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INHN 2013. Edited by Peter R. Martin
Treating the Brain: An Odyssey. By Barry Blackwell. Foreword by Edward Shorter
Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) Which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging By Joseph Knoll
Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective
François Ferrero: Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry: Inquiry into the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis.
Johan Schioldann: History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry
Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction
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INHN Projects
Barry Blackwell: The lithium controversy: A historical autopsy
Comment by Samuel Gershon
Jay D. Amsterdam and Leemon B. McHenry: The Paroxetine 352 Bipolar Study Revisited: Deconstruction of Corporate and Academic Misconduct.
Thomas A. Ban: Conflict of interest in neuropsychopharmacology
Thomas A. Ban: Development of our Vocabulary
Thomas A. Ban: Education in Biological Psychiatry – Homage to Dr. Heinz E. Lehmann
Barry Blackwell: Adumbration; A history lesson
Barry Blackwell: A Tale of Two Pioneers.
Barry Blackwell: Corporate Corruption in the Psychopharmaceutical Industry
Barry Blackwell: Corporate Corruption in the Psychopharmaceutical Industry. Revised
Barry Blackwell: The anxiety enigma
Barry Blackwell: The Baby and The Bath Water
Barry Blackwell: The lithium controversy: A historical autopsy
Comment by Paul Grof and Jules Angst
Comment by Samuel Gershon
Reply to Gershon by Blackwell
Response to Blackwell’s reply to Gershon by Paul Grof
Gordon Johnson's comment on Barry Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon's comment
Reply to Grof’s and Johnson’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s Reply to Samuel Gershon’s comment
Reply to Gordon Johnson’s comment on Barry Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon's comment by Gershon
Gordon Johnson’s response to Samuel Gershon’s reply to Johnson’s comment on Balackwell’s reply to Gershon
Barry Blackwell’s reply to Gordon Johnson’s comment on Blackwell’s reply to Samuel Gershon
Thomas A. Ban’s question re Trautner from Samuel Gershon
Samuel Gershon’s reply to Thomas A.Ban’s question re Trautner
Thomas A. Ban’s question (re: flame photometer) to Samuel Gershon
Samuel Gershon’s answer to Thomas A Ban’s question (re: flame photometer)
Thomas A. Ban’s question to Samuel Gershon (re: Charles Noack)
Samuel Gershon’s reply to Thomas A. Ban (re:Charles Noack)
Comment (Blackwell, Grof, Angst, Gershon, Blckwell) by Martin M. Katz
Barry Blackwell’s comment on the interaction between Samuel Gershon and Gordon Johnsson
Comment by Malcolm Lader
Janusz Rybakowski’s comment
Barry Blackwell’s reply to Janusz Rybakowski’s comment
Samuel Gershon’s reply to Janusz Rybakowki’s comment
Thomas A. Ban’s comment on John Cade
Gordon Johnson’s reply ro Barry Blackwell re Cade
Barry Blackwell’s response to Gordon Johnson’s reply re Cade
Comment by Hector Warnes
Reply to Hector Warnes’ comment by Barry Blackwell
Hector Warnes' response to Barry Blackwell's reply
Barry Blackwell’s response to Hector Warnes' response
Hector Warnes respons to Barry Blackwell’s response
Barry Blackwell’s reply to Hector Warnes' response
Hector Warnes' response to Barry Blackwell's reply - 3
Barry Blackwell’s response to Hector Warnes response 4
Hector Warnes’ response to Barry Blackwell’s response - 4
Barry Blackwell’s reply to Hector Warnes’ response - 5
Samuel Gershon’s question to Hector Warnes
Hector Warnes' reply to Samuel Gershon's question
Samuel Gershon's response to Hector Warnes' reply
Barry Blackwell review, Bessel Van Der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. New York, New York: Viking, 2014; 464 pages.
