psychopharmacology of Personality Disorders
- Peter Roy-Byrne Adult ADHD Approaches to Evaluation and Treatment
- Katharine A. Phillips Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Taylor Segraves, James Ellison and R. Bruce Lydiard Sexual Dysfunction Causedby Depressionand Antidepressants
- Natalie Rasgon Mood Disorders in Women of Child Bearing Age
- James M. Ellison The Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in the Pharmacotherapy of Depressio
- James M. Ellison Evidence Based Medicine in Mental Health
- Chester Pearlman Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Serotonin Syndrome & Relation to Catatonia
- Roger G. Kathol Psychopharmacology in the Primary Care Setting
- Wayne J. Katon, R. Bruce Lydiard and Robert N Rubey Depression In Patients With Chronic Medical Illness Pharmacokinetics in the Severely Medically Ill
- Lawrence M. McGlynn Psychopharmacology and the HIV-Positive Patient
- Michael D. Jibson An Ethical Framework for Clinician/Industry Interactions
- Jessica R. Oesterheld A Clinician Views Treatment of ADHD in Youth
- Pablo Davanzo Juvenile-onset Bipolar Disorder: Case Experience
- Andrés Martin and Jessica R. Oesterheld Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- J. R. Oesterheld Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in youth
- Edwin J. Mikkelsen and Leo McKenna Algorithms for the Pharmacotherapy of Aggressive and Self Injurious Behavior in Individuals with Mental Retardation
- Andrés Martin and Carlo G. Carandang Child and Adolescent Depression
- Andrés Martin and Jessica R. Oesterheld Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders
- Andres Martin Psychosis in Youth and Antipsychotic Side Effects
- Jessica R. Oesterheld Tourette Syndrome - a clinical perspective
- Gary W. Small and Jason Olin Behavioral Complications of Dementia
- James M. Ellison Depression in Later Life: Epidemiology and Assessment
- Gary W. Small Treatment of Depression in Late Life
- Dilip V. Jeste Schizophrenia and Aging: Myths and Reality
- Robert Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky and Jonathan Silver
- ASCP: Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Psychiatric Residency Programs, Training Directors, and Teachers of Psychopharmacology. Third Edition, 2004
- Title page and Table of Contents
- James Ellison, Terry Ketter, Thomas R. Kosten and R. Bruce Lydiard
- Terence A. Ketter Pharmacokinetics of Psychotropic Drugs
- James Jefferson Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Opportunities
- R. Bruce Lydiard and Alan C. Swann. Treatment of Bipolar Depression
- Shitij Kapur, James Halper and Steve Marder Efficacy and Side Effects of Antipsychotics
- Stephen R. Marder and James Halper Maintenance Treatment of Schizophrenia
- Donald C. Goff and Shitij Kapur Pharmacodynamics of Antipsychotic Drugs
- Nicholas G. Ward, James Ellison and R. Bruce Lydiard Antidepressants: Basics
- Mark H. Pollack and Nicholas Ward. Management of Antidepressant- and Lithium-Induced Side Effects
- Herbert Kleber Substance Abuse
- Max Fink Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Daniel F. Kripke, Nicholas G. Ward and Andrea Fagiolini
- Philip J. Candilis. The Pharmacotherapy of Violence
- Robert Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky and Jonathan Silver Traumatic Brain Injury
- R. Bruce Lydiard and M. Katherine Shear Recognition and Treatment of Panic Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard and Nicholas G. Ward. Recognition and Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard, James Jefferson, J.R.T. Davidson, Murray B. Stein, John Greist and David Katzelnick. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
- R. Bruce Lydiard Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Kathleen T. Brady and R. Bruce Lydiard POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Comorbidity and Treatment
- Donald F. Klein and David W. Preven ATYPICAL DEPRESSION
- Nicholas G. Ward, James Ellison and R. Bruce Lydiard. Treatment-Resistant Depression
- W. Stewart Agras Bulimia Nervosa
- Ira D. Glick Combining Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapeutic Management for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Larry J. Siever Psychopharmacology of Personality Disorders
- Peter Roy-Byrne Adult ADHD – Approaches to Evaluation and Treatment
- Katharine A. Phillips. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Taylor Segraves, James Ellison and R. Bruce Lydiard Sexual Dysfunction caused by Depression and Antidepressants
- Natalie Rasgon Mood Disorders in Women of Child Bearing Age
- James M. Ellison The Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in Pharmacotherapy of Depression
- James M. Ellison Evidence Based Medicine in Mental Health
- Chester Pearlman. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Serotonin Syndrome & Relation to Catatonia
- Ira Glick and Nick Ward. Novel Treatments for Depression
- Roger G. Kathol. Psychopharmacology in the Primary Care Setting
- Wayne J. Katon, R. Bruce Lydiard and Robert N. Rubey. Depression In Patients With Chronic Medical Illness. Pharmacokinetics in the Severely Medically Ill
- Lawrence M. McGlynn. Psychopharmacology and the HIV-Positive Patient
- Michael D. Jibson. An Ethical Framework for Clinician/Industry Interactions
- American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology: Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum (2006)
- Ira Glick: Introduction
- Title page and Table of Contents - First Edition (1997)
- Title page and Table of Contents - Second Edition (2001)
- Title page and Table of Contents - Third Edition (2004)
- Title page and Table of Contents - Fourth Edition (2006)
- David N. Osser: Antipsychotics 2006 Cost-conscious usage
- Theo Manschreck and James Jefferson: Medicine for Bipolar Disorder
- David N. Osser: Antidepressants: Cost-Effective Usage
- David N. Osser: Anti-Anxiety Agents 2006: Cost Effective Usage
- James M. Ellison: The Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in the Pharmacotherapy of Psychiatric Disorders
- Michael D. Jibson: Psychopharmacology in the Emergency Room
- Terence A. Ketter: Pharmacokinetics of Psychotropic Drugs
- Michael D. Jibson and Ira D. Glick: Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Medications
- James W. Jefferson: Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options (PART I)
- James W. Jefferson: Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options (Part II)
- James W. Jefferson: Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options (Part III)
- James W. Jefferson: Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options (Part IV)
- Terence A. Ketter: Treatment of Bipolar Depression: Acute and Maintenance
- Nicholas G. Ward, R.Bruce Lydiard, James Elliston and David Osser: Antidepressants 2006 Basics
- Nicholas G. Ward, R. Bruce Lydiard and James Elliston: Treatment – Resistant Depression
- Max Fink: Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Herbert Kleber: Substance abuse
- Daniel F. Kripke: Sleep Disorders
- Leslie Citrome: The Psychopharmacology of Violence
- Stuart C. Yudofsky, Robert Hales and Jonathan Silver: Traumatic Brain Injury
- Ira D. Glick: Combining Pharmacotherapy with Psychoterapeutic Management for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Natalie Rasgon: Mood Disorders in Women of Child Bearing Age
- Sexual Dysfunction and psychiatric disorder and psychiatric drugs
- Donald F. Klein and Jonathan W. Stewart: Atypical Depression
- R. Bruce Lydiard: Treatment of Panic Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard: Social Anxiety Disorder/ Social Phobia
- Thomas A. Mellman, Kathleen T. Brady, R. Bruce Lydiard: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER
- Wayne K. Goodman: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Larry J. Siever: Psychopharmacology of Personality Disorders
- Timothy B. Walsh: Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders
- Katharine A. Phillips: Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Psychopharmacological Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction (2005)
- James M. Ellison: Evidence Based Medicine in Mental Health
- J.R. Oesterheld: Drug-Drug Interactionsl 101 or Will It Take a 2 by 6 to Get You to Understand CYP2D6?
