Jay D. Amsterdam: The Paroxetine 352 Bipolar Study Ethical Conduct


Samuel Gershon’s comment on collating document


        This document is a careful and detailed report on gross improprieties in the marketing and advertising of this whole series of compounds.

        This massive project illustrates the distortion of data at every level of its presentation for the purpose of marketing.  Its use at scientific meetings to aid in the promotion of sales and biases the educational process to both students and practitioners. One should add at this point that the ultimate victim of these distortions is the patient. I wish to stress the importance of Amsterdam and his colleagues in collating all this careful evidence and preparing it for a broader audience.

        Also, INHN is to be commended for undertaking the massive task of preparing this material and presenting it in a meticulous format for the readers to appreciate.

        I would like this opportunity to inform readers that materials are gradually also being presented in INHN on a serious controversy, currently ongoing, dealing with the reporting and evaluation of a “new” potential “anti-Alzheimer’s drug” and the current disputes appearing in the newspapers.
This, I guess, may become another example of the episode reported above.


September 9, 2021