Introduction by Barry Blackwell
Welcome to Project Nine, “Biographies” on the website. My name is Barry Blackwell and my contact information is: e-mail and cell phone 414 940 0844. As coordinator of this program feel free to contact me at any time.(USA Central zone).
We seek to publish several types of biographies in any one of the following formats:
1. Authors may submit a review of their own Autobiography or Memoir. This should include a synopsis of both the format and brief comments on the contents. To view an example of this format see on the INHN website Barry Blackwell; “Bits and Pieces of a Psychiatrist’s Life”.
2. An author may mail their book to the coordinator for an independent review either by a colleague they name or by the coordinator. Examples of the latter are Jean Delay, Karl Rickels, Enoch Calloway (Asylum), and Frank Berger.
3. Any member of the INHN may submit a biography they have written of an outstanding contributor to our field. These differ from the program “Profiles” which document only a person’s scientific contributions supported by specific citations. The purpose of a biography is to portray an interesting picture of the individual’s persona including their scientific, organizational, administrative, literary or other contributions. The length may vary considerably either covering the entire trajectory of a career or focusing on selected highlights. Controversial aspects or issues are acceptable but if these are prominent the biography may be placed in the “Controversies” project. For an example see, “A Distinguished but Controversial Career; Jose Delgado.” Citations are acceptable but not always necessary. For examples of shorter more succinct biographies see Hassan Azima (by Hector Warnes ) and Turan Itil (by Martin Katz). Other examples of varying lengths and styles can be found in the “Dramatis Personae” sections in various volumes of the “Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacolgy” (Series Editor Ban TA). Volumes 3 thru 7 are particularly illustrative.
The INHN website does not currently have staff to provide detailed editorial assistance. Therefore, it is helpful and desirable if submissions are made in the format for authors provided in the Appendix to the Table of Contents on the Home Page. The completed biography should then be e-mailed to the coordinator (see above) as an attachment in Word. If there are concerns or questions about a potential contribution please e-mail or call me for advice on how best to proceed.
The Biographies section already documents the accomplishments of a number of pioneers in our field and I look forward to collaborating with members to enlarge that archive from your own colleagues, friends, mentors and acquaintances.
Barry Blackwell
November 13, 2014