- James W. Jefferson: Herbal Psychopharmacology
- Chester Pearlman: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Serotonin Syndrome & Relation to Catatonia
- Linda L. Carpenter: Brain Stimulation Therapies for Treatment Resistant Depression
- Max Fink: Electroconvulsive Therapy 2
- Kimberly Walton: Alcohol Use and Abuse - Targeted Communities
- Michael W. Smith and Edmond H. Pi: Cross-Cultural Psychopharmacology
- Roger G. Kathol: Psychopharmacology in the Primary Care Setting
- Wayne J. Katon and R. Bruce Lydiard: Epidemiology and Treatment of Depression in Patients with Chronic Medical Illness
- Lawrence M. McGlynn: Psychopharmacology and the HIV-Positive Patient
- Michael D. Jibson: An Ethical Framework for Clinician/Industry Interactions
- Shashank V. Joshi: Maintaining the Therapeutic Alliance in Modern Pharmacotherapy Practice
- Thomas Paul Tarshis: Evidence-Based Child Psychiatry
- Kiki Chang and Shashank Joshi: Pediatric Psychopharmacology
- Shashank Joshi: ADHD: Assessment and Treatment across the Life Span
- Jessica R. Oesterheld: Getting Up To Speed on Medications to Treat ADHD in Youth
- Jessica R. Oesterheld, Marissa Cummings, Susan Kulovsky and Elizabeth B. Weller: Aggression and Its Treatment in Youth
- Cynthia R. Pfeffer: Pediatric Depression and Its Treatment
- J.R. Oesterheld: Controversies in Treatment of Youth with Depression
- J.R. Oesterheld, Andres Martin and Kimberly Walton: What Me Worry? Anxiety Disorders in Youth (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia)
- J.R. Oesterheld and Gayathri Tadepalli: Childhood OCD - "Hiccup of the brain?" (J Rapoport)
- J.R. Oesterheld: Focusing a little light on PTSD in youth
- Andrés Martin, Jessica R. Oesterheld and John Bell: Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Jessica R. Oesterheld: Tourette Disorder (TD) An Update (copy 1)
- Gary W. Small: Dementia
- Dilip V. Jeste: Psychosis and Agitation in Dementia
- Howard Fenn: Pharmacological Treatment of Aggression In the Elderly
- Dilip V Jeste: Schizophrenia and Aging: Myths and Reality
- Robert C. Young: Bipolar Disorders in Late Life
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison: Depression in Later Life: Epidemiology, Assessment and Treatment
- Eric J. Lenze: Anxiety Disorders in the Elderly
- David W. Oslin: Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic Addiction in the Elderly
- Bruce G. Pollock: Drug Interactions
- Mani Pavuluri An Introduction to Basic Science Underlying Psychopharmacology - Part 1
- Mani Pavuluri: An Introduction to Basic Science Underlying Psychopharmacology - Part 2
- ASCP: Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Psychiatric Residency Programs, Training Directors, and Teachers of Psychopharmacology. Fifth edition 2008
- Table of Contents
- David N. Osser. Antipsychotics. Cost-Conscious Usage
- Theo Manschreck and James Jefferson. Medicine for Bipolar Disorder
- David N. Osser. Antidepressants 2007. Cost-Effective Usage
- David N. Osser. Anti-Anxiety Agents 2007. Cost-Effective Usage
- J. R. Oesterheld. Drug-Drug Interactions 101 or Will It Take a 2 by 6 to Get You to Understand CYP2D6?
- James M. Ellison. The Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in the Pharmacotherapy of Depression
- Ira D. Glick and Richard Balon. The Art of Psychopharmacology
- Michael D. Jibson. Psychopharmacology in the Emergency Room
- Terence A. Ketter. Pharmacokinetics of Psychotropic Drugs
- Michael D. Jibson and Ira D. Glick. Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Medications
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 1: Overview and Treatment of Acute Mania
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 2: Treatment of Acute Bipolar Depression
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 3: Treatment of Rapid Cycling and Bipolar Maintenance
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 4: Specific Medications for Bipolar Disorder (Lithium and Antiepileptic Drugs) (Lithium and Antiepileptic Drugs)
- Terence A. Ketter. Acute and Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Depression
- Charles De Battista. Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy
- Charles De Battista. Overview of Treatment-Resistant Depression
- Samuel O. Sostre, Charles H. Kellner and Max Fink. Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Herbert Kleber. Substance Abuse
- Daniel F. Kripke (revised from a collaboration with Andrea Fagiolini) Sleep Disorders
- Leslie Citrome. The Psychopharmacology of Violence with emphasis on schizophrenia
- Jonathan M. Silver, Stuart C. Yudofsky and Robert Hale. Traumatic Brain Injury
- Ira D. Glick. Combining Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapeutic Management for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Natalie Rasgon and Katherine E. Williams. Mood Disorders in Women of Child Bearing Age
- R. Bruce Lydiard. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Donald F. Klein and Jonathan W. Stewart. Atypical Depression
- R. Bruce Lydiard. Treatment of Panic Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard and James Ellison. Social Anxiety Disorder
- Thomas A. Mellmann. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Comorbidity and Treatment
- Wayne K. Goodman. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Larry J. Siever. Psychopharmacology of Personality Disorders
- B. Timothy Walsh. Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders
- Katharine A. Phillips. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Lawrence M. McGlynn: Psychopharmacology and the HIV-Positive Patient
- R. Taylor Segraves. Psychopharmacological Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
- R. Taylor Segraves. Sexual Dysfunction and psychiatric disorder and psychiatric drugs
- Hugh Brent Solvason. Neurobiology of Psychiatric Illness: Review of functional neuroanatomy
- James M. Ellison and Leslie Citrome. Show Me the Evidence! Understanding the Philosophy of Evidence-Based Medicine and Interpreting Clinical Trials
- James W. Jefferson. Herbal Psychopharmacology
- John P. O’Reardon. Brain Stimulation Therapies for Treatment Resistant Depression
- Edmond H. Pi and Weiguo Zhu. Cross-Cultural Psychopharmacology
- Roger G. Kathol. Psychopharmacology in the Primary Care Setting
- Wayne J. Katon, R. Bruce Lydiard and Robert N. Rubey. Epidemiology and Treatment of Depression in Patients with Chronic Medical Illness
- Eric D. Peselow. Evaluating the Research Literature
- Michael D. Jibson. An Ethical Framework for Clinician/Industry Interactions
- John M. Kane, Thomas Laughren and Larry Alphs. Clinical Trials
- Shashank V. Joshi. Teamwork: The Therapeutic Alliance in Pharmacotherapy with Children and Teenagers
- Shashank V. Joshi and Kiki D. Chang. Pediatric Psychopharmacology: General Principles
- Vishal Madaan, Jessica R. Oesterheld, Marissa Cummings, Susan Kulovsky and Elizabeth B. Weller. Aggression in Youth: Treatment approaches
- Andrés Martin, Jessica R. Oesterheld, John Bell and Vishal Madaan. Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Shashank V. Joshi and Jessica R. Oesterheld. ADHD: Assessment and Treatment across the Lifespan
- Jessica R. Oesterheld, Andres Marti, Kimberly Walton and Vishal Madaan. What Me Worry? Anxiety Disorders in Youth
- Vishal Madaan, Jessica R. Oesterheld and Gayathri Tadepalli. Childhood OCD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder , Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia)
- Vishal Madaan, Jessica R. Oesterheld, Christopher J. Kratochvil. PTSD in youth
- Cynthia R. Pfeffer. An Overview of Pediatric Depression
- Kiki D. Chang. The Use of Medications for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
- Antonio Y. Hardan and Vishal Madaan. Childhood Onset Schizophrenia: Evaluation and Treatment
- Vishal Madaan, Christopher J. Kratochvil and Jessica Oesterheld. Tourette’s Disorder
