Per Bech: Members of the International Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression in the mid-1980s


            Based on Kelly and Frances’ (1987) book on the Treatment of Depression, in the mid-1980s the International Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression consisted of 20 members including its Chairman (P. Kielholz) and General Secretary (C. Adams). The list of members in alphabetical order were: K. Achte (Helsinki, Finland), C. Ballus (Barcelona, Spain), G.B. Cassano (Pisa, Italy), C. Fazio (Rome, Italy). A. M. Freedman (New York, USA), M. Gastpar (Basle, Switzerland), H. Helmchen (Berlin, Germany), H. Hippius (Munich, Germany), G. Holmberg (Stockholm, Sweden), W. Irninger (Urnasch, Switzerland), D. Kelly (London, UK), S.J Nijdam (Nijmegen, The Netherland, P. Pichot (Paris, France), W. Poldinger (Basle, Switzerland), O.J. Rafaelsen (Copenhagen, Denmark), C.N. Stefanis (Athens, Greece), R. Takahashi (Tokyo, Japan) and W. Walcher (Graz, Austria). There was representation on the Committee from 13 countries: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherland, UK, USA with four members from Switzerland, two members from Germany and Italy, each and one member from all the other countries.


Kelly D, Frances R, editors. Treatment of Depression. London:  Parthenon Publishing Group; 1987.


December 21, 2017