Thomas A. Ban: The Ewen Cameron Story


Barry Blackwell: Science and the Machiavelli síndrome

Hector Warnes’ response to Barry Blackwell’s reply


       The hypothesis put forward that Cameron  was driven by a kind of Machiavellism must be further explored in the light of the many kinds of well studied leadership that has expanded the limits of science but often at a cost. I found the whole public trial too judgemental, one-sided and derisive because of the enormity of theories damning just one man.

       Among scientists who broke ground there were those risk-taking versus those risk avoidance. The issue of deception or unethical conduct requires a complete survey of all sides of the issues or facts at hand to know the truth and unveil it in its totality however painful it is. I would add that the Moirai has an allotment of fate for each of us no matter how virtuous we think we are (Areté versus Hamartia). I have never seen aspects of sociopathy, psychopathy or even manipulative personality in Cameron's indictment.

       He was a most accomplished academician, clinician and researcher. I do not understand why his family did not stand up to clear his name from opprobrium. I read many outstanding social and personal traits published in defense of Gottlieb. This raises the issue of being and seeming, make-believe or paraitre. I have not seen the issue of authenticity or the issue of trust in the doctor-patient relationship. Perhaps the ambiguity or uncertainty of the outcome of the proposed treatment were not clearly explained to the family or the patient. I also doubt that 100% of the patients who were treated by Cameron had an unfortunate or calamitous outcome.


July 22, 2021