Carlos Morra: An Educational Model in Psychiatry
- Introduction
In this series we will be presenting information on several residency programs in psychiatry. Our objective is to develop a solid curriculum for the training of psychiatrists or psychopharmacologists.
One of the projects consists of the presentation of the new curriculum for the postgraduate course on psychiatry established at the Morra Foundation for the progress of psychiatry.
For this project, we will be posting several consecutive documents, describing the history of the program; the content; and technical, practical and theoretical aspects.
The documents will be posted with the purpose of being presented to all INHN members, in order to elicit comments; all the suggestions and criticisms will be taken into consideration for the development of a state-of-the-art program for psychiatry, with strong historical roots, but modern philosophy.
The experience of the faculty members and residents will be posted and members of other programs will be encouraged to participate, too. All the interactions will be included in an e-book at the end of the project.
We will very much appreciate your contributions and suggestions.
September 7, 2017