Leon Morra: Information on Members and Their Contributions


Table of Contents


Curriculum Vitae

Biographic Sketch





Books authored

Books edited

Psychotropic drugs contributed to

Contributions to psychotropic drug development



In an effort to ensure that information about our members and their contributions to neuropsychopharmacology is accessible on our website, please submit postings applicable to the list below.  To be acceptable for posting, the item submitted must be presented in English as a WORD document.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A list of the major events in your life presented in chronological order with corresponding dates. The list must include the place (city and country) and year of your birth, family status, place of current residence (city and country), education, professional experience (academic and administrative) and any awards/honors received.

Biographic Sketch

A narrative presentation of the same information included in your CV.


A narrative account of your contributions to neuropsychopharmacology presented chronologically with minimal biographic connecting text. To qualify for posting, each contribution mentioned in the text must be referenced.


An unpublished autobiography in any state of completion.


Photo(s) of you alone or with your peers. Each photo must be accompanied by a legend (subscript) on a separate sheet in which each person in the photo is identified by his/her full name from left to right. In addition, information in the legend must include the place and the year the photo was taken as well as the name of the person who should be acknowledged for receipt of photo.


A chronological list of your published articles found in journals and chapters in books. For each entry all authors, in the order they appear in the publication and the title of the entry, must be identified. In addition, in the case of journal articles, the name of the journal, the volume number of the journal and the first and last page numbers in the journal in which the article appeared must be given. In the case of book chapters, the title of the book, the name of editor(s) of the book as well as information relevant to the publication, i.e., city the book was published, name of publisher and year of publication, must be included.

Books authored/co-authored

A chronological list of books you authored/co-authored. In the case of co-authored books, the name of co-authors must appear in the order presented on the title page of the book. For each entry, the city in which the book was published, the name of the publisher and the year of publication must be included.

Books edited/co-edited

A chronological list of books you have edited/co-edited. In the case of co-edited books, the name of your co-editors must appear in the order presented on the title page of the book. For each entry, the city in which the book was published, the name of the publisher and the year of publication must be given.

Psychotropic drugs

An alphabetical list of the psychotropic drugs (listed by generic names) whose development at any stage you contributed to with your research. Include also substances you studied while participating in multicenter clinical investigations.


León S. Morra

November 17, 2016