Samuel Gershon: Lithium history


Samuel Gershon’s reply to Janusz Rybakowski’s additional comments


        I have read Janusz Rybakowski’s additional information that he has collected from other books on Cade and films presented in Australia. All this material has been produced as supporting the unique discovery of lithium’s possible utility for manic excitement. He presents ideas on how Cade’s work could have a meaningful link to uric acid diatheses and purinergic mechanisms. He also adds in support that Cade may not have known of the Lange’s work because it was in Danish.

        Rybakowski goes onto to comment on the several other books that have been published in support of Cade’s discovery.  The views he presents in his glowing account have some critical questions on Cade’s experimental work presented by Professor Johann Schioldann, who is Danish and has translated several of the Lange’s contributions into English. Schioldann’s book is entitled History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry, a book of about 400 pages.


August 27, 2020