Part One: Photos, Profiles, Books and Archives
Part I - The Cordoba Unit: Photos, Profiles, Books and Archives
Thomas A. Ban
Rapid advancement of the neurosciences and computer technology led, by the early years of the 21st century, to an overload of bits of isolated information with possible relevance to neuropsychopharmacology. Instrumental for founding INHN was the recognition that the same technology that created the flood could also be used for readily accessing and organizing information from the past and thereby allowing examination of “isolated bits of information” in a historical context. The objective of INHN is to develop an education in the history of neuropsychopharmacology that would facilitate interaction between neuropsychopharmacologists of different generations and professional backgrounds.
To set the foundation for an education in neuropsychopharmacology the following 12 projects were identified: 1. Historical dictionary in neuropsychopharmacology (Dictionary); 2. Historical drug inventory of psychotropic drugs (Drugs); 3. Photo history of neuropsychopharmacology (Photos); 4. Profiles of distinguished neuropsychopharmacologists (Profiles); 5. Controversies in the history of neuropsyhopharmacology (Controversies); 6. Textbook on the history of neuropsychopharmacology (Textbook); 7. Discoveries in neuropsychopharmcology that have not been followed up and experiments that could not be replicated (Discoveries); 8. Information on books in neuropsychopharmacology: classic and current (Books); 9. Biographies, autobiographies and selected writings of neuropsychopharmacologists (Biographies); 10. Historical perspective in neuropsychopharmacology: information from and comments on current publications (Perspective); 11. Electronic archives in neuropsychopharmacology (Archives); and 12. Educational E-Books in neuropsychopharmacology (E-Books).
To facilitate the development of INHN, activities in four of these projects (Photos, Profiles, Books and Archives) were streamlined and a unit for the coordination of activities in these projects was established in Cordoba, Argentina.
The primary objective of “Photo History” is to produce a Document in which the photographs of those who contributed to the development of neuropsychopharmacology are presented with brief descriptions of their contributions (in subscripts - legends). The production of this Document is carried out in three steps. In the first, individuals who may qualify for inclusion in the Document are listed with a justifying statement for their inclusion, and the list is posted for comments. In the second, the photos of individuals included in the final Document are collected; the contributions of individuals that justified the inclusion of their photo in the Document is referenced; and information is obtained on the photos (i.e., where and when were they taken and from whom were they received) and on the individuals on the photos (year of birth and death). Each photo is posted as soon as the information on the photo and on the individual on the photo is completed. In the third, the final Document is prepared that includes all photos with their legends, presented in chronology, and posted in the form of an E- book with an introduction, table of contents, list of references, index and connecting text.
In addition, Photo History has also an open-ended program that involves the collection and posting of photos relevant to the history of neuropsychopharmacology. To qualify for posting the photo must have a legend in which each person on the photo is listed from left to right, and the place and time the photo was taken and the person from whom it was received, are recorded. In case a photo is also accessible in print, on another website or elsewhere, the place where accessible is also identified in the legend.
The term “profile”, is used here for a biographic vignette restricted to contributions to neuropsychopharmacology, presented in chronology with each contribution referenced. The primary objective of this project is to provide a Document in which the “profiles” of individuals with recognised contributions to neuropsychopharmacology are presented. Similar to Photo History, development of the Document, is carried out in three steps. In the first, individuals who may qualify for inclusion in the final document are listed with a justifying statement for their inclusion, and the list is posted for comments. In the second, the individual profiles for the final document are prepared and posted as soon as completed. In the third, the Final Document is prepared that includes all “profiles” presented in chronology, and posted in the form of an E- book with an introduction, table of contents, references, index and connecting text.
In addition, “Profiles” has three open-ended programs. One involves the collection and posting of the bibliographies (list of publications) of neuropsychopharmacologists; another the preparation and posting of the “profile” of those whose list of publications is posted; and the third, the preparation of mini-profiles on any of those who qualified for a “profile” in the final Document by someone who knew the individual personally. A “mini-profile” differs from a “profile” in that it is restricted to the individual’s main contributions and corresponding references.
The primary objective of “Books” is to provide a Document in which information on the classics of neuropsychopharmacology are given in the form of reviews by their authors or reviewers. The format of the reviews is standardized; each review is presented under two headings: “Content” and “Author’s/Reviewer’s Comment”. Under Content, the information covered in the book is presented chapter by chapter following table of contents and under Author’s/Editor’s Comment”, some background information is given on the book. Similar to “Photo History” and “Profiles”, development of the Document is carried out in three steps. In the first, books which may qualify for inclusion are listed with a justifying statement of their inclusion. In the second, the books to be included in the final Document are reviewed and each review is posted as soon as completed. And in the third, the Final Document is prepared that includes all “reviews” presented in chronology, and posted in the form of an E- book with an introduction, table of contents, references, index and connecting text.
In addition “Books” has an open ended program that involves the review of any book written or edited relevant to neuropsychopharmacology published at any time in any language by its author or a reviewer. To qualify for posting the review must be presented in the standard format under two headings (Content and Author’s/Editor’s Comment) and include the following information: full name of author(s)/editor(s), full title of the book, place (city) of publication, name of publisher, year of publication, number of pages and the name of the reviewer. For books written in another language than English the title must be given in the language the book was written, with the English translation of the title below.
The primary objective of “electronic archives” is to render the unpublished writings (papers, books) and presentations (slides) of INHN members and distinguished neuropsychopharmacologists from the past (deceased) accessible to those interested in “individual collections”. The prerequisite for opening an individual collection is the posting of a Curriculum Vitae or an equivalent to it in “archives” and those with an individual collection have the privilege of posting in their individual collection any material relevant to their own research in the field, written by themselves or others. Each entry in each “individual collection” is presented with a “preamble” in which the story of the entry is given. Individual collections are listed in “archives” in alphabetical order by the name of the INHN members involved; and entries within an “individual collection” are listed in alphabetical order of the title of the entries.
All entries in all projects on INHN’s website are open for comments and replies indefinitely, Interaction may continue until it become unproductive.
Thomas A. Ban
January 15, 2015.