- Vishal Madaan and Christopher J. Kratochvil. Using and Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine in Child Psychiatry
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison. Dementia
- Barbara Kamholz: Delirium: New Ways to Understand and Manage It
- Dilip V. Jeste. Psychosis and Agitation in Dementia
- Howard H. Fenn. Pharmacological Treatment of Aggression in Dementia
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison. Depression in Later Life: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment
- Robert C. Young and Benoit H. Mulsant. Bipolar Disorders in Late Life
- Eric Lenze. Detecting and treating anxiety disorders in the elderly: clinical applications of new research findings
- Dilip V. Jeste. Schizophrenia and Aging: Myths and Reality
- David W. Oslin Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic Addiction in the Elderly
- Bruce G. Pollock. Drug/Drug Interactions in the Elderly
- Charles P. O’Brien and Charles Dackis. Brain and Behavior. Substance Abuse
- Charles P. O’Brien. Addiction: A Disease of the Brain
- James Cornish. Substance Abuse. The Nation’s Number One Health Problem
- Daniel D. Langleben. Marijuana
- Charles Dackis. Stimulants
- Janet Audrain-McGovern. Nicotine: A Drug of Abuse
- David W. Oslin. Alcoholism and Naltrexone
- Laura F. McNicholas. Hallucinogenic Agents
- Kyle M. Kampman. Prescription Drug Abuse
- Robert M. Weinrieb. Psychiatric Disorders and Psychotherapy of Substance Abuse
- Marina Goldman. Effects of Drugs on the Developing Brain: Pregnancy, Adolescence and Beyond
- Phil Green and Vishal Madaan. Medical Complications of Substance Abuse
- ASCP: Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Psychiatric Residency Programs, Training Directors, and Teachers of Psychopharmacology. Sixth Edition 2010
- Table of Contents
- David N. Osser. Antipsychotics. Crash Course Lecture
- Theo Manschreck and James Jefferson. Medicine for Bipolar Disorder
- David N. Osser. Antidepressants. Cost-Effective Usage
- David N. Osser. Anti-Anxiety Agents. Cost Effective Usage
- J. R. Oesterheld. Drug-Drug Interactions
- James M. Ellison. The Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in the Pharmacotherapy of Depression
- Ira D. Glick and Richard Balon. The Basics of Clinical Psychopharmacology: The Art of Psychopharmacology
- Michael D. Jibson. Psychopharmacology in the Emergency Room
- Terence A. Ketter. Pharmacokinetics of Psychotropic Drugs
- Michael Jibson and Ira Glick. Antipsychotic Medications
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options – Part I
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options – Part II
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options – Part III
- James W. Jefferson. Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options – Part IV
- Terence A. Ketter. Acute and Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Depression
- Charles DeBattista. Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy
- Charles DeBattista. Overview of Treatment-Resistant Depression
- Samuel O. Sostre, Charles H. Kellner and Max Fink. Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Herbert Kleber, Eric D Peselow and Steven Ross. Substance Abuse
- Daniel F. Kripke, Nicholas G Ward and Andrea Fagiolini. Sleep Disorders
- Leslie Citrome. The Psychopharmacology of Violence with emphasis on schizophrenia
- Jonathan M. Silver, Stuart C. Yudofsky and Robert Hales. Traumatic Brain Injury
- Ira D. Glick. Combining Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapeutic Management for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Katherine E. Williams and Natalie Rasgon. Mood Disorders in Women of Child Bearing Age
- Donald F. Klein and Jonathan W. Stewart. Atypical Depression
- R. Bruce Lydiard. Treatment of Panic Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard and James Ellison. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
- Thomas A. Mellman, R. Bruce Lydiard and Howard H. Fenn. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Comorbidity and Treatment
- Wayne K. Goodman. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Larry J. Siever Psychopharmacology of Personality Disorders
- B. Timothy Walsh Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders
- Katharine A. Phillips Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Lawrence M. McGlynn and Peter H. Marcus Psychopharmacology and the HIV-Positive Patient
- R. T. Segraves Psychopharmacological Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
- R. Taylor Segraves Sexual dysfunction, psychiatric disorder and psychiatric drugs
- Shashank V. Joshi Maintaining the Alliance in Modern Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Practice
- Vishal Madaan and Christopher J. Kratochvil Using and Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine in Child Psychiatry
- Shashank V. Joshi and Kiki D. Chang Pediatric Psychopharmacology: General Principles
- Christoph U. Correll Antipsychotic Adverse Effects in Children and Adolescents
- Christopher J. McDougle Psychopharmacology of Autism
- Antonio Y. Hardan and Vishal Madaan Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia: Evaluation and Treatment
- Shashank V. Joshi and Jessica R. Oesterheld ADHD: Assessment and Treatment across the Lifespan
- Peter S. Jensen Emerging Issues in the Treatment of Impulsive Aggression in Children and Adolescents
- Cynthia R. Pfeffer, An Overview of Pediatric Depression
- Kiki D. Chang The Use of Medications for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
- John T. Walkup Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
- Vishal Madaan Childhood OCD
- Vishal Madaan and Christopher Kratochvil PTSD in Youth
- Vishal Madaan Tourette’s Disorder
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison Dementia
- Barbara Kamholz Delirium: New Ways to Understand and Manage It
- Dilip V. Jeste Psychosis in Dementia
- Howard H. Fenn, Pharmacological Treatment of Aggression in Dementia
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison, Depression in Later Life: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment
- Robert C. Young and Benoit H. Mulsant, Bipolar Disorders in Late Life
- Eric Lenze, Detecting and treating anxiety disorders in the elderly: clinical applications of new research findings
- Dilip V. Jeste, Schizophrenia and Aging: Myths and Reality
- David W. Oslin, Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic Addiction in the Elderly
- Bruce G. Pollock, Drug/Drug Interactions in the Elderly
- Charles P. O’Brien and Charles Dackis, Brain and Behavior Substance Abuse
- Addiction: A Disease of the Brain, Charles P. O’Brien
- James Cornish, Substance Abuse: The Nation’s Number One Health Problem
- Daniel D. Langleben, Marijuana.
- Stimulants, Charles Dackis.
- Janet Audrain-McGovern Nicotine: A Drug of Abuse.
- David W. Oslin, Alcoholism and Naltrexone.
- Laura F. McNicholas, Hallucinogenic Agents.
- Kyle M. Kampman, Prescription Drug Abuse
- Robert M. Weinrieb, Psychiatric Disorders and Psychotherapy of Substance Abuse
- Marina Goldman, Effects of Drugs on the Developing Brain: Pregnancy, Adolescence and Beyond
- Phil Green and Vishal Madaan, Medical Complications of Substance Abuse
- ASCP: Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Psychiatric Residency Programs, Training Directors, and Teachers of Psychopharmacology. Seventh Edition 2012
- Ira D. Glick. User’s Guide to the Curriculum and Table of Contents
- Ira D. Glick. For Training Directors and Teachers of Psychopharmacology in Psychiatric Residency Programs
- David N. Osser, Antipsychotics
- Theo Manschreck and James Jefferson, Medicine for Bipolar Disorder
- David N. Osser, Antidepressants
- David N. Osser, Anti-Anxiety Agents 2011, Cost Effective Usage.
- J R Oesterheld, Drug-Drug Interactions 101 or Will It Take a 2 by 6 to Get You to Understand CYP2D6?
