Carlos Morra: Chronological list of essential publications in Neuropsychopharmacology

To set a foundation for education in the history of neuropsychopharmacology, it was suggested by Thomas Ban to generate a list in which essential publications in the development of the field are presented in chronology (Ban 2015). To provide orientation points for preparing such a list, he extracted 330 publications, from the over 1500 publications listed in chronology as an Appendix to volume 10 of An Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology (Ban 2011), and presented this list at the end of Part 3 of his series on “Towards an education in the history of neuropsychopharmacology”.

The suggestion will be adopted by INNH and this posting signals the launch of our project that aims to develop a chronological list of essential publications in the history of neuropsychopharmacology. The project will be conducted in four consecutive steps. In the first, each member of the Network will be invited individually to prepare a list of publications he/she thinks should be added to Ban’s list.  In the second, each member of the Network will be invited to indicate the entries which in his/her opinion should be deleted from Ban’s list because they don’t qualify as an essential publication in the development of neuropsychopharmacology. In the third, a collated list of suggested additions will be prepared and INHN members will be asked to indicate which of the suggested additions would not qualify as an essential publication in the development of neuropsychopharmacology. Finally, in the fourth and last step, a chronological list of essential publications in the history of neuropsychopharmacology will be prepared with a qualifying note explaining why each entry was selected for the list.

The final list will be posted on website, and as all postings on website, will be open for comments and interaction.


Ban TA, editor. An Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology. The First Fifty Years. Volume 10 (Martin M. Katz, volume editor). Brentwood:  American College of Neuropsychopharmacology; 2011, pp. 239-383.


Ban TA. Towards Education in the History of Neuropsychopharmacology. Part 3. Chronological list of essential Publications. INHN. org. Home. 05.07.2015. 


Carlos Morra

June 4, 2015.