Leon S. Morra: Comments, replies and responses


All essays posted on INHN’s website are open for comments to members of the Network and to guests, invited to comment on a particular posting by Central Office. Authors of essays are expected, but not obliged to reply to each comment separately. The interaction (interchange) between the author of each essay and the author of each comment may continue until the interaction becomes unproductive or one or the other stops responding.

After the posting of the first “comment” on it, each essay is rendered accessible in the collated document of the essay and all further interaction about the essay is added, as it evolves to the collated document. At the time of termination of the interchange, the collated document, if warranted, is converted into an INHN educational E-Book. 

All vignettes (in Dictionary, Drugs and Profiles) posted on the INHN website are open also to comments, but comments to vignettes are restricted o correction of factual information.

For presenting your comment, please follow “Specifications for preparing submissions for posting”. For preparing collated documents, we need to receive your comment as a WORD document.

The title of your comment/reply/response has to indicate the author and the title of the essay you are commenting on.



Thomas A. Ban: Conflict of interest in neuropsychopharmacology – marketing vs. education.

Barry Blackwell’s comment


Leon S. Morra

April 7, 2016