León S. Morra: List of Essential Publications

            We are preparing a chronological list of essential publications and we are inviting you to participate in the creation of this list as contributor, advisor or co-author of the final list that will be presented by INHN Education in the form of an E-Book.

To provide orientation points for preparing such a list, Tom Ban extracted 330 publications (shortlist), from the over 1500 publications he listed in chronology as an Appendix to volume 10 of ACNP’s An Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology (see “short list” below).  

To become a “contributor” to INHN’s List of Essential Publications, you will be expected to suggest 10 or more publications for consideration to be entered on the “short list” and to become an “advisor” you will be expected to suggest 10 or more publications for consideration to be entered on and 10 or more publications for consideration to be deleted from the “short list”. To become “co-editor” of the E-Book, you will be expected to participate in addition in the creation of the final product.

Regardless of whether your suggestions to add or delete from the “short list” will be accepted, your suggestions will be posted in your Collection in Archives.  

Chronological List of Publications

Short List

1.      Sertűrner FW. Darstellung der reinen Mohnsäure (Opiumsäure) nebst einer Chemischen Untersuchung des Opiums mit vorzűglicher Hinsicht auf einen darin neu entdecten Stoff und dahin gehörigen Bemerkungen. Journal der Pharmacie fűr Ärzten und Apotheken (Leipzig) 1806; 14: 47–93.

2.      Liebig J. Über die Verbindungen welche durch die Einwirkung des Chlors auf Alcohol, Aether, Oilbildendes Gas und Effiggeist Entstehen. Liebigs Annalen der Pharmazie 1832; 1: 182–230.

3.      Moreau de Tours J. Du Hachich et de L’Aliénation Mentale. Etudes Psychologiques. Paris: Fortin & Masson; 1845.

4.       Bernard C. Introduction a l’étude de la médicine expérimentale. Paris: Baillière; 1865.

5.      Liebreich MEP. Das Chloralhydrate, ein neues Hypnoticum und Anaestheticum, und dessen Anwendung in die Medizin. Eine Arzneimittel-Untersuchung. Berlin: Müller; 1869.

6.      Wernicke C. Die acute hemorrhagische Poliencephalitis superior. In: Wernicke C. Lehrbuch der Gehirnkrankheiten fűr Ärzte und Studierende. Bd II. Kassel: Fischer; 1881. p. 1176-8.

7.      Cervello V. Über die Physiologische Wirkung des Paraldehyds und Beiträge zu den Studien über das Chloralhydrate. Arch Exp Path Pharmacol 1882; 16: 265–90.

8.      Freud S. Über Coca. Centralblatt fűr die ges Therapie 1884; 2: 289-314.

9.      Lange C. Om Periodiske Depressionstilstande ofderes Patogenese. Copenhagen: Jacob Lunds Forlag; 1886.

10.  Edeleano L. Ueber einige Derivate der Phenylmethacrylsäure und der Phenylbuttersäure. Berl Deutsch Chem Ges 1887; 20: 616-22.

11.  Korsakoff SS. Disturbances of psychic functions in alcoholic paralysis in relation to the disturbances of the psychic structure in multiple neuritis of non-alcoholic in origin.  Vestnik klinicheskoi i sudebnoi psikhiatrii i nevropatologii (St. Petersburg) 1887; 4: 1-102. (In Russian).

12.  Kraepelin E. Über die Beeinflussung einfacher psychischer Vorgänge durch einige Arzneimittel. Jena: Fischer; 1892.

13.  Fischer E, Mering von J. Über eine neue Klasse von Schlafmittels. Ther Ggw 1903; 44: 97–101.

14.  Bonhoeffer K. Zur Frage der exogenen Psychosen. Neur Zlb 1909; 32: 499-505.

15.  Knauer A, Maloney WM. Psychic action of mescaline.  J Nerv Ment Dis  1913; 40: 425-40..

16.  Alles GA. The comparative physiological action of phenylethanolamine. J Pharmacol 1927; 32: 121–33.

17.  Beringer K. Mescaline Intoxication. Berlin: Springer; 1927.

18.  Lewin L. Phantastica: Narcotic and Stimulating Drugs. Their Use and Abuse. London: Routledge; 1931.

19.  Fölling A. Phenylketonuria. Nord med Tdsk 1934; 8: 1054-8.

20.  Noteboom L. Experimental catatonia by means of derivatives of mescaline and adrenaline. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1934; 37: 562–3.

