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Interviews with pioneers
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INHN Publisher
INHN 2013. Edited by Peter R. Martin
Treating the Brain: An Odyssey. By Barry Blackwell. Foreword by Edward Shorter
Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) Which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging By Joseph Knoll
Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective
François Ferrero: Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry: Inquiry into the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis.
Johan Schioldann: History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry
Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction
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INHN Projects
Photo collections
1st International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders, in Jerusalem in 1987
Individual photos
Photo collections
CINP Collection 1st International Congress (1958)
2nd International Catecholamine Symposium (1965)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Neural Properties of Biogenic Amines (1966)
Symposium on Pharmacology, Toxicology and Abuse of Psychoromimetics Collection (1968)
Workshop Second Neuroscience Research Program (1968)
CIBA Foundation Symposium Monoamine Oxidse and Its Inhibition (1975)
XI National Congress of Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health (1973)
The Croc Foundation Conference on GABA (1975)
Dahlem Workshop (1982)
British Association for Psychopharmacology Meeting, July 1985
1st International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders, in Jerusalem in 1987
Bernard Lerer in 1987
Thomas A. Ban and Samuel Gershon
Francesca Brambilla and Florian Holsboer in 1987. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
Lady (Constance) and Sir Martin Roth with Bernd Saletu in 1987
Sam Gershon, Lisl Gershon and Elliot Gershon, 1987
Heinz E. Lehmann and Thomas A. Ban at the 1st International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders, in Jerusalem in 1987
Brian Leonard and Moussa Youdim
Stuart Montgomery in 1987. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
Hinderk Emrich in 1987. Photo received from Bernard Lerer
Site of the International Conference on New Directions in Affective Disorders held in Jerusalem in 1987. Received from Bernard Lerer
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting
International Congress of Psychopathology of Expression and Brazilian Congress of Psychopathology of Expression (1988)
ACNP Collection (1992)
Fifth International Amine Oxidase Workshop (1992)
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry Regional Meeting (1992)
1st International Symposium of Biological Psychiatry (1994)
2nd International Conference on New Directions in Affective
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (1995)
ACNP Meeting held in San Juan, December 1996
5th International Congress of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists (1996)
CINP Congress held in Washington
Annual Meeting of Argentine Psychiatrists (1996)
XXth CINP Congress (1996)
Symposium “100 Years of Dementia Praecox" (1996)
Charles E Smith Memorial Lecture held in Jerusalem April 1996
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (1997)
6th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (1997)
Regional Symposium of the World Psychiatric Association (1997)
Word Congress on Depressive Disorders in Mendoza, Argentina 1997
CINP Collection (1998)
BAP Collection 25th Aniversary Meeting (1999)
8th International Congress of Psychiatry, organized by the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists (2000)
CINP Collection XXIInd International Congress (2000)
7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2001)
WPA Thematic Conference in Hormones, Drugs and Neuropsychopharmacology (2000)
U.S. Israel Conference on Academic Psychiatry, Jerusalem, 2001.
CINP Collection Regional Meeting Budapest (2001)
CINP Collection XXIIIrd International Congress (2002)
10th International Meeting of Psychiatrists of the Argentine Psychiatric Association (2002)
Association for Convulsive Therapy (ACT) annual meeting held June 2003 in San Francisco
CINP XXIVth International Congress (2004)
1st International Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2004)
VIIth Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2005)
5th Latin American Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology (2005)
8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (2005)
4th Annual Meeting of the Danish University Antidepressant Group (2009). Per Bech, Lars Gram, Gene Paykel and Per Vestergaard
VII Congress of the Latin American Federation of Biological Psychiatry (2011)
30th World Federation of Societies in Biological Psychiatry (2012)
ACNP Annual Meeting (2012)
1st Symposium on Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology - Association of Psychiatrists of the Province of Córdoba. 2013
World Congress for Psychiatric Genetics held in Toronto in 2015
30th CINP World Congress of Neuropsyhopharmacology (2016)
XVII World Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, held jointly with the German Association of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology Congress in 2017.
27th International Congress of Psychiatry held at the Belgrano University in Buenos Aires in 2019
6th Symposium of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology of Córdoba. 2019
Understanding depression, Cordoba, Morra Foundation, 2019
30th Argentinian Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health, October 2022.
30th International Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Buenos Aires in 2022.
XXIV Argentine Congress of Neuropsychiatry and Cognitive Neuroscience, Buenos Aires, 2022.
5st congress organized by the Córdoba Addiction Assistance Network in Córdoba, Argentina. 2023
31st International Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. 2023
10th Symposium of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology of Córdoba 2023
Translational Psychiatry and Computational Neuroscience, Argentine Psychiatry Association in April 2024.
11th Symposium on Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology
Top Ten in Mood Disorders, Cordoba Argentina 2014
37th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, Milán 2024
32nd International Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists in Buenos Aires, 2024
Interviews with pioneers
Multilingual Project