- James M. Ellison, The Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in the Pharmacotherapy of Depression
- Ira D. Glick and Richard Balon, The Basics of Clinical Psychopharmacology: The Art of Psychopharmacology
- Michael D. Jibson, Psychopharmacology in the Emergency Room
- Terence A. Ketter, Pharmacokinetics of Psychotropic Drugs
- Michael D. Jibson and Ira D. Glick, Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Medications
- James W. Jefferson, Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options, Part 1: Overview and Treatment of Acute Mania
- James W. Jefferson, Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 2: Treatment of Acute Bipolar Depression
- James W. Jefferson, Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 3: Treatment of Rapid Cycling and Bipolar Maintenance
- James W. Jefferson, Bipolar Disorders: Therapeutic Options. Part 4: Specific Medications for Bipolar Disorder
- Terence A. Ketter, Acute and Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Depression
- Charles DeBattista, Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy
- Charles DeBattista, Overview of Treatment-Resistant Depression.
- Samuel O. Sostre, Charles H. Kellner and Max Fink, Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Eric D. Peselow, Substance Abuse
- Daniel F. Kripke. Sleep Disorders
- Leslie Citrome, The Psychopharmacology of Violence with emphasis on schizophrenia
- Jonathan M. Silver, Stuart C. Yudofsky and Robert Hales, Traumatic Brain Injury
- Ira D. Glick, Combining Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapeutic Management for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
- Katherine E. Williams and Natalie Rasgon, Mood Disorders in Women of Child Bearing Age
- Donald F. Klein and Jonathan W. Stewart, Atypical Depression
- R. Bruce Lydiard, Treatment of Panic Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- R. Bruce Lydiard and Ralph H. Johnson, Social Anxiety Disorder
- Thomas A. Mellman, R. Bruce Lydiard and Howard H. Fenn, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Comorbidity and Treatment
- Wayne K. Goodman, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Larry J. Siever Psychopharmacology of Personality Disorders
- Outline: Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders
- B. Timothy Walsh, Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders
- Katharine A. Phillips, Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Lawrence M. McGlynn and Peter H. Marcus, Psychopharmacology and the HIV-Positive Patient
- R. T. Segraves, Psychopharmacological Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
- R. T. Segraves, Psychopharmacological Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
- Hugh Brent Solvason, Neurobiology of Psychiatric Illness
- James M. Ellison and Leslie Citrome, Show Me the Evidence! Understanding the Philosophy of Evidence-Based Medicine and Interpreting Clinical Trials
- James W. Jefferson, Herbal Psychopharmacology
- John P. O’Reardon, Brain Stimulation Therapies for Treatment Resistant Depression
- Weiguo Zhu, Cross-cultural Psychopharmacology
- Sarah K. Rivelli, Robert McCarron and Roger G. Kathol, Psychopharmacology in the Primary Care Setting
- Wayne J. Katon, R. Bruce Lydiard and Robert N Rubey, Epidemiology and Treatment of Depression in Patients with Chronic Medical Illness
- Eric D. Peselow, Evaluating the Research Literature
- Michael D. Jibson, An Ethical Framework for Clinician/Industry Interactions
- Thomas G. Gutheil, With thanks to Carl Salzman Ethical Issues in Psychopharmacology
- John M. Kane, Thomas Laughren and Larry Alphs, Clinical Trials
- David S. Janowsky, Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Aggressive/Self Injurious Intellectually Disabled Adults
- David N. Osser and Sachin Phansalkar, When and How to Use Clozapine in 2011
- Stephen M. Stahl, Basic Neuroscience
- Shashank V. Joshi, Maintaining the Alliance in Modern Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Practice
- Vishal Madaan, Using and Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine in Child Psychiatry
- Shashank V. Joshi, Pediatric Psychopharmacology: General Principles
- Christoph U. Correll, Antipsychotic Adverse Effects in Children and Adolescents
- Christopher J. McDougle, Psychopharmacology of Autism
- Antonio Y. Hardan and Vishal Madaan, Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia: Evaluation and Treatment
- Shashank V. Joshi and Jessica R. Oesterheld, ADHD: Assessment and Treatment across the Lifespan
- Peter S. Jensen, Emerging Issues in the Treatment of Impulsive Aggression in Children and Adolescents
- Cynthia R. Pfeffer, An Overview of Pediatric Depression
- Kiki D. Chang, The Use of Medications for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
- John T. Walkup, Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
- Vishal Madaan and Kate Fitzgerald, Childhood OCD
- Vishal Madaan, PTSD in Youth
- Vishal Madaan, Tourette’s Disorder
- Vishal Madaan, Boris Lorberg and Yana Turkowski, FDA approved psychotropic medications for Pediatric Use
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison, Dementia
- Barbara Kamholz, Delirium: New Ways to Understand and Manage It
- Dilip V. Jeste, Psychosis in Dementia
- Howard H. Fenn, Pharmacological Treatment of Aggression in Dementia
- Gary W. Small and James M. Ellison, Pharmacological Treatment of Aggression in Dementia
- Robert C. Young and Benoit H. Mulsant, Bipolar Disorders in Late Life
- Eric Lenze, Detecting and treating anxiety disorders in the elderly: clinical applications of new research findings
- Dilip V. Jeste, Schizophrenia and Aging: Myths and Reality
- David W. Oslin, Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic Addiction in the Elderly
- Bruce G. Pollock, Drug/Drug Interactions in the Elderly
- Charles P. O’Brien and Charles Dackis, Brain and Behavior, Substance Abuse
- Charles P. O’Brien, Addiction: A Disease of the Brain
- James Cornish, Substance Abuse, The Nation’s Number One Health Problem
- Daniel D. Langleben, Marijuana
- Charles Dackis, Stimulants
- Janet Audrain-McGovern, Nicotine: A Drug of Abus
- David W. Oslin, Alcoholism and Naltrexone
- Laura F. McNicholas, Hallucinogenic Agents
- Kyle M. Kampman, Prescription Drug Abuse
- Robert M. Weinrieb, Psychiatric Disorders and Psychotherapy of Substance Abuse
- Marina Goldman, Effects of Drugs on the Developing Brain: Pregnancy, Adolescence and Beyond
- Phil Green and Vishal Madaan, Medical Complications of Substance Abuse
- ASCP: Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Psychiatric Residency Programs, Training Directors, and Teachers of Psychopharmacology. Eighth Edition 2014
- Ira David Glick, curriculum vitae.
- Ira D Glick. History of Psychopharmacology
- Committee Services
- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching Services
- Goldberg Collection
- Goldstein Collection
- Grof Collection
- Guy Collection
- Gyermek Collection
- Healy Collection
- Helmchen Collection
- Hippius Collection
- Hojaij Collection
- Carlos R. Hojaij Brief Biographical Sketch
- Carlos Roberto Hojaij. Updated Curriculum Vitae
- Carlos Hojaij: Tsunami in Aceh 2004
- Carlos Ballus Pascual, President, Medical Academy of Catalonia. On March 10, 2010 Carlos R. Hojaij was elected a corresponding member of the Academy
- Gerd Huber and Gisela Gross: The Development of the Psychopathology in Germany in the Last Decades [20th century] with an Introduction by Carlos R. Hojaij
- Kurt Schneider’s Metagenesis Concept and Energy Hypothesis for Schizophrenia
- Presidential Address
- Psychiatry and Cosmology: From Stardust to an Invisible Power
- Schizophrenia and Consciousness
- Schizophrenia, the Psychiatric Sacred Illness
- Signatures of participants of the International Symposium on 100 years of dementia praecox on Carlos R. Hojaij’s invitation card
- Some Publications
- WFSBP 30th Anniversary Program
- CINP Congreso Regional Argentino, Neuropsicofarmacologia, Bs. As. Argetina, 2002
- Hollon Collection
- Steven Dennis Hollon Curriculum Vitae
- Cognitive Therapy in the Treatment and Prevention of Depression: A Fifty‑Year Retrospective with an Evolutionary Coda
- Award for Distinguished Scientific Applications of Psychology: Steven D. Hollon
- Evolutionary theory and the treatment of depression: It is all about the squids and the sea bass
- Is Cognitive Therapy Enduring or Antidepressant Medications Iatrogenic? Depression as an Evolved Adaptation by Steven D. Hollon
- Janowsky Collection
- Johnson Collection
- Juredini Collection
- Kajander Collection
- Thomas A. Ban’s comment on John Griffin’s letter to the editor. Chronology of recorded early publications on chlorpromazine (Ruth Koeppe: Largactil - Six Preliminary Clinical Observations.)
