León S. Morra: Tables and figures
If posting includes tables and figures they must be an integral part of the text. They need to be numbered in sequence but separately with each table and figure inserted in text in place it should appear.
Labels to tables and figures (Table 1, Table 2, figure 1, figure 2) need to be written with regular letters (Times New Roman, size 12) and presented centered above corresponding table or figure with a 1.5 space between last line of prior text and label and with a 1.0 space between label and corresponding table or figure.
Legends (subscripts) to tables and figures need to be written with regular letters (Times New Roman, size 12) and presented centered below corresponding table or figure with a 1.0 space between table or figure and legend, and with a 1.5 space between table or figure and first line of continuation of text.
Leon S. Morra
March 17, 2016