21.  Gantt WH. Effect of alcohol on cortical and subcortical activity measured by the conditional reflex method.  Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp 1935; 56: 61–83.66

22.  Prinzmetal M, Blumberg W. The use of Benzedrine in the treatment of narcolepsy. JAMA 1935; 105: 2051–3.

23.  Thorner NW. Psychopharmacolgy of sodium amytal. I. Catatonia. J Nerv Ment Dis 1935; 82: 299–303.66.

24.  Blaschko H, Richter D, Schlossman H. The oxidation of adrenaline and other amines. Biochem J 1937; 31: 2187-96.

25.  Bradley CB. The behavior of children receiving Benzedrine. Am J Psychiatry 1937; 94; 577-80.

26.  Elvehjem CA, Madden RJ, Strong FM, Woolley DW. The isolation and the identification of the anti-blacktongue factor. J Biol Chem 1937; 123: 137–49.

27.  Fouts PJ, Helmer OM, Lepkovsky YS, Jukes TH. Treatment of human pellagra with nicotinic acid. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1937; 37: 405–7.

28.  Stedman E, Stedman F. Mechanism of biological synthesis of acetylcholine: isolation of acetylcholine produced by brain tissue in vitro. Biochem J 1937; 31: 817-20.

29.  Zeller EA. Über den enzymatischen Abbau von Histamin und Diaminen. Helvetia Chem Acta 1938; 21: 881-90.

30.  Bender L, Cottington F. The use of amphetamine sulfate (Benzedrine) in child psychiatry. Amer J Psychiatry 1942; 99: 116-21.

31.   Stokes JH, Sternberg TH, Schwartz WH, Mahoney JF, Moore JE, Wood WB. The action of penicillin in late syphilis including neurosyphilis. JAMA 1944; 126: 73–9.

32.  Von Euler US. A specific sympathomimetic ergone in adrenergic nerve fibers (sympathin) and its relation to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Acta Physiol Scand 1946; 12: 73.

33.  De Wardener HE, Lennox B. Cerebral beriberi (Wernicke’s encephalopathy): review of 52 cases in Singapore prisoner-of-war hospital. Lancet 1947; 1: 11–7.

34.  Stoll WA. Lysergic acid diethylamide, a “phantasticum” derived from the ergot group of drugs. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiat 1947; 60:279-80.

35.  Walker CF, Kirkpatrick BB. Dilantin treatment of behavior problem in children with abnormal EEGs.  Amer J Psychiatry 1947; 103: 484-92. 

36.  Hald J, Jacobsen E, Larsen V. The formation of acetaldehyde in the organism after the ingestion of Antabuse (tetraethylthiuram disulphide) and alcohol. Acta Pharmacol et Toxicol 1948; 4: 285-311.

37.  Kety SS, Schmidt C. The nitrous oxide method for quantitative determination of cerebral blood flow in man: theory, procedure and normal values. J Clin Invest 1948; 27: 475–83.

38.  Kety SS, Woodford RB, Harmel MH, Freyhan F, Appel K, Schmidt C. Cerebral blood flow and metabolism in schizophrenia.The effects of barbiturates, semi-narcosis, insulin coma and electroshock. Am J Psychiatry 1948; 104: 765–70.

39.  Cade J. Lithium salts in the treatment of psychotic excitement.  Med J Aust. 1949; 2; 349-52. Dent JY. Apomorphine treatment of addiction. British Journal of Alcohol and Other Drugs 1949; 46: 15-28.

40.  Jacobsen E, Martensen-Larsen MD. Treatment of alcoholism with tetraethylthiuram disulphide. JAMA 1949: 134: 918-22.

41.  Awapara J, Landua AJ, Fuerst R, Seale B. Free γ-aminobutyric acid in brain. J Biol Chemistry 1950; 187: 35-9..

42.  Mayer-Gross W. Experimental psychosis and other mental abnormalities produced by drugs. Brit Med J 1951; 57: 317-21.

43.   Noack CH, Treutner EM. The lithium treatment of maniacal psychosis. Med J Aust 1951; 38: 219-22.

44.  Pasamanick B. Anticonvulsant drug therapy of behavior problem children with abnormal electroencephalogram.  AMA Arch Neurol & Psychiat 1951; 65: 752-66.