- John Griffith’s 1993 Letter to the Editor, “A Historical Oversight”
- Ruth (Koeppe) Kajander’s CV and letter to Susan Asbery
- Ruth (Koeppe) Kajander’s paper titled “Largactil Six Preliminary Clinical Observations” presented at a meeting of the Ontario Neuropsychiatric Association held at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby, November 27, 1953
- Papers presented at the Ontario Neuropsychiatric Association - November 17, 1953, May 11, 1954, and October 27, 1954
- Paula Schuck: London psychiatric pioneer gets recognition at last
- Paula Schuck: London psychiatric pioneer gets recognition at last. Amended preamble by John Court
- Kanofsky Collection
- Kasper Collection
- Kassell Collection
- Katz Collection
- Knoll Collection
- Curriculum Vitae
- Conditioning, conditional reflex
- Scientific program of symposium “In Memoriam Jozsef Knoll (1925–2018)” on The Future of Deprenyl in Pharmacology
- László Szekeres’s (1921-2012) portrait of the 80-year-old Joseph Knoll (1925-2018)
- Eva Karpati portrait of Joseph Knoll in 2009
- Joseph Knoll’s photo by Laszlo Feher
- Júlia Knoll and Ivey Ford Barna: Background to three portraits of Joseph Knoll
- Krystal Collection
- Lehmann Collection
- Biological indicators in psychiatry
- Chlorpromazine: The story of phenothiazine derivatives, their clinical indications, the incidence and management of untoward effects, and a proposed rationale of its action
- Clinical models of response to treatment - Historical perspective
- Delirium: Historical aspects (1995)
- Discussion of Eli Robins' paper on Primary and secondary affective disorders
- Discussion of Jack H. Mendelson’s paper on Alcoholism, aggression and androgen function (1974)
- Discussion of the paper by Pierre Pichot on The treatment of depression
- Discussion of the symposium on Divergent Motivations for Crativity in art and science
- Dreaming about Mental Health
- Harlem Valley Revisited (1988)
- Historical evolution of antidepressant drugs
- No new surprises in psychiatry?
- Perspectives in Psychosurgery
- Psychiatry and its identity crisis
- Psychotherapy’s empathy and intuition versus modern drug strategies and brain investigation technologies
- Research funding: Ethics and dynamics of a dialogue (1969)
- Somatic treatment method, complications, failures
- The anatomy of research funding: The State component
- The Impact of the Psychopharmacological Revolution on Psychiatry
- The Mental Hospital – Monster, Fossil or Utopia
- The psychopharmacological treatment of schizophrenia (1976)
- Types and characteristics of objective measures of psychopathology
- What is wrong with getting old?
- References
- Lehmann and Ban’s “ECDEU Progress Report 1961-1963"
- Lemmens Collection
- Lerer Collection
- Bernard Lerer: Vignette to photo with Herman van Praag, Ilana Belmaker, Robert (Haim) Belmaker, Uriel Heresco-Levy, Bernard Lerer, Ziona Lerer, Amit Lotan, Herman Van Praag and Nelleke Van Praag
- Composite photo of my teachers
- Bernard Lerer: Three valued scientific collaborators
- Ezrath Nashim (Herzog) Hospital in Jerusalem
- Lafayette Clinic, Wayne State University, Detroit (1984).
- Cover of the first issue of the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Bernard Lerer and his mentees after he was receiving his Mentorship Award in 2014
- Vignette to photo of Menachem Magidor, Joel Gelernter, Murray Stein, John Krystal, Pablo Gejman, Ehud Olmert and Bernard Lerer taken in Jerusalem in 2001 at the U.S. Israel Conference on Academic Psychiatry by Bernard Lerer
- Martin Collection
- Peter Robert Martin
- Curriculum vitae
- Alcoholism: associated Brain Disorders, Psychiatric Nosology and Molecular Medicine (PowerPoint)
- Alcoholism, Hepatic Dysfunction, and Depression: How to Approach Management of this Patient?
- Approaches to Detoxification of Patients during the Opioid Epidemic
- Award to Peter R. Martin for 35 years of service to Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- Coffee and Health
- Detoxification of Patients from Central Nervous System Depressants: Which Protocol to Use and Why?
- Implications of the co-occurrence of substance use and other psychiatric disorders
- Medical Complications of Alcoholism
- Opioid dependence during pregnancy:balancing risk versus benefit
- Opioid use disorder during pregnancy (Power Point)
- Substance use disorders treatment: Pharmacopsychosocial perspectives
- Treating obesity as an addiction. Can obesity be understood as a bona fide mental illness?
- Understanding alcohol use disoder
- Understanding drug and alcohol abuse and addiction (PowerPoint)
- McHenry Collection
- McLaughlin-Harris Collection
- Min Collection
- Miklya Collection
- Moizeszowicz Collection
- Montes de Oca Collection
- Morra Collection
- Classification of SENSE PERCEPTION
- Contributions to development of the following psychotropic drugs
- Carlos A. Morra Curriculum Vitae
- Professor León S. Morra vignette by Carlos Morra
- Carlos A. Morra: Psicopatología general. Semiología del pensamiento. Índice
- Introducción
- Capítulo 1. Pensamiento Generalidades
- Capítulo 2. Trastornos del contenido del pensamiento, pensamiento normal, pensamiento mágico y supersticioso, ideas sobrevaloradas y fijas.
- Capítulo 3. Ideas Delirantes
- Capítulo 4. Ideas Delirantes, vivencias deliantes primarias
- Capítulo 5. Ideas Delirantes, delirios paranoides y de protección
- Capítulo 6. Ideas Delirantes, delirios místicos, de posesión y fantásticos
- Capítulo 7. Ideas Delirantes, Delirios de grandeza, Auto-despreciativos, de culpa e inocencia
- Capítulo 8. Ideas Delirantes, Delirios de grandeza, Auto-despreciativos, de culpa e inocencia
- Capítulo 9. Ideas Delirantes, Delirios Pasionales
- Capítulo 10. Ideas Delirantes, Delirios de transformación, de pobreza y de ruina.
- Capítulo 11. Ideas Obsesivas
- Capítulo 12. Trastornos del curso del Pensamiento
- Capítulo 13. Trastornos de la continuidad y de la estructura general del pensamiento
- Capítulo 14. Trastornos de la posesión del pensamiento
- Capítulo 15. Trastornos de la Asociación de Ideas
- Referencias
- The CODE-UD By Carlos A. Morra
- Vocabulary
- Computer derived symptoms/signs
- Patient self-assessment form
- Rater assessment form
- Patient number
- Diagnostic form
- Entry form
- Drug history
- Clinical interview
- Interview for the assessment
- Self-assessment
- Catatonic Manifestations
- Computer symptoms
- Severity index
- Code severity scale for unipolar depression
- Self-assessment procedure - part 1
- Self-assessment procedure - part 2
- Diagnostic criteria and classifications
- Melancholia in the work of Hippocrates
- Galen's classification of melancholia
- Aretaeus' classification of melancholia
- Caelius aurelianus' criteria of melancholia
- Alexander of tralles' classification of melancholia
- Timothy bright's classification of melancholia
- Francois boissier de sauvages's classification of melancholia
- William Cullen's classification of melancholia
- Vincenzo Chiarugi's classification of melancholia
- Johann Christian Heinroth's classification of depressions of the emotional faculty
- Jean-Etienne-Dominique Esquirol's classification of melancholia of the ancient
- Karl Friedrich Flemming's criteria of dysthymia atra
- Ernst Feuchtersleben's criteria of sorrowful delusions
- Wilhelm Griesinger's classification of the states of mental depression
- Karl Kahlbaum's classification of dysthymia
- Jules Cotard's criteria of nihilistic melancholia (delusions)
- Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1883
- Theodor Meynert's diagnosis of simple melancholia
- Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1891
- Paul J. Moebius's criteria of endogenous depression
- Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1896
- Carl Wernicke's criteria of melancholic autopsychosis
- Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1899 and 1904.
- Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1899 and 1904
- Classification of melancholia in New York State hospitals in 1909
- Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1909-1915
- Karl Abraham's criteria of neurotic depression
- Karl Jaspers' classification of melancholia from the depressions
- Kurt Schneider's classification of depression
- Ernst Kretschmer's criteria of depressive (cycloid) temperament
- Johannes Lange's criteria of psychogenic depression
- Sandor Radó’s diagnostic criteria of depressive neurosis
- Robert Dick Gillespie's classification of depression
- Adolf Meyer's classification of hypothymergesias
- Aubrey Lewis' diagnostic criteria of melancholia
- Karl Kleist's classification of depression and melancholia
- DSM-I classification of depressive reactions
- Hamilton and White's dichotomy of retarded and agitated depression.
- West and Dally's criteria of atypical depression
- William Sargant's diagnostic criteria of atypical depression
- Hubertus Tellenbach's classification of melancholia
- Kiloh and Garside's dichotomy of endogenous and neurotic depression
- John Pollitt's dichotomy of physiological and psychological depression
- Overall, Hollister, Johnson and Pennington's classification of depression
- DSM-II classification of depressive disorders
- Mendels and Cochrane's dichotomy of endogenous and reactive depression
- Erik Strömgren’s criteria of psychogenic depressive psychosis
- W. Walcher's criteria of masked depression
- Karl Leonhard's classification of depression
- Ey, Bernard and Brisset's Classification of Depression
- Pilowsky, Levine and Boulton's Dichotomy of Neurotic and Endogenous Depression
- CODE-UD International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision, ICD-8
- Eugene Paykel's classification of Depression
- Paul Kielholz's classification of depression
- Robins and Guze's dichotomy of primary and secondary Depressive Disorder
- CODE -UD St. Louis diagnostic criteria of depression for use in research - Feighner
- Foulds and Bedford's classification of depressive illness
- Robinson, Nies, Ravaris and Lamborn's criteria of atypical depression
- Wing, Cooper and Sartorius' classification of depressive disorders
- Donald Klein's classification of depression
- Raskin and Crook's Classification of Depression
- ICD-9 classification of Depressive Disorders
- CODE-UD Research Diagnostic Criteria RDC 16/02/05
- Quitkin, Rifkin and Klein's Diagnostic Criteria of Atypical Depression
- DSM-III Classification of Depressive Disorders
- George Winokur's classification of depression
- Taylor, Redfield and Abrams' Criteria of Endogenous Depression
- Keller and Shapiro's Criteria of Double Depression
- CODE-UD Vienna Research Criteria of Endogenomorphic Depressive and Dysphoric Axial Syndromes Berner
- Michael Liebowitz, Frederic M. Quitkin, Jonathan Stewart, Patrick Mc Grath, Wilma Harrison, Judith G. Rabkin and Donald Klein's Criteria of Atypical Depression
- Jules Angst's Criteria of recurrent brief Depression
- DSM-III-R'S Criteria
- Kaplan and Sadock's Criteria of Uncomplicated Bereavement
- ICD-10 Classification of Depressive Disorders (clinical)
- Judd, Rapaport, Paulus and Brown's Criteria of Subsyndromal Symptomatic depression
- Moussaoui Collection
- Müller-Oerlinghausen Collection
- Nádasdi Collection
- An Anthology of Attila Jozsef poems Translated by Miklós Nádasdi
- An Anthology of Miklós Radnóti Poems by Miklós Nádasdi
- Miklós Nádasdi List of Publications
- An Anthology of Twelve Attila Jozsef Poems by Miklós Nádasdi
- Miklós Nádasdi’s Sándor Petőfi Anthology 1
- Miklós Nádasdi’s Sándor Petőfi Anthology 2
- Miklós Radnóti translated by Miklós Nádasdi
- An Anthology of Miklós Radnóti Poems by Miklós Nádasdi
- An Anthology of Sándor Petőfi Poems Translated by Miklós Nádasdi
- Endre Ady, Az Ös Kaján Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Endre Ady, Emlékezés egy nyár-éjszakára Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Endre Ady Uj Vizeken Járok (I am on New Waters) Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Endre Ady, Az Isten balján (On the Left Side of God) Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Jean-François Dreyfus’ translation of Endre Ady’s poem, Párisban járt az Ősz, from Miklos Nádasdi’s translation of the Hungarian original into English
- Endre Ady, A Hadak Útja (Autumn Visited Paris) Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Endre Ady, Elhagyott a félelem (Fear Disappeared) Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Endre Ady, Léda ajkai között, (Between Leda’s Lips) Translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Sándor Petőfi, Változás (Change), translated from Hungarian into English by Miklós Nádasdi
- Nardi Collection
- Nazar Collection
- Paykel Collection
- Porter Collection
- Prakash Collection
- Rado Collection
- János P. Radó’s Collection, Collated by Mateo Kreiker and Olaf Fjetland
- Jacques Bernheim, Nadia Kaprina, iorgina B. Piccoli, Janos Rado and Stanley Shaldon 2012, vignette 1 by Janos Rado
- Jacques Bernheim, Nadia Kuprina, Georgina B. Piccoli, Janos Rado and Stanley Sheldon 2012, vignette 2 by Janos Rado
- Biographic sketch
- Contributions to psychotropic drug developement with special reference to carbamazepine
- My 64-year (1954-2018) life product Supplement to My Biographic Sketch
- Janos Radó’s “Iron Pen” award
- Janos Radó: My “in between” hematological studies during a 66-year medical career as a nephro-endocrinologist
- János Radó: My teacher, Pál Gömöri (1905-1973)
- Laszlo Szende and Janos Rado: Microangiopathic Haemolysis and Leukoerythroblastosis in Carcinomatosis of Gastric Origin. Case report, review of literature
- Remington Collection
- Riederer Collection
- Rihmer Collection
- Rybakowski Collection
- Janusz Rybakowski: The history of lithium and the influence of Mogens Schou
- The Mogens Schou Research Award
- Janusz Rybakowski’s presentation after receiving the Mogens Schou ResearchAward of the Interatioal Society of Bipolar Disorders in Mexico City in 2018
- Being Sane in Insane Places D. L. Rosenhan
- The fiftieth anniversary of the article that shook up psychiatry, Janusz Rybakowski
- Lithium – past, present, future
- Biographical Sketch - Janusz K. Rybakowski
- Mini-review: Anomalous association between lithium data and lithium use
- Ultra-long-term lithium therapy: all-important matters and a case of successful 50-year lithium treatment
- 120th Anniversary of the Kraepelinian Dichotomy of Psychiatric Disorders
- Salzman Collection
- Seeman M. Collection
- Serfaty Collection
- Schaffer Collection
- Schatzberg Collection
- Schioldann Collection
- Schooler Collection
- Sharma Collection
- Shorter Collection
- Edward Shorter curriculum vitae
- Charles Bolwig, Max Fink, Gordon Parker and Edward Shorter (2006) Vignette prepared by Edward Shorter
- Arvid Carlssons interview by Edward Shorter and David Healy Part I
- Arvid Carlssons interview by Edward Shorter and David Healy Part II
- Pioneer Scientist: In Honor of Max Fink on his 91st birthday by Edward Shorter
- Psychopharm, Regulation and Implications – A Story of Three Chapters. (PowerPoint), presented March 22, 2019, at the Faculty of Law, on the invitation of Trudo Lemmens.
