Exogenous psychoses by Thomas A. Ban

Exogenous psychoses are nonspecific psychoses which follow such physical conditions as acute infectious disease, infectious chorea, acute exhaustion as in cachexia or anemia, autointoxication as in dropsy, uremia, jaundice, diabetes and Basedow’s disease (Bonhoeffer 1909). In typical cases, they become manifest in delirium, epileptiform reactions, stupor or confused states. The term was introduced in 1909 by Karl Bonhoeffer in the title of his paper Zur Frage der exogenen Psychosen. The diagnostic concept of “exogenous psychoses” is based on clinical observations.



Bonhoeffer K. Zur  Frage der exogenen Psychosen. Zentbl Nervenheilk 1909; 32: 499-505.


Thomas A. Ban
January 7, 2015