45.  Delay J, Deniker P. Le traitment des psychoses par une méthode neurolytique dérivée de l’hibernothérapie; le 4560 RP utilisée seul en cure prolongée et continué. CR Congr Méd Alién Neurol (France) 1952; 50: 497–502.

46.  Delay J, Deniker P. 38 cas de psychoses traitèes par la cure prolongée et continué de 4560 RP. CR Congr Méd Alién Neurol (France) 1952; 50: 503–13.

47.  Delay J, Deniker P. Réactions biologiques observées au cours du traitement par l’chlorhydrate de deméthylaminopropyl-N-chlorophénothiazine. CR Congr Méd Alién Neurol (France) 1952; 50: 514–8.

48.  Erspamer V, Asero B. Identification of enteramine, specific hormone of enterochromaffin cells as 5-hydroxtryptamine. Nature 1952; 169: 800-1.

49.  Flaherty JA. The psychiatric use of isonicotinic acid hydrazide: a case report. Del Med J 1952; 24: 298–300.

50.  Laborit H, Huguenard P, Alluaume R. Un nouveau stabilisateur végétatif (le 4560 RP). Presse Méd 1952; 60: 206–8.

51.  Műller JM, Schlittler E, Bein HJ. Reserpin der sedative wirkstoff aus Rauwolfia serpentine Benth. Experientia 1952; 8: 338–9.

52.  Selikoff IJ, Robitzek FH, Orenstein GG. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with hydrazine derivatives of isonicotinic acid. JAMA 1952; 150: 973–80.

53.  Zeller EA, Barsky JR, Fouts W, Kirchheimer WP, Van Orden LS. Influence of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) and 1-isonicotinyl-2-isopropyl hydrazide (IIH) on bacterial and mammalian enzymes. Experientia 1952; 8: 349–50

54.  .Bradley PB, Elkes J. The action of amphetamine  and D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) on the electrical activity of the brain of the conscious cat. J Physiol (London) 1953; 120: 13–4.

55.  Delay J, Laine R, Buisson JF. Anxiety and depressive states treated with 1-isonicotinylhydrazide (isoniazid). Arch Neurol Psychiat 1953; 70: 317-24.

56.  Flűgel F. Neue klinische Beobachtungen zur Wirkung des Phenothiazinkorpere Megaphen auf psychische Krankheitsbilder. Medizinische Klinik 1953; 48; 1027-9.

57.  Fox HH, Gibbas JT. Synthetic tuberculostats.  VII. Monoalkyl derivatives of isonicotinylhydrazine J Org Chem 1953; 18: 992-1002.

58.  Gaddum JH. Antagonism between lysergic acid diethylamide and 5-hydrxytryptophan. J Physiol (London) 1953; 121: 15-8.

59.  Salter HM, Lurie ML. Anxiety and depressive states treated with isonicotinyl hydrazide (isoniazid). Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1953; 70: 317–24.

60.  Seevers MH, Woods LA. The phenomena of tolerance. Am J Med 1953; 5: 546-57.

61.  Twarog BM, Page IH. Serotonin content of some mammalian tissues and urine and a method for its determination.  Am J Physiol 1953; 175: 157-61.

62.  Zeller G. Substance P in the central nervous system. Naturwissenschaften 1953; 40: 559-60.

63.  Amin AH, Crawford TB, Gaddum JH The distribution of substance P and 5- hydroxytryptamine in the central nervous system of the dog.  J Physiol 1954; 126: 596-618.

64.   Bente D, Itil TM. Zur Wirkung des Phenothiazin Körpers Megaphen und das menschliche Hirnstrombild.  Arzneimittel Forschung 1954; 4: 418-23.

65.  Berger FM. The pharmacodynamic properties of 2-methyl-2-n-1, 3 popanediol dicarbamate (Miltown), a new interneuronal blocking agent. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1954; 112: 413-23.

66.  Bradley PB, Elkes J. The effects of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain. Brain.  1954; 80: 77; 117-20.

67.  Delay J, Deniker P, Tardieu Y, Lemperière Th. Premiers essais en thérapeutique psychiatrique de la réserpine, alcaloide nouveau de la Rauwolfia Serpentina. CR Congr Méd Alién Neurol (France) 1954; 52: 836-41.

68.  Freis ED. Mental depression in hypertensive patients treated for long periods with large doses of reserpine. N Engl J Med 1954; 251: 1006-8.