- Pioneer Scientist: In Honor of Max Fink on his 91st birthday by Edward Shorter
- Smythies Collection
- Spielman Collection
- Stahl Collection
- Stefanis Collection
- Stein collection
- Sulser Collection
- Sussman Collection
- Tondo Collection
- van Praag Collection
- Valença Collection
- Varga Collection
- Warnes Collection
- Winokur Collection
- Winstead Collection
- Youdim Collection
- Ban Collection
- Ebooks
- Thomas A. Ban: CODE-SD. Composite Diagnostic Evaluation of Schizophrenic Disorders
- Thomas A. Ban: DAS Diagostic AssessmentScale for Diagnostic Criteria for Research
- Thomas A. Ban: Dementia: Differential Diagnosis (1991)
- Thomas A. Ban: From Melancholia to Depression: A History of Diagnosis and Treatment
- Thomas A. Ban: History of Psychiatry & General Psychopathology. Seminars for Residents in Psychiatry 1994. Part One: History of Psychiatry
- Thomas A. Ban: History of Psychiatry & General Psychopathology. Seminars for Residents in Psychiatry. Part Two: General Psychopathology
- Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective. With contributions from Jules Angst, Barry Blackwell, Samuel Gershon, Paul Grof, Janos Radó, Janusz Rybakowski and Johan Schioldann.
- Edward Shorter’s commentary. Introduction to Lithium in psychiatry in historical perspective
- Robert Haim Belmaker’s comment. A Saga of Lithium Research 1975-2020
- William E. Bunney Jr’s comments. Contributions to Psychiatry Research with Lithium
- Bernard Carroll Interview by Leo Hollister and Thomas Ban*
- Reid Finlayson’s comments. A Life on Lithium and Lessons Learned
- Barry Blackwell’s comment on Reid Finlayson’s comment “A life on Lithium and Lessons Learned”
- Samuel Gershon’s comment on Reid Finlayson’s comment
- Gordon Johnson’s comment
- Peter Martin’s comments
- Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen’s comment. A professional life dedicated to lithium
- Leonardo Tondo’s comment. Lithium and I: Clinical experience with a remarkable ion
- Antonio Torres-Ruiz’s comment. Introduction of Lithium in Mexico
- Thomas A. Ban: Neuropsychopharmacology and the Forgotten Language of Psychiatry
- Thomas A. Ban: Psychopharmacology of Aniety Disorders CODE-AD
- Thomas A. Ban. Psychopharmacology and the Classification of Functional Psychoses
- Ban's Towards personalized treatment
- Thomas A. Ban and Ronaldo Ucha Udabe: Classification of Psychosis
- Thomas A. Ban and Ronaldo Ucha Udabe: Classification of Psychosis
- Thomas A. Ban, Olaf Fjetland and Leon S. Morra, editors: In Memory of Martin M. Katz (1927-2017). Contributions to INHN.
- Charles M. Beasley, Jr., and Roy Tamura: What We Know and Do Not Know by Conventional Statistical Standards AboutWhether a Drug Does or Does Not Cause a Specific Side Effect (Adverse Drug Reaction) Outline
- Forward by John M. Davis
- Barry Blackwell’s comment
- Barry Blackwell’s final comment
- Charles M. Beasley’s final response to Barry Blackwell’s final comment
- Daniel Kanofsky's comment
- Charles M. Beasley, Jr’s reply to Daniel Kanofsky’s comments
- Donald F. Klein's comment
- Carlos Morra’s question to Charles Beasley
- Edward Shorter’s comment
- Charles M. Beasley, Jr. Reply to Edward Shorter’s comments
- Barry Blackwell’s comments on Charles Beasley’s reply to Edward Shorter’s comment
- Jay Amsterdam's comment on Barry Blackwell's comment on Charles Beasley's reply to Edward Shorter´s comment
- Charles M. Beasley’s response to Barry Blackwell’s response to Charles Beasley’s reply to Edward Shorter’s comment on Introductory Comments
- Hector Warnes’ comments
- 1. Definition of Terms Used in this Document
- 2. Introductory comments
- 3. Potential sampling error in an RCT and what we learn from the lack of occurrence of an AE in an RCT (Rule-of-3) and impact on sample size calculations
- 4. “Proof” of the presence of an ADR (significant excess compared to control): sample size requirements
- 5. “Proof” of the absence of an ADR (noninferiority compared to control): sample size requirements
- 6. Incidences of AEs of real-world interst and limitations on "proof" of presence of absence of an ADR
- 7. Regulatory requirements for investigational treatment exposure in development programs and their implications for ‘proof’ of presence or absence of an ADR
- 8. Practical alternatives to “proof” of presence or absence of an ADR : the need for best assessment possible as quickly as possible of the AE / ADR profile of a marketed drug.
- Cumulative References
- A Post-Script
- Full Text
- Foreword, text and exchange
- Frank M. Berger: My Biography
- Barry Blackwell: Jose Delgado: A Case Study
- Barry Blackwell: Pioneers and Controversies in Psychopharmacology
- Introduction
- Chapter One: Ludwig Thudichum, “Father of Neurochemistry”
- Chapter Two: Enoch Callaway
- Chapter Three: Joel Elkes: An Integrative Life.
- Chapter Four: John Cade 1
- Chapter Five: John Cade 2
- Chapter Six: Jean Delay
- Chapter Seven: Heinz Lehmann
- Chapter Eight: Nathan (“Nate”) Kline and the Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
- Chapter Nine: Women Pioneers
- Chapter Ten: Early optimism & ambiguity
- Chapter Eleven: Caution and Skepticism
- Chapter Twelve: The Lithium Controversy
- Chapter Thirteen: The Anxiety Enigma
- Chapter Fourteen: A pioneer psychopharmacologist
- Chapter Fifteen: Career role models; vicissitudes and zeitgeists
- Chapter Sixteen: From Past to Present: Lessons Learned
- Chapter Seventeen: Changing medical practice and education
- Chapter Eighteen: The Biological Basis of Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment
- Chapter Eighteen Revised: The Biological Basis of Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment
- Chapter Nineteen: The End of the Beginning: The Beginning of the End?
- Chapter Twenty: The ADHD Controversy - Keith Conners in his own words
- Chapter Twentyone: What to believe going forward? - The Baby and the Bathwater
- Chapter twenty two: Compliance and the Therapeutic Alliance
- François Ferrero: The Geneva 1980’s Psychiatry Crisis: Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry
- François Ferrero: The Geneva Psychiatry 1980’s Crisis. Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry
- Samuel Gershon: Events and Memories.
