Gyermek Collection

Laszlo Gyermek at the National Institute of Mental Health

Laszlo Gyermek at the National Institute of Mental Health, USA, was pasted from an e-mail of Laszlo Gyermek to Thomas A. Ban.

Laszlo Gyermek

October 8, 2015

My connections to cocaine

" My connections to cocaine" is an expansion of a part of my paper, based  on a presentation "The role of the tropane ring in drug research"  at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2005.

Resume and personal statement

Laszlo Gyermek’s Resume and Personal Statement was prepared by Laszlo Gyermek as part of his Curriculum Vitae.

Carlos Morra, May 28, 2015

The role of the tropane skeleton in drug research

This review on “The role of the Tropane skeleton in new drug research” was presented as a lecture by Dr. Laszlo Gyermek in Hungarian, on the occasion of his election as Foreign  Member of the Hungarian Academy of Medical Sciences (Division V - Medical Sciences), on September 21, 2005.