Photos from the Dahlem Workshop 1982

In alphabetical order: Tom Anders, Waldemar Greil, Dirk Hellhammer, Fritz Henn, Gary Kraemer, Dick Katz,  Charlie Kaufman, Michael Linden, Mike McGuire, Bill McKinney, Gerhard Nissen, Roger Porsolt, Marty Reite. Photo taken in Berlin, Germany, in 1982. Photo received for posting separately from Bernard Carroll and Eugene Paykel. This photo is from the Dahlem Workshop held in Berlin, Germany from October 31 to November 5, 1982. The proceedings of this Workshop were edited by Angst J, Carlsson A, Carroll BJ, Helmchen H, Herz A, Klerman GI, and McKinney WT and published with the title Origins of Depression: Current Concepts and Approaches (with the inclusion of this photo) in Life Sciences Research Report, Volume 26, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983.


Bernard Carroll
Eugene S. Paykel
March 17, 2016