- INHN: Celebration of Max Fink’s 96th birthday
- Martin M Katz: An Overview of the First Fifty Years: The Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Joseph Knoll: Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) Which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging
- Joseph Knoll: The Discovery of the Enhancer Regulation in the Mammalian Brain
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Joseph Knoll’s reply to Hector Warnes’ comment
- Joseph Knoll’s further reply to Hector Warnes
- Hector Warnes’ response to Joseph Knoll’s replies
- Joseph Knoll’s response to Hector Warnes' response
- Hector Warnes’ response 2 to Joseph Knoll’s response
- Joseph Knoll’s response 2 to Hector Warnes’ response 2
- Hector Warnes’ response 3 to Joseph Knoll’s response 2
- Joseph Knoll’s additional response to Hector Warnes’ response 2
- Hector Warnes’ final response to Joseph Knoll’s additional response to Hector Warnes’ response 2
- Hector Warnes’ further comments
- Hector Warnes’ comment
- Peter R. Martin, editor: Recollections of the History of Neuropsychopharmacology Through Interviews Conducted by Thomas A. Ban
- Peter R. Martin and Thomas A. Ban: Recollections of the History of Neuropsychopharmacology Through Interviews Conducted by Leo E. Hollister.
- Peter R. Martin, editor: Thomas A. Ban, Barry Blackwell, Samuel Gershon, Peter R. Martin and Gregers Wegener International Network for the History of Neuropsycopharmacology INHN 2013
- Peter R. Martin, editor: Thomas A. Ban Documenting the History of CINP
- Peter R. Martin, editor: Thomas A. Ban, Barry Blackwell, Samuel Gershon, Peter R. Martin and Gregers Wegener International Network for the History of Neuropsycopharmacology INHN 2014
- Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction
- Introduction
- Addiction
- Acupuncture
- Aggression
- Alcoholism
- Blackout
- Competence
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Coffee
- Conditioning
- Craving
- Delirium Tremens
- Empathy
- Exercise
- Gambling
- Intoxication
- Junkie
- Kindling
- Mindfulness
- Motivation
- Nicotine
- Opium
- Pain
- Prevention
- Recovery
- Resilience
- Salience
- Screening
- Sedative
- Self-help
- Self-medication
- Sexual Addiction
- Sleep
- Stimulant
- Suicide
- Tolerance
- Trauma
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
- Withdrawal
- Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction II
- Hector Warnes: Historical Overview of Sleep Medicine
- Celebration of the 100 Years Birthday of Joel Elkes
- Collated
- Burton Angrist: Studies of Amphetamine Psychosis (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Thomas A. Ban: Conflict of interest. Marketing vs education (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- Thomas A. Ban: CINP’s Historical Record. Presentations
- Thomas A. Ban: From Melancholia to Depression A History of Diagnosis and Treatment (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Thomas A. Ban: Psychiatry for Neurpsychopharmacologists (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Thomas A. Ban: RDoC in Historical Perspective.
- Thomas A. Ban: Towards Personalized Treatment of Depression (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Thomas A. Ban and Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas: CARL WERNICKE’S ELEMENTARY SYMPTOMS AND SEJUNCTION HYPOTHESIS (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- Thomas A. Ban, Eric Konofal and Andrew Winokur: Historical Drug Inventory of Psychotropic Drugs (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- CINP´s Hanns Hippius International Psychopharmacology Archies at the Psychiatry Clinic of Ludwig Maximilian University in Múnich
- 1. Introduction and Contents
- 2. Founding Contributions (Posters 1, 2, and 3)
- 3. Founding Contributions (Posters 4, 5 and 6)
- 4. Contributions to the Archives 1
- 5. Contributions to the Archives 2
- 6. Contributions to the Archives 3
- 7. Contributions to the Archives 4
- 8. Contributions to the Archives 5
- 9. Contributions to the Archives 6
- 10. Contributions to the Archives 7
- 11. Contributions to the Archives 8
- Thomas A. Ban and Carlos R. Hojaij: Historical Dictionary in Neuropsychopharmacology. Collated by Mateo Kreiker.
- Thomas A. Ban and Eric Konofal: Historical Drug Inventory on Psychotropic Drugs. Collated by Mateo Kreiker.
- Barry Blackwell: “Adumbration”; A History Lesson (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- Barry Blackwell: Joel Elkes (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- Barry Blackwell: Heinz Edgar Lehmann (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- Barry Blackwell: The lithium controversy: A historical autopsy (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Barry Blackwell: Risk and Relevance to Lithium Usage Unpublished Letter to the Editor of JAMA (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Barry Blackwell: Thudichum: “Father of Neurochemistry” (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Barry Blackwell and Kanellos Charalampous: Kanellos Charalampous Confronting the Zeitgeist (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Barry Blackwell, David Paul Goldberg and David Taylor: Sir Aubrey Lewis (Collated by Oaf Fjetland)
- Sir Aubrey Lewis by Barry Blackwell and David Paul Goldberg (minibio)
- Jonathan Cole’s letter to Jay Amsterdam on Insulin Coma Treatment. Collated by Olaf Fjetland.
- Paul Devenyi: Addictions are not treatable diseases & Paul Devenyi: Pharmacotherapy of addiction not a success story (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- Carlos Roberto Hojaij: Curriculum Vitae (Summary).
- Martin M. Katz: Depression And Drugs (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Martin M. Katz: Multivantaged vs. Conventional Assessment Method (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Martin M. Katz: ONSET OF CLINICAL ACTION OF ANTIDEPRESSANTS (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Ildiko Miklya: The History of Selegiline (-) Deprenyl the First Selective Inhibitor of B-Type Monoamine Oxidase and the First Synthetic Catecholaminergic Enhancer Substance (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Julio Moizeszowicz: Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology and Julio Moizeszowicz and Mirta Moizeszowicz: Psychopharmacology and Freudian Theory (Collated by Thomas A. Ban)
- János P. Radó’s Collection. Collated by Mateo Kreiker.
- János P. Radó’s Collection Collated by Mateo Kreiker and Olaf Fjetland.
- Edward Shorter: The QT interval and the Mellaril story (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Leonardo Tondo: Interviews with Pioneers (Collated by Olaf Fjetland)
- Multilingual Project
- Martin Schumacher: Neuropsychopharmakologie und die vergessene Sprache der Psychiatrie Übersetzt aus dem englischen Original von Martin
- Jean-François Dreyfus: La neuropharmacologie et la langue oubliée de la psychiatrie. La folie: de la psychiatrie à la neurologie au travers de la neuropharmacologie
- Pogany László: A neuropszichofarmakológia és a pszichiátria elfeledett nyelve. Elmezavarok: A pszichiátriától a neuropszichofarmakológián át a neuronológia felé
- Leonardo Tondo: Neuropsicofarmacologia e il linguaggio dimenticato della psichiatria. Follia: Dalla psichiatria alla neuronologia attraverso la neuropsicofarmacologia
- Carlos Hojaij: Neuropsicofarmacologia e a Esquecida Linguagem Psiquiátrica Loucura: da Psiquiatria à Neuronologia via Neuropsicofarmacologia
- Elias Zakaria Mehadji: واللغة المنسية للطب النفسي Neuropsychopharmacology توماس أ. بان: الجنون: من الطب النفسي إلى علم الأعصاب عبر علم الأعصاب
- Mateo Kreiker: Neuropsicofarmacología y el Lenguaje olvidado de la Psiquiatría Locura: de la psiquiatría a la neuronología a través de la neuropsicofarmacología. Traducido del inglés original al español
- Dictionary
- INHN Publisher
- INHN 2013. Edited by Peter R. Martin
- Treating the Brain: An Odyssey. By Barry Blackwell. Foreword by Edward Shorter
- Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) Which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging By Joseph Knoll
- Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective
- François Ferrero: Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry: Inquiry into the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis.
- Johan Schioldann: History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry
- Preface
- Introduction
- Contents
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 23
- Chapter 24
- Chapter 25
- Chapter 26
- Chapter 27
- Chapter 28
- Chapter 29
- Chapter 30
- Epilogue
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
- Appendix III
- Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction
- Contact