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INHN Publisher
INHN 2013. Edited by Peter R. Martin
Treating the Brain: An Odyssey. By Barry Blackwell. Foreword by Edward Shorter
Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) Which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging By Joseph Knoll
Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective
François Ferrero: Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry: Inquiry into the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis.
Johan Schioldann: History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry
Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction
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INHN Projects
Andrew Winokur (List of Publications)
Martin Alda (List of Publications)
Jay D. Amsterdam (List of Publications)
Burton Angrist (List of Publications)
Jules Angst (List of Publications)
George (Girgis) Awad (List of Publications)
Julius Axelrod by Irwin J. Kopin (mini-profile)
Frank Ayd
Hassan Azima by Antonio E. Nardi
Ross Baldessarini (List of Publications)
Thomas A. Ban (List of Publications)
Charles M. Beasley Jr (List of Publications)
Per Bech (List of Publications)
Robert H. Belmaker (List of Publications)
Frank M. Berger (List of Publications)
Frank Berger by Thomas A. Ban
Hans Berger
Barry Blackwell (Publications)
Hermann Blaschko
Charles Bradley
Philip Bradley
Bernard B. Brodie
Walter Brown (List of Publications)
William E. Bunney (List of Publications)
John Cade
Bernard Carroll (List of publications)
Marcelo Cetkovich-Bakmas
Kanellos Charalampous (List of Publications)
Louis C. Charland (List of Publications)
Guy Chouinard (List of Publications)
C. Robert Cloninger (List of Publications)
Taki Athanassios Cordas (List of Publications)
Jean Delay
Gregory Mark de Moore (List of Publications)
David Dunner (List of Publications)
Jose de Leon (List of Publications)
Joel Elkes (List of Publications)
Otniel E. Dror (List of Publications)
Lawrence Edelstein (List of Publications)
Francois Ferrero (List of Publications)
Christian Fibiger (List of Publications)
Reid Finlayson (List of Publications)
Edmundo Fischer
Olaf Fjetland (List of Publications)
Alfred M. Freedman
Toshi Furukawa (List of Publications)
Kjell Fuxe (List of Publications)
Kjell Fuxe (List of Publications (2012- 2015)
Horsley Gantt
Elliot Gershon: (List of Publications)
Samuel Gershon (List of Publications)
J. Christian Gillin By Bruno Nazar
Ira Glick (List of Publications)
Michael R. Goldberg (List of Publications)
Burton J. Goldstein (List of Publications)
Laszlo Gyermek (List ofPublications)
Jaanus Harro (List of Publications)
David Healy (List of Publications)
Hanfried Helmchen (List of Publications)
Carlos Roberto Hojaij - Some Publications
Turan M . Itil by Antonio E. Nardi
Hitoshi Itoh by Hajime Kazamatsuri
David S. Janowsky (List of Publications)
Gordon Johnson (List of Publications)
Jonathan Norman Juredini (List of Publications)
Martin M. Katz (List of Publications)
Donald F. Klein (List of Publications)
Nathan S. Kline
Paul Kielholz by Antonio E. Nardi
Joseph Knoll (List of Publications)
Fabiana L. Lopes (List of Publications)
Irwin J. Kopin (List of Publications)
John Krystal (List of Publications)
Roland Kuhn
Malcolm Lader (List of Publications)
Harbans Lal (List of Publications)
Yvon D. Lapierre (List of Publications)
Heinz E. Lehmann (List of Publications)
Heinz Edgar Lehmann
Trudo Lemmens (List of Publications)
Francisco Lopez-Munoz (List of Publications)
Peter R. Martin (List of Publications)
Laszlo J.Meduna by Antonio E. Nardi
Ildiko Miklya (List of Publications)
Julio Moizeszowicz (List of Publications)
Leslie Morey (List of Publications)
Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen (List of Publiations)
Antonio E.Nardi (List of Publications)
Dionisio Nieto Gómez
Gianpaolo Perna (List of Publication)
Eugene S. Paykel (List of Publicatins)
Rudra Prakash (List of Publications)
Janos Rado (List of Publications)
Gary Remington (List of Publications)
Peter Riederer (List of Publications)
Zoltan Rihmer (List of Publications)
Juri Saarma by Jaanus Harro
Norman Sartorius (List of Publications)
J. David Schaffer (List of Publications)
Alan Schatzberg (List of Publications)
Nina Schooler (List of Publications)
Mary V. Seeman (List of Publications)
Philip Seeman (List of Publications)
Shridhar Sharma (List of Publications)
Edward Shorter (List of Publications)
Robert C. Smith (List of Publications)
John Smythies (List of Publications)
Sydney Spector
Costas Stefanis (List of Publications)
Larry Stein (List of Publications)
Leo Sternbach
Leonardo Tondo (List of Publicatins)
Edward Trautner
Andre Barciela Veras (List of Publications)
Arcio Versiani (List of Publications)
Myrna Weissman (List of Publications)
Andrew Winokur (List of Publications)
Daniel Keith Winstead (List of Publications)
Joseph Wortis
Interviews with pioneers
Multilingual Project