León S. Morra: Guide for Contributors
Table of Contents
Where to submit for posting
Specifications for preparation of postings
Title and author
Tables and figures
Comments, replies and responses
How to cite postings
INHN website activities are centered on interaction in 12 primary programs, each with several projects: (1) Dictionary, (2) Drugs, (3) Photos, (4) Profiles, (5) Controversies, (6) Textbooks, (7) Discoveries, (8) Books, (9) Biographies, (10) Perspective, (11) Archives, (12)E-books.
Where to submit for posting
Members who wish to submit original material for any of the 12 programs, comment on existing postings or reply to comments should send their material by e-mail attachment to the INHN Central Office (inhn.org(at)gmail.com) or to Tom Ban (tomban@bell.net).
Specifications for preparation of postings
Prepare all submissions, including essays, comments, replies, vignettes, etc., as a WORD DOCUMENT with regular, letter size pages and page numbers indicated in the right upper corner.
Title & author
Full name of author(s) followed by title of text in bold, centered. Use Times New Roman font size 14.
Use Times New Roman font size 12 with a 1” margin on left, text fully justified, and 1.5 spaces between lines.
Start each paragraph indented 5 spaces; subheadings on left side of text with letters in italics; and sub-subheadings the same (left side, letters in italics), but indented 12 spaces.
Insert references in parenthesis at the end of each citation by author(s) surname and year of publication in alphabetical order with a semicolon between each reference by a different author.
Tables and figures
Tables and figures included with a post must be an integral part of the text. They need to be numbered in sequence but separately, with each table and figure inserted in the text where it should appear.
Labels to tables and figures (Table 1, Table 2, figure 1, figure 2) need to be written with Times New Roman font size 12 and presented centered above the corresponding table or figure with a 1.5 space between the last line of prior text and label, and with a 1.0 space between the label and corresponding table or figure.
Legends (subscripts) to tables and figures need to be written with Times New Roman font size 12 and presented centered below the corresponding table or figure with a 1.0 space between the table or figure and legend, and with a 1.5 space between the table or figure and the first line of the continuation of text.
All references included in parentheses in the text are listed in alphabetical order under the heading “References” following the text using Times New Roman font size 12 with a 1.0 space between the lines in a reference and 1.5 space between each reference.
See examples below:
Ban TA. Psychopharmacology for the Aged. Basel: Karger; 1980. pp. 42-7.
Delay J. Intervention à propos de la terminologie et la classification des médicaments psychiatriques. In: Kline NS, editor. Neuropsychopharmacology Frontiers. New York: Little Brown; 1959, pp. 426-9.
Katz MM, Houston JP, Brannan S, Bowden CL, Berman N, Swann A, Frazer A. A multivantaged behavioral method for measuring onset and sequence of the clinical actions of antidepressants. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2004; 7: 471-9.
Comments, replies and responses
All postings on INHN’s website are open for comments by Network Members and guests invited by the Central Office. Authors of essays are expected, but not obligated, to reply to each comment separately. The interaction (interchange) between the author of each essay and the author of each comment may continue until the interaction becomes unproductive or one or the other stops responding.
All vignettes (in Dictionary, Drugs and Profiles) posted on the INHN website are also open to comments, but comments to vignettes are restricted to correction of factual information.
When preparing your comment, please follow “Specifications for preparation of postings” above.
The title of your comment/reply/response must indicate the author and the title of the essay about which you are commenting.
How to cite postings
Contributions to the INHN website can be cited as soon as they are posted.
The following formula should be used to cite a posting:
Name (surname and initials) + full title of posting + identification of website + identification of project + date of posting.
See examples below:
Katz MM. Onset of clinical action of antidepressants. inhn.controversies. January 9, 2014.
Katz MM. Onset of clinical action of antidepressants. In Ban TA, Blackwell B, Gershon S, Martin PR, Wegener G. INHN 2014, edited by Peter R. Martin. Risskov: International Network for the History of Neuropsychopharmacology; 2015, pp. 229-36.
INHN will not request, require or hold any rights for any of the material published (posted) on its website. Authors publishing (posting) material in any form on the website clearly will retain sole ownership of their property.
INHN does not publish (post) any written material published in print or posted at any other website. In the case of a reference in the text to material posted elsewhere, INHN does not provide a link for accessing the original material.
INHN may post photos published in print or posted elsewhere if received from one of its Network Members. In the case of such photos, it is the Network Members’ responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions for posting a shared photo and to provide INHN with the information on all other sites where the shared photo can be viewed.
León S. Morra
November 10, 2016