Pierre Baumann and Francois Ferrero: An official inqury of the clinical research activities (1946-1972) of Roland Kuhn (1912-2005)
John Court: A note on the history of Anorexia Nervosa
James Coyne: Is Moncrieff’s Chemical Imbalance Paper a Decent Systematic Umbrella Review?
Loss, Grief, and Betrayal: Psychiatric Survivors Reflect on the Impact of New Serotonin Study, James Coyne
Paul Devenyi: Addictions are not treatable diseases
Paul Devenyi: Pharmacotherapy of addictions
Camille Drach Hojaij: Stein and Empathic Fulfilment.
François Ferrero: Inquiry of the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis
Max Fink: Reconceptualization of Catatonia.
Ernst J. Franzek: From the dichotomy to a three-part grouping of endogenous psychoses
Samuel Gershon: Brintellix - votioxetine
Samuel Gershon: Device for naltrexone delivery
Samuel Gershon: Ketamine, the “new” breakthrough in the treatment of depression
Samuel Gershon: The emergence of “new” drugs in recent years.
Samuel Gershon: The Tacrine paradigm.
Samuel Gershon: The trazodone cntrovery and its potential fatal consequences
Ken Gillman: Medical science publishing: A slow-motion train wreck
David Healy: Do Randomized Controlled Trials Add to or Subtract from Clinical Knowledge?
David Healy: The shipwreck of the singular
Hanfried Helmchen: The role of psychopharmacotherapy in the early development of social psychiatry in Germany
Carlos R. Hojaij: A Psychopathological Marker For Biological Psychiatry: The Point of No Return and the “Something New" *
Carlos R. Hojaij: “DSM-5: The Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis” or Continuing the Psychiatry DiSMantlement
Carlos R. Hojaij: Psychiatry and Medicine
Carlos R. Hojaij: Towards a Psychiatric Biology
David Janowsky: Cholinergic muscarinic mechanisms in depression and mania
Daniel Kanofsky and Mary E. Woesner: A Fresh Air Approach to COVID-19.
Coyne project, by Mark Kramer.
Martin M. Katz: Component-Specific vs. Diagnosis-Specific Clinical Trial in Depression
Martin M. Katz: Multivantaged vs. conventional assessment method
Martin M. Katz: Onset of clinical action of antidepressants
Martin M. Katz: The need and rationale for shortenng the clinical trial for antidepressants
Donald F. Klein, Max Fink, Edward Shorter and Thomas A. Ban: Comment exchange on Flagrant Catatonic Behavior.
Joseph Knoll: Controversies on selegiline/(-)-deprenyl’s pharmacological spectrum after more than 50 years of its development
Magda Malewska-Kasprzak, Agnieszka Permoda-Osip, Janusz Rybakowski:Disturbances of the purinergic system in affective disorders and schizophrenia
Trudo Lemmens. “Medical Assistance in Dying” (Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide) in Canada: A Case Raises Questions About Its Use in Patients with Disability and Mental Illness.
Amy S. F. Lutz: The Rise and Fall of the Dexamethasone Suppression Test: Stability, Consensus, Closure.
Gin S. Malhi: A critical analysis of concepts in psychiatry
Antonio E. Nardi, Richard Balon, Guy Chouinard, Fiammetta Cosci, Steven Dubovsky, Giovanni A. Fava, Rafael C. Freire, David J. Greenblatt, John H. Krystal, Karl Rickels, Thomas Roth, Carl Salzman, Richard I. Shader, Edward K. Silberman, Nicoletta Sonino,
János Radó: Renal Toxicity of Lithium in Historical Perspective with Special Reference To Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus and its Treatment
Janos Radó: Desmopressin may counteract polyuria in lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Review of the literature
Shridhar Sharma: Insulin coma treatment: Facts and controversies
Edward Shorter: The Q-T interval and the Mellaril story - a cautionary tale
Leonardo Tondo: Brief History of Suicide in Western Cultures
Hector Warnes: The gut-brain axis
Hector Warnes: Pyridoxine in the treatment of lithium-induced tremor.
Multilingual Project