Front row, left to right: Eduardo A. Correa, Prof. Ignacio Martinez, Prof. León S. Morra (Carlos Morra’s paternal grandfather, Founder of the Morra Sanatorium) and Rafael Pinna; Middle row, left to right: Alejandro Gallardo, Luis Molina Segura, Felix A. Olmedo (Carlos Morra’s maternal grandfather), Romulo Cúneo Versini, Juan Benin Casa, Carlos A. Albino, Juan S. Giordano and JuanB. Gil Milburg; Back row, left to right: Di Pangrazio, Antonio Torres and Miguel Liebetchulz. Photo taken in 1917 in Cordoba, Argentina. Photo received from Carlos Morra. (See also Professor Leon S. Morra in Archives - Morra Collection).
December 20, 2018