Joseph Knoll: Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging


Abbreviations and Bibliography




AD                   Alzheimer’s disease

AM                   Amphetamine

BPAP                (2R)-1-(1-benzofuran-2-yl)-N-propylpentane-2-amine   

CAE                  Catecholaminergic activity enhancer

CAR                  Conditioned avoidance response

CNS                  Central nervous system

CR                    Conditioned reflex

CS                     Conditioned stimulus

DA                     Dopamine

DATATOP           Deprenyl And Tocopherol Antioxidant Therapy Of Parkinsonism

DEP                   (R)-N-methyl-N-(1-phenylpropan-2-yl)prop-2-yn-1-amine,

                         selegiline /(-)-deprenyl (Eldepryl, Jumex, Emsam, Zelepar)

DMI                    Desmethylimipramine

ECR                    Extinguishable conditioned reflex

EF                      Escape failure

HP                      Highest performing

ICR                     Inextinguishable conditioned reflex

IPAP                   (-)-1-(indol-3-yl)-2-propylamino-pentane

IR                       Inter-trial response

LP                      Lowest performing

MAM                   Methamphetamine

MAO                   Monoamine oxidase

MAO-A                A-type monoamine oxidase

MAO-B                B-type monoamine oxidase

MDD                   Major depressive disorder

NE                     Norepinephrine

PEA                    b-phenylethylamine

PD                      Parkinson’s disease

PPAP                  (-)-1-phenyl-2-propylaminopentane

PSG                    Parkinson Study Group

SAR                    Structure-activity-relationship

SE                      Serotonin

SOD                    Superoxide-dismutase

TA                      Trace amine

TBZ                    Tetrabenazine

TLS                    Technical lifespan

TLSh                   Human technical lifespan

TMS                   tumor-manifestation-suppressing

TRY                   Tryptamine

US                     Unconditioned stimulus

VMAT2               Vesicular monoamine transporter 2




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July 4, 2019