69.  Gaddum JH, Hamead KA. Drugs which antagonize 5-hydroxytryptamine. Br J Phramacol 1954; 9: 240-8.

70.  Kline NS. Use of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth in neuropsychiatric conditions. Ann NY Acad Sci 1954; 59: 107-32.

71.  Lehmann HE, Hanrahan GE. Chlorpromazine, new inhibiting agent for psychomotor excitement and manic states. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1954; 71: 227-37.

72.  Schou M, Juel-Nielsen N, Strömgren E, Voldby H. The treatment of manic psychosis by the administration of lithium salts. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1954; 17: 250-60. 

73.  Steck H. Le syndrome extrapyramidal et diencéphalique au cours des traitements au Largactil et au Serpasil. Ann Med Psychol 1954; 112: 737-43.

74.   Vogt M. Concentration of sympathin in different parts of central nervous system under normal conditions and after administration of drugs. J Physiol 1954; 123: 451-81.

75.  Woolley DW, Shaw E. A biochemical and pharmacological suggestion about certain mental disorders. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1954; 40: 238-41

76.  Arnold OH, Hofmann G. Untersuchungen űber Bernsteinsäuere effekte bei LSD-25-Vergiftungen und Schizophrenia. Wien Z Nervenheilk 1955; 11: 92-3.

77.   Bowman RL, Caulfield PA, Udenfriend S. Spectrophotometric assay in the visible and ultraviolet. Science 1955; 122: 32-3.

78.  Brodie BB, Axelrod J, Cooper JR, Gillette L,  LaDu BN, Mitoma C, Udenfriend S. Detoxication of drugs and other  compounds by liver microsomes. Science 1955; 121: 603-4.

79.  Davies DL, Shepherd M. Reserpine in the treatment of anxious and depressed patients. Lancet 1955; 2: 117-20.

80.  Foster W, Schultz S, Henderson A. Combined hydrogenated alkaloids of ergot in senile and arteriosclerotic psychoses.  Geriatrics 1955; 10: 26-30.

81.  Hollister E. Combined hydrogenated alkaloids of ergot in mental and nervous disorders associated with old age. Dis Nerv Syst 1955; 16: 1-4.

82.  Hollister LE, Krieger GE, Kringel A, Roberts RH. Treatment of schizophrenic reactions with reserpine. NY Acad Sci 1955; 61: 92-100.

83.   Lasagna L. The controlled clinical trial. Theory and Practice 1955; 1: 353-67.

84.  Lombard JP, Gilbert JG, Donofrio AF. The effect of glutamic acid upon the intelligence, social maturity and adjustment of a group of mentally retarded children.  Amer J Ment Def 1955; 60: 122-32.

85.  Pletscher A, Shore PA, Brodie BB. Serotonin release as a possible mechanism of serotonin action. Science 1955; 122: 374-5

86.  Salzer HM, Lurie ML. Depressive states treated with isonicotinyl hydrazide (isoniazid). Ohio State Med J 1955; 51:437–41.

87.  Woolf LL, Griffiths R, Moncrieff A. Treatment of phenylketonuria with a diet low in phenylalanine. Brit med J 1955; 7: 57-64.

88.  Zahn L. Erfahrungen mit einem zentralen Stimulans (Ritalin) bei cerebralen Altersveränderungen. Berl Gesundheitsblatt 1955; 6: 419-20.

89.  Besendorf H, Pletscher A. Beeinflussung zentraler Wirkungen von Reserpin und 5-Hydroxytryptamin durch Isonikotinsäurehydrazide. Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta 1956; 14: 383-90.

90.  Brady JV. Assessment of drug effects on emotional behavior. Science 1956; 123: 1033-4.

91.  Brodie BB, Shore PA, Pletscher A. Limitation of serotonin releasing activity to those alkaloids possessing tranquilizing action. Science 1956; 123: 992-3.

92.  de Boor W. Psychopharmakologie und Psychopathologie. Berlin: Springer; 1956. p. 1-291.

93.  Gershon S, Trautner EM. Treatment of shock dependency by pharmacological agents. Med J Aust 1956; 43: 783-7.

94.  Gyermek L, Lázár GT, Csák Zs. The antiserotonin action of chlorpromazine and some other phenothiazine derivatives.  Arch Int Pharacodyn 1956; 107: 62-74.

95.  Holzbauer M, Vogt M. Depression by reserpine of the noradrenaline concentration in the hypothalamus of the rat. J Neurochem 1956; 1: 8-11

96.   Lyttle GG. Apomorphine treatment of alcoholism. Brit Med J 1956; 2: 1056-7.

97.   Olds J, Killam KF, Bachy-Rita F. Self-stimulation of the brain used as a screening method for tranquilizing drugs. Science; 1956; 124: 265-6.

98.   Pletscher A. Beeinflussung des 5-Hydroxytryptamin-stoffwechsels im Gehirn durch Isonikotinsäurehydrazide. Experientia 1956; 12: 479–80.

99.   Pletscher A, Shore PA, Brodie BB. Serotonin as a modulator of reserpine action in brain. J Pharmacol Exper Ther 1956; 116: 84-9.

100.Szára S. Dimethyltryptamine: its metabolism in man; the relation of its psychotic effect to serotonin metabolism. Experientia 1956; 12: 441-2.

101.Arnold OH, Hofmann G. Zur Psychopathologie des Dimethyltryptamin. Wien Z Nervenheilk 1957; 13: 438-45.

102.Bradley PB, Elkes J. The effects of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain. Brain 1957; 80: 77-117.

103.Brill H, Patton RE. Analysis of 1955-56 population fall in New York State Mental Hospitals in the first year of large-scale use of tranquilizing drugs. Am J Psychiatry 1957; 114: 509 – 17.

104.Cook L, Wesley E. Behavioral effects of some psychopharmacological agents. Ann NY Acad` Sci 1957; 66:740–52.

105.Crane GE. Iproniazid (Marsilid) phosphate a therapeutic agent for mental disorders. Psychiatr Res Reports 1957; 8: 142-54. .

106.Gaddum JH. Serotonin-LSD interaction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1957; 66: 643-8.

107.Gerard RW. Drugs for the soul; the rise of psychopharmacology. Science 1957; 125: 201-3

108. Kuhn R. Über die Behandlung depressives Zustande mit einem iminodibenzyl-derivat (G22355). Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1957; 87: 1135-40.

109.Loomer HP, Sanders JC, Kline NS. A clinical and pharmacodynamic evaluation of iproniazid as a psychic energizer. Psychiatr Res Rep Am Psychiatr Assoc 1957; 8: 129-41.

110.Montagu KA. Catechol compounds in rat tissues and in brains of different animals. Nature 1957; 180: 240-1.

111.Pletscher A. Release of 5-hydroxytryptamine by benzoquinolizine derivatives with sedative action. Science 1957; 126: 507-8.

112.Wikler A. The Relation of Psychiatry to Pharmacology. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1957.

113.Bradley PB. The.central action of certain drugs in relation to the reticular formation of the brain. In: Jasper HH, Proctor LD, Knighton RS, Noshay WC, Costello RT, editors. Reticular Formation of the Brain. Boston: Little Brown & Company; 1958. p. 123–49.

114.Bradley PB, Key BJ. The effect of drugs on arousal responses` produced by electrical stimulation of the reticular formation of the brain. Electroencephalog Clin Neurophysiol 1958; 10: 97-110.

115.Bradley PB, Mollica A. The effect of adrenaline and acetylcholine on single unit activity in the reticular formation of the decerebrate cat. Arch Ital Biol 1958; 96: 168–86.

116.Brodie BB, Maickel RP. Termination of drug metabolism.  Federation Proceedings 1958; 17: 1163-4.

117.Carlsson A, Lindquist M, Magnusson T, Waldeck B. On the presence of 3-hydroxytyramine in brain. Science 1958; 127: 471-2.

118. Connell PH. Amphetamine Psychoses. London: Chapman and Hall; 1958.

119.Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H. Psilocybin, ein psychotroper Wirkstuff aus dem mexikanischen Rauchpilz Psilocybe Mexicana  Heim. Experientia 1958; 14: 107-9.

120.Lehmann HE, Cahn CH, deVerteuil R. Treatment of depressive conditions with imipramine (G-22355). Can Psychiatr Assoc J 1958; 3: 155-64.

121.Olds J, Olds ME. Positive reinforcement produced by stimulating hypothalamus with iproniazid  and other compoudns. Science  1958; 127: 1175

122.Axelrod J. The metabolism of catecholamines in vivo and in vitro. Pharmacol Rev 1959; 11: 402-8.

123.Bertler A, Rosengren E.  Occurrence and distribution of dopamine in brain and other tissues.  Experientia 1959; 15: 10-1.

124. Brady JV. Comparative psychopharmacology: animal experimental studies on the effects of drugs on behavior. In: Cole JO, Gerard RW, editors. Psychopharmacology Problems in Evaluation. Washington: National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council; 1959. p. 46-63. 

125. Domenjoz R, Theobald W. Zur Pharmacolgie des Tofranil. Arch Int Pharmacodyn 1959; 120: 450-89.

126.Fink M. EEG and behavioral effects of psychopharmacological agents. In: Bradley PB, Deniker P, RadoucoThomas C, editors. Neuropsychopharmacology. Proceedings of the First International Congress of Neuropharmacology. Amsterdam/London: Elsevier Publishing Company; 1959. p. 442-6.

127.Freyhan F. Selection of patients from the clinical point of view. In: Cole JO, Gerard RW, editors.  Psychopharmacology. Problems in Evaluation. Washington: National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council; 1959. p. 372-89.

128.Kral VA, Wigdor BT. Androgen effect on senescent memory function. Geriatrics 1959; 14: 450-6.

129.Lambert P, Perrin J, Revol L, Achaintre A, Balvet P, Beaujard M, Berthier C, Broussolle P, Requet A. Essai de classificationd’apres`leurs activités psychpoharmacologiques et cliniques. In: Bradley PB, Deniker P, Radouco-Thomas C, editors. Neuropsychopharmacology. Amsterdam/London/New York/Princeton: Elsevier Publishing Company; 1959. p. 619-24.

130.Luby ED, Cohen BD, Rosenbaum G, Gottlieb JS, Kelley R.  Study of a new schziophrenomimetic drug - Sernyl. AMA Arch Neurol Psychiat 1959; 81: 363-9.

131.Meduna LJ, Abood LG. Studies of a new drug (Ditran) in depressive states. J Neuropsychiat 1959; 1: 20-22.

132.Pare CMB, Sandler M A clinical and biochemical study of a trial of iproniazid in the treatment of depression. J  Nerol Neurosurg Psychiat  1959;  22: 247-51.

133.West ED, Dally PJ. Effects of iproniazid in depressive syndromes. Br Med J  1959; 1: 1491-99.

134.Zimmerman HJ, Rosenblum L, Korn J, Feldman PE. Some preliminary clinical and biochemical aspect of liver function in patients receiving iproniazid. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1959; 80: 915-27.

135.Aschcroft GW, Sharman DF. 5-Hydroxyindoles in human cerebrospinal fluid.  Nature 1960; 186: 1050-1.

136.Ayd FJ. Amitriptyline (Elavil) therapy of depressive reactions. Psychsomatics 1960; 1: 320–5.

137.Costa E, Garattini S, Valzelli L. Interaction between reserpine, chlorpromazine and imipramine. Experientia 1960; 15: 461-3.

138.Gershon S, Olariu J. JB-329, a new psychotomimetic, its antagonism by tetrahydro-aminoacridane and its comparison with LSD, mescaline, and Sernyl. J Neuropsychiatry 1960; 1: 283–9.

139.Gershon S, Yuwiler A. Lithium ion: A specific psychopharmacological approach to the treatment of mania. J Neuropsychiat 1960; 1: 229–41.

140.Gyermek L, Posemanto C. Potentiation of 5-hydroxytryptamine by imipramine. Medicina Exper 1960; 3: 225-9.

141.Hollister LE, Glazener FS. Withdrawal reactions  from meprobamate alone and combined with promazine: A controlled study. Psychopharmacologia 1960; 1: 336-41.

142.Adler MW. Changes in sensitivity to amphetamine in rats with chronic brain lesions. The Journal of Pharmacology 1961;134: 214-21

143.Axelrod J, Whitby LB, Hertting G. Effect of psychotropic drugs on the uptake of 3H- norepinephrine by tissues. Science 1961; 133: 383-4.

144.Ban TA, Lohrenz JJ, Lehmann HE. Observations on the action of Sernyl - A new psychotropic drug. Can Psychiat Assoc J 1961; 6: 150-7.

145.Brodie BB, Dick P, Kielholz P, Pöldinger W, Theobald W. Preliminary pharmacological and clinical  results with desmethylimipramine (DMI) G 35020, a metabolite of Tofranil. Psychopharmacologia 1961; 19: 46-74.

146.Freyhan F. The influence of specific and non-specific factors on the clinical effects of psychotropic drugs. In: Rothlin E, editor. Neuropsychopharmacology.. Amsterdam/London/New York/Princeton: Elsevier Publishing Company; 1961. p. 189-203

147.Gilette JR, Dingell JV, Sulser F, Kuntzman R, Brodie BB. Isolation from rat brain of a metabolic product desmethylmipramine (DM) G35020, a metabolite of imipramine. Psychopharmacologia 1961; 19: 467-74.

148.Hertting G, Axelrod J, Whitby LC. Effect of drugs on the uptake and metabolism  of [3H] norepinephrine. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1961; 134: 146-53

149.Hertting G, Axelrod J, Kopin IJ, Whitby LG. Lack of uptake of catecholamines after  denervation of sympathetic nerves. Nature 1961; 189: 66-7.

150.Hollister LE, Montzenbecker PP, Degan RO. Withdrawal reaction from chlordiazepoxide (Librium). Psychopharmacologia 1961; 2: 63-8.

151.Holmberg G, Gershon S. Autonomic and psychic effects of yohimbine hydrochloride 1961; 2: 93-106

152.Itil TM. Elektroenzephalographische Befunde zur Klassifikation neuro- und thymoleptischer  Medikamente. Med Exp 1961; 5: 347-63.

153.Selbach H. Über die vegetative Dynamik in der psychiatrischen Pharmkotherapie. Dtsch med Wschr 1961; 12: 511-7.

154.  Dingell JV, Sulser F, Gillette JR. Metabolism of imipramine  in rats and rabbits. Fed Proc 1962; 21: 184-5.

155.Falck B, Hillarp N-Ǻ, Thieme G, Torp A. Fluorescence of catecholamines and related compounds condensed with formaldehyde. J Histochem Cytochem 1962; 10: 348-54.

156.Gibbons JL, McHugh PR. Plasma cortisol in depressive illness.  J Psychiatr Res 1962; 1: 162-71.

157.Kalow W. Pharmacogenetics - Heredity and Response to Drugs. Philadelphia: Sanders; 1962. p.1-

158.Killam KF. Drug action on the brain stem reticular formation. Pharmacol Rev 1962; 14: 175-223.

159.Klein DF, Fink M. Psychiatric reaction patterns to impramine. Am J Psychiatry 1962; 119: 432-8.

160.Leuner H. Die Experimentelle Psychose, Ihre Pharmakologie, Phenomenologie und Dynamik in Beziehung zur Person. Berlin: Springer; 1962.

161. Overall JE, Gorham DR. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Psychol Rep 1962; 10: 799-812.

162.Prange AJ Jr, Lipton MA. Enhancement of imipramine mortality in hyperthyroid mice. Nature. 1962; 196: 588-9.

163.   Sargant W, Dally PJ. Treatment of anxiety states by antidepressant drugs. Br Med.J 1962; 1: 609.

164. Blackwell B. Hypertensive crisis due to MAOI. Lancet 1963; 2: 849-51.

165.Carlsson A, Lindqvist M.  Effect of chlorpromazine and haloperidol on formation of 3-methoxytyramine and normetanephrine in mouse brain.  Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 1963; 20: 140-4.

166.Coppen A, Shaw DM, Farrell JP. Potentiation of the antidepressant effect of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor by tryptophan. Lancet  1963; 1: 79-81. 

167.Kelly HR, Fay JE, Laverty SG. Thioridazine hydrochloride (Mellaril): the effect on the electrocardiogram and a report on two fatalities with electrocardiographic abnormalities. J Can Med Assoc 1963; 89: 546-7.

168.Pare CMB.  Potentiation of monoamine oxidase inhibitors by tryptophan. Lancet 1963; 2: 527-8.

169.Prange AJ Jr, Lipton MA, Love GN. Diminution of imipramine mortality in hypothyroid mice. Nature. 1963; 197: 1212–3.

170.Anden NE, Carlsson A, Dahlström A, Fuxe K, Hillarp N-Ǻ. Demonstration and mapping of nigro-neostriatal dopamine neurons. Life Sciences 1964; 2: 623-30

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León S. Morra